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  2. Department of agribusiness and logistics
buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Kafedra mudiri


Kafedra mudiri_ (fan nomzodi yoki ilmiy unvonga ega)

Yashil iqtisodiyot va agrobiznes kafedrasi



Department of agribusiness and logistics


About the department
The department "Agribusiness and Logistics" was created on the basis of the department "Economics" on the basis of the decision No. 1 of the Academic Council of the Bukhara State University dated August 30, 2022.
Anvar Umarovich Sherov has been temporarily appointed head of the Agribusiness and Logistics department. In total, 9 teachers work at the department. 8 of them work in the main state, 1 on the deputy. 3 (37.5%) of the core staff faculty have a degree, and 5 (72.5%) of the staff do not have a degree.
Directions and specializations taught by professors and teachers of the department (at the undergraduate and graduate levels)
Bachelor degree
60411700 - Logistics (by directions)
60412400 - Agribusiness and investment activities
Master's degree
International cooperation of the department.
Bukhara State University participates in the international TALENT grant based on the ERASMUS+ project. Lecturer of the department "Agribusiness and Logistics" A. Sherov is one of the executors of this grant. Within the framework of the grant program, he actively participates in the development of a master's program and curricula in the specialty "Human Resource Management". This international project will last from 2019 to 2022, and upon completion of the work, the initial required documents for opening a master's degree in human resource management will be prepared.
Project participants:
Tashkent International Westminster University
Project cost 95,000 euros
16.5 thousand euros for fixed assets
Juraev A.T., BukhSU project coordinator.
Address of the department: Bukhara, M. Iqbal street, house 11, building 2, 5th floor. Room 513
Projects within the framework of the Erasmus+ program
About the project "New master's programs on sustainable bioeconomy in Uzbekistan" (BioEcUz)
Project period: 15.01.2021 - 14.01.2024
Project size: 897.2 mln. euros, including 487.7 thousand euros for the Uzbek side
Project participants:
1.Latvian University of Natural Sciences and Technologies (Latvia) - coordinator;
2.Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania);
3.JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Finland);
4.Bukhara State University;
5.Tashkent State Agrarian University;
6."Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" National Research University;
7. Samarkand branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University.