Kafedra mudiri_ (fan nomzodi yoki ilmiy unvonga ega)
Tasviriy va amaliy san'at kafedrasi
About the department
In 1974, by the order of the rector of the institute, professor J. Namozov, the department of painting and drawing was transformed into the faculty of art graphics (September 30, 1974). J. Yodgorov was appointed as the dean of the faculty. There is only one "Drawing and painting" department in the faculty, and its head was J. Yodgorov. In 1975, the department of "Drawing and painting" operating at the faculty was divided into two: "Drawing geometry and drawing" and "Fine art, drawing geometry and drawing" department. The drawing geometry and drawing department was headed by the senior teacher J. Yodgorov, and deceased . Raupov, the senior teacher of the visual arts department. At the moment, scientific and creative research is developing rapidly at the faculty. Among them, S. Azimov and D. Mamatov successfully defended their doctor of philosophy (PhD) dissertations. Also, G. Ostonova, A. Mukhsinova, D. Mamurova, A. Aminov, A. Shukurov, N. Avliyokulova, Sh. Sobirova and others are successfully conducting scientific research activities.
Scientific relations of the faculty are well established not only with higher educational institutions of the republic, but also with foreign countries.
Including in 2018, he signed cooperation plans and contracts with Belgorod State University of Russia, Ghelsky State University (agreement No. 5"/18 26.03.2018), Islamic Science University of Malaysia, and Sevostopol State Technical University of Ukraine. Seminars and classes were organized for professors, teachers and students of the department by the specialists of this higher educational institution, assistant professor Popova Olga Viktorovna, assistant professor Korshunova Irina Viktorovna, dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction Elina Husayni.
The creation of educational literature in the department is very well established. For example, the textbook "Drawing geometry" by professor J. Yodgorov won the prize in the Republican competition "The best textbook and educational literature author of the year - 2009". lsa, Professor J.Yodgorov, assistant professors T.Sobirov, N.Yodgorov's "Geometric and Projection Drawing" study guide took the proud third place in the Republican contest "The best textbook and educational literature author of the year - 2010". The state patent office of the Republic of Uzbekistan issued an appropriate certificate to the electronic manual prepared in the collaboration of J.Yo.Yodgorov, J.J.Yodgorov and N.Yodgorov on the subjects "Drawing geometry" and "Projection drawing".
Currently, about twenty textbooks, educational and the educational methodical guide is published and used in the course of the lesson.
On May 11, 2015, the Department of Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics operated within the Faculty of Pedagogy.
In 2016, the Faculty of Tourism operated under the name of the "Fine Art and Engineering Graphics" department, in 2019, the Faculty of Art Studies was established, and the department has been operating within this faculty until now.
From 2011 to 2020, the department operated under the leadership of N. Yodgorov. During this period, there were positive changes in the department in various areas. In particular, it is leading in the creation of educational literature not only at the university level, but also in the Republic. As a result, on May 13, 2020, the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan awarded N. Yodgorov the title of professor in the specialty of theory and methodology of education and training. The title of associate professor was presented to the teachers of the department, S. Abdullaev, D. Mamatov, S. Azimov, A. Aminov.
By 2020, more than 3,500 students have graduated from the faculty and are working effectively in various sectors of the national economy abroad, in all regions of our republic.
Scientific research work is also well underway. Among them, S.Azimov, D.Mamatov and G.Ostonova successfully defended their PhD thesis. At the moment, there are a number of teachers who have completed scientific research and are on the verge of defense. Since 2018, a master's degree program has been established and talented young personnel are being trained.
The participation of production enterprises in personnel training is very good. Open classes, various practices directly at "Bukhara Regional Inspectorate for the Protection and Use of Cultural Heritage Objects", "Bukhara State Museum Reserve", "Bukhara Regional Artisan Department", "Uzbekistan Association of Artists Bukhara Region" Department" is being carried out in cooperation with specialists.
Professors and teachers of the department actively participate not only in scientific research, but also in international and national exhibitions with their practical creative work. For example, the teacher of the department, Avezov Sherali, participated in his personal exhibition in France, Holland, Germany, Luxembourg, and Belgium in March 2019.
Professor of the department Sobirov Talib Rozievich took an active part in several international projects implemented at the university. As part of the TEMPUS program of the European Commission, managed by France's Grenoble Alp University and implemented in the period 15.12.2013 - 14.06.2017, in the "PROMIS: project" Sobirov T.R. participated as a coordinator of the educational content of the project.
In the project "IMEP: Modernization and Internationalization of Higher Education Processes in Uzbekistan" conducted by the London Metropolitan University of Great Britain within the framework of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission, implemented in the period of 15.12.2015-14.12.2018, Sobirov T.R. worked as a member of the working group.
The tradition of "Master-Apprentice" is well established in the department. Students led by professors and teachers of the department take part in various competitions and win prizes.
Currently, 25 professors are working in the department. Among them, 3 candidates of science are professors (O.M. Kadirov, T.R. Sobirov, N.J. Yodgorov), 2 candidates of science, assistant professors (M.M. Badiev, J.Q. Jumaev), 1 doctor of philosophy (PhD) (G. Ostonova), 2 doctors of philosophy (PhD) docent (S.S. Azimov, D.Q. Mamatov), 2 assistant professors (S.S. Abdullaev, , A.Sh. Aminov), 5 senior teachers (M.M. Avliyakulov, Sh.Sh. Bakaev, G.A. Hakimova, V.R. Tokhsanova, M.B. Azimova ) and 16 assistant teachers..
Educational directions, specializations and specializations prepared at the department:
5110800 - Bachelors are trained in the field of "Fine Art and Engineering Graphics". Currently, 193 students are studying in this direction.
5151201 - Bachelors are trained in the field of "Applied Art (Art Pottery)". Currently, 26 students are studying in this specialty.
5150800 - bachelors are trained in the field of education "Rangtasvir (desktop)". Currently, 84 students are studying in this direction.
5111078 - "Vocational education (5151203- Applied art (repair of works of applied art))" is prepared for bachelors. Currently, 84 students are studying in this direction.
5A110801- Master's degrees are prepared in the specialty "Fine art and applied decorative art".
Currently, 8 graduate students are studying in this specialty.
13.00.02 - there is a basic doctoral course in the specialty "Theory and methodology of education and training (fine arts)". Currently, 1 researcher is working in this specialty.
Research activities of the department:
The department mainly conducts scientific-research works in the areas of fine art teaching methodology, folk decorative art teaching methodology. Associate professor of the department D.I.Mamurova won with her innovative project in the republic competition "100 best innovative projects of women of Uzbekistan" on the theme of reflecting Uzbek nationality in porcelain products. During the next 5 years, the members of the department published more than 80 scientific articles in international and republican scientific journals. In the department, "Innovative ideas, technologies and projects" were exhibited at the Republican fairs and a number of contracts were signed. More than 20 talented students are engaged in research work at the department. During the next 3 years, more than 15 scientific articles of students were published in scientific collections.
Scientific directions of the department:
13.00.02 – Theory and methodology of education and upbringing
13.00.01 – Pedagogical theory. Specialization in history of pedagogical teachings.
Sciences of the department:
5110800 - subjects taught in the field of "Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics":
1.Plastic anatomy
2.History of fine art
3.Pencil drawing
5.Fine art technology and copying
8.Practical and artistic decorative arts
10.Drawing geometry
11.Engineering and computer graphics
12.Design of architectural elements
13.Academic pencil drawing
14.Fundamentals of academic painting and composition with easel
15.Methodology of teaching fine arts and engineering graphics
16.Basics of graphic representation.
5151201 - Subjects taught in the field of "Applied Art (Art Pottery)":
1.Plastic anatomy
2.General history of fine art
5.Computer graphics
7.Materials science
8.Sculpture by specialty
9.Design in artistic ceramics
10.Work on objects in artistic ceramics
11.Art ceramics
5150800 - Subjects taught in the field of education "Rangtasvir (with easel)":
1.Plastic anatomy
2.General history of fine art
5.Computer graphics
7.Materials science, painting technique and technology
8.Design in artistic pottery
9.Work on objects in artistic ceramics
10.Art ceramics
11.Fundamentals of color science and composition
12.Anatomical drawing of a living person
14.Work on things
5111078 - "Vocational education (5151203- Applied art (Repair of works of applied art))" subjects:
1.Plastic anatomy
2.General history of fine art
5.Computer graphics
7.Materials science
8.Sculpture by specialty
9.Technology of materials in the repair of works of applied art
10.Working with materials in the repair of works of applied art
11.Design of materials in the repair of works of applied art
Subjects taught in the 2nd specialty, part-time and special part-time education:
5110800 - subjects taught in the field of "Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics":
1.Plastic anatomy
2.History of fine art
3.Pencil drawing
5.Fine art technology and copying
8.Practical and artistic decorative arts
10.Drawing geometry
11.Engineering and computer graphics
12.Design of architectural elements
13.Academic pencil drawing
14.Fundamentals of academic painting and composition with easel
15.Methodology of teaching fine arts and engineering graphics
16.Basics of graphic representation.
Address of the department: Bukhara city, M. Iqbal street, 11th building, 1st block, 3rd floor, room 304.