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  2. Department of Human Resource Management
buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Departament boshlig'i


Departament boshlig'i

Inson resurslarini boshqarish departamenti


Department of Human Resource Management


Activities and responsibilities of the Human Resources Department:
The staff department of Bukhara State University is an integral part of the university. XB operates in accordance with the University Charter and the Charter of the Human Resources Department. In its practical activities it follows the orders of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the orders and instructions of the university. Implementing the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the National Program of Personnel Training, Presidential Decrees, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers on education and upbringing of the younger generation, together with the university administration, the level of work, the method is to provide faculty and staff who can meet the demand.
The following groups are defined in the personnel department by types of work:
work with faculty, teaching assistants, administrative and service staff;
working with students and young professionals.
Work in each group is carried out independently by senior inspectors and inspectors under the direction of the head of the personnel department in accordance with job descriptions.
The Human Resources Department oversees compliance with the staffing schedule in the university departments and corrects any deficiencies identified by the departments.
The human resources department must improve its professional skills and comply with internal regulations in accordance with labor legislation.
Personnel with higher education and at least 5 years of experience in human resources will be hired for the position of Head of Human Resources.
The head of the personnel department must comply with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Charter of the university, the Charter of the personnel department and the job description.
The Human Resources Department has a round seal with the name of the university.
Responsibilities of the Human Resources Department:
Supervise the recruitment, dismissal, reassignment, competition and certification of faculty;
to control the teaching staff and students, work, study discipline not to violate the internal regulations of the university and the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including their incentives, financial assistance, disciplinary action make a proposal;
coordinate the university staffing schedule with the finance and planning department;
liaise with other senior human resources organizations;
communicate to attract undergraduate, graduate and doctoral graduates to work at the university;
control over the maintenance of personal files, T-2 cards of faculty, staff, students in the prescribed manner;
issuance of identity cards, certificates to professors and teachers, control over the timely renewal of certificates;
control the timely completion of diploma forms and applications for graduate students;
keep a workbook and keep accurate records;
keeping records of conscripts and juveniles of conscription age;
control over the proper preparation of applications and documents of retired professors and staff and their submission to the social security departments for the preparation of pensions for housing;
to keep statistical records of all categories of teachers and staff of the university in the prescribed form;
Provide monthly information to the district department of employment and social protection on quota areas and staffing;
control over the conclusion of an employment contract in writing in 2 copies;
control over the timely execution of orders for mobilization and leave abroad.
Address of the department: Bukhara city, M.Iqbol street, 11, 2nd floor, personnel department.