He was famous in his time under the names "Ahmad Kalla", "Ahmad Mahdum" and was a scholar. Ahmad Donish was one of the encyclopedic scholars of 19th century Bukhara who had a significant impact on the renewal of thought. He was born in Bukhara in the family of a Shafirkan teacher. His father studied at a madrassa. As a young man, he studied painting, drawing and calligraphy. Focused on history and philosophy. The mind, the potential, was immediately noticed. In the fall of 1857, Amir Nasrullo sent a letter of condolence to Ambassador Mullajon Mirokhor, who had been sent to offer condolences on the death of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and to celebrate the accession to the throne of Crown Prince Alexander II. For three months in St. Petersburg they get acquainted with the monuments of art and culture.
In 1869, under new conditions, Amir Muzaffar sent another ambassador to St. Petersburg. It was an attempt to appease the governor, who became a semi-vassal of the embassy. Ahmad Donish was also elected its secretary.
In late 1873, Ahmad Donish traveled to Russia for the third time as an ambassador. In January-March 1874 he returned to St. Petersburg. Met with Alexander II. Then he wrote it down. At present, 16 manuscripts of Ahmad Donish are stored in the Manuscripts Fund of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences. Most of them are original manuscripts.
The author's "Navodirul-vakoye" is a historical, philosophical, memoir written for 15 years, from 1870 to 1885. This 23-chapter work has not yet been published in full.
Only some of its chapters have been published. Some of them were translated into Uzbek in 1964. Two chapters of the book give impressions of the trip to Russia. For example, Chapter VII is dedicated to A. Donish's 1869 trip to Russia and was published in 1957.
Chapter VIII is about the visit of Ambassador Abdulkadirbek, who was sent to the wedding of Maria, daughter of King Alexander II, in 1874. The remaining chapters are on a different topic. For example, the relationship between parents and children (Chapter 1), wealth (Chapter 2), history (Chapter Z), the fate of the scholar and the ignorant (Chapter 4), the value of time (Chapter 5), travel benefits (Chapter b), scientific interests (Chapter 9), real and figurative love and its etiquette (Chapter 10), marriage (Chapter 11), destiny (Chapter 12), professional (Chapter 13) , body and soul (Chapter 14), the structure of the earth