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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Kafedra mudir


Kafedra mudir_ (fan doktori va professor ilmiy unvonga ega)

Sport faoliyati kafedrasi



Department of sports activities


History of the department.
The interfaculty department of physical culture and sports began its activity in 1967. The first head of the department was Radjabov Khamro Nazarovich.
In 1967, the department became part of the interfaculty department of physical culture, and work was carried out under the guidance of senior teacher I.A. Stepanenko. In 1967, the department began to be called “Athletics and Sports Games”, then “Physical Culture and National Sports”, since 2005 - “Sport”, and since 2015 - “Interfaculty Department of Physical Culture and Sports”.
The department was headed from 1968 to 1973 by senior lecturer V. Malomet, from 1973 to 1980 candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Kh.A. Botirov, from 1980 to 1983 candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor I. Yusupov, from 1983 to 1985 candidate of pedagogical sciences G. Bafoev, from 1985 to 1986 senior lecturer B.G. Giyasov, from 1986 to 1993 senior lecturer K.R. Tashev, from 1993 to 2000 candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor I.I. Burnashev, from 2000 to 2005 senior lecturer R.S. .Baimuradov, from 2005 to 2010 candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor H.A. Botirov, from 2010 to 2011 senior lecturer J.A. Abdullaev, from 2011 to 2012 candidate of pedagogical sciences B.B. Mamurov. A.K.Ibragimov. At present and to this day the department headed by candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor A.E. Sattorov.
Candidates of pedagogical sciences, associate professors I.I. Burnashev, I.I. Yusupov, G.F. Bafoev, Kh.N. senior lecturers V.A. Malomet, K.R. Tashev, K.B. Chinkulov, G.S. Salomov; teachers Z.A.Mubarak, G.Zverev, B.A.Zhuraev, G.N.Astashchenko, O.Voropay, N.S.Safarov, I.Islamov, S.Rakhmonov, I.Rakhmatov, A.Pardaev, R.Khamidov, A.Nasteko, V.A.Martynenko. B. Nematov, R. Mukhsinov.
Beforethe cent of the department "Interfaculty physical culture and sport" B.B.Mamurov under the scientific supervision of the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor R.G. Safarova on August 30, 2018 of the direction 13.00.01-theory of pedagogy, successfully completed his scientific work on the topic “The system of development of skills designing the educational process based on the acmeological approach for future teachers” in the specialty “History of Pedagogical Teachings”, received the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Ds).
Lecturer of the department "interfaculty physical culture and sports" A.E. Sattorov. under the scientific supervision of Professor Sh.K. formation of professional culture among future physical education teachers” in the specialty “History of Pedagogical Teachings”, received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
Lecturer of the department “interfaculty physical culture and sports” M.J. Abdullaev methods of using outdoor games to improve the training efficiency of young athletes "" and received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
By order No. 262/1 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 28, 2019, the senior lecturer of the department “Interfaculty Physical Culture and Sports” Ibragimov Alisher Karomatovich was awarded the academic title of associate professor.
The faculty of the department is actively and selflessly working on the training of personnel on the basis of the Law “On Education”, the “National Program for Training Personnel”, resolutions and decrees issued by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers, the requirements of GOST, through the introduction of new pedagogical technologies to improve their professional training, conducting scientific and methodological research in accordance with modern requirements.
The senior teacher of the department R.S. Baimuradov is currently conducting scientific work on the topic “Monitoring of the pedagogical assessment of the effectiveness of the profile class in the process of physical culture and sports”. M.J. Abdullaev is currently working on scientific work on the topic “ Scientific and pedagogical substantiation of the initial preparatory stage of wrestlers, taking into account the development of the sport of wrestling.
From 2013 to 2021, the faculty of the department with the stamp of the Ministry developed a number of scientific works, namely; “Theory and Methods of Physical Education (History of Physical Culture Part 1.) (2020), "General Pedagogy". Author, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor B.B. ) “Theory and methodology of physical education in the development of children” (2014), “Pedagogical possibilities of organizing an educational and cognitive process focused on the personality of the pupil” (2008), “Didactic parameters for modernizing the content of general secondary education” (2008), “Education of a healthy child in the family” (2014), “Theory and methods of physical education in the development of children” (2014), “Physical education in secondary schools” (2014), "
- Associate Professor A. Ibragimov is the developer of such teaching aids as “Methods for training young handball players” (2015), “Methods for teaching outdoor sports games (handball) (2020).
Textbooks have been published” Athletics and its teaching methods (on the example of running) “(2018)”, Swimming and its teaching methods “(2018)”, Teaching methods for applied sports (Athletics) “(2020)”, Physical culture and sports” (2020). Monographs “Methodology for the use of outdoor games in the preparation of athletes” (2020).
- Acting, Associate Professor Ya.Z. Fayzievis the author of the following textbooks:"Methods of teaching sports and outdoor games" (basketball) (2019), in collaboration with the head coach of the handball team of the Bukhara region, master of sports J.J.Atamuradov, senior teacher of the department "Methods of teaching sports and outdoor games (handball)" ( 2020), “Interfaculty physical culture and sport” were published in collaboration with the teacher R.S.Baimurodov swimming" (2020). The monograph "Principles of the psychological development of sports games in mahallas" (2018) was published.
The faculty of the department takes an active part in the three-stage sports competitions "Umid nihollari", "Barkamol avlod" and "Universiade". In 2013, in connection with the Universiade 2013 sports competitions in Bukhara, a new sports complex and a sports hall with a size of 36x18, which meets state standards, was built at the university. At present, it is widely used by students and faculty of the university.
Research activities of the department.
The department does a lot of work in the scientific field. Over the past short period, members of the department have prepared 6 textbooks, 24 study guides, 5 monographs, 3 copyright certificates, more than 100 scientific articles, more than 50 international scientific articles, more than 200 international conferences, more than 500 abstracts at scientific conferences of the republican level.
So, in 2020-2021, the faculty of the department with the stamp of the Ministry:
- Associate Professor A. Ibragimov is the developer of such teaching aids as “Methods for training young handball players” (2015), “Methods for teaching outdoor sports games (handball) (2020).
- Associate Professor A.R. Nurullaev “The view of the great allies of the East on the military and physical education of youth” (2021), textbook "Physical education and sports" (2021)
- Lecturer S.S. Abdueva "Modern trends in the organization of scientific activities in the field of physical culture."
- Associate Professor R.R. Rakhmonov “Athletics and its teaching methods” (2021).
- senior teacher B.A.Dustov “Physical education and sport" (2020) study guide
- teacher, doctoral student M. Ibragimov textbook "Organization and refereeing of competitions in sports" (2021).
The faculty of the department takes an active part in the three-stage sports competitions "Umid nihollari", "Barkamol avlod" and "Universiade". In the Universiade 2020 sports competitions held in 2020, as well as in athletics and football competitions. Teachers of the department and student-athletes attached to them take a worthy part in sports life.
The department has established scientific relations with other higher educational institutions. In particular, the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports, the Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences named after Kari Niyazi, TSPU named after Nizami, Termez State Pedagogical Institute, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Karshi State Pedagogical University, GulSU, USU and others.
Scientific directions of the department.
To date, the main scientific - research areas of the department are "Psychological - pedagogical and physiological - hygienic foundations of youth sports and training of highly qualified athletes" and "Pedagogical foundations for the training of competitive personnel." In this area of research, 1 doctoral and 2(PhD)dissertations.
13.00.01 - "Theory of pedagogy". In the direction "History of pedagogy of the educational specialty"
13.00.04 - "Theory and methods of sports activities".
Subjects taught at the department
department60112200- "Physical culture", 5111500 - "Pre-conscription military education" and for 1 course in all areas of undergraduate studies,70112401 “Theory and methods of physical education and sports”(master's degree), when teaching students in specialties, classes are held in the following subjects:
1. Physical culture and sports
2. Athletics teaching methodology
3. Methods of teaching national and outdoor games
4. Basketball teaching methodology
5. Improving sports pedagogical skills
6. Theory and methodology of the chosen sport
7. Methods of teaching sports and outdoor games
8. Selected subject. Table tennis and its teaching methods
9. Methods of teaching sports games (basketball)
10. Methods of teaching handball
11. Methods of teaching volleyball
12. Improving sportsmanship
13. Athletics and methods of its teaching
14 Selected subject. Sports in primary preschool education
15. Selected subject.Athletic facilities
16. Selected subject.Tourism and its teaching methods
17. Selected subject.Conducting and refereeing competitions in sports
18. Selected subject. Advanced foreign experience in the field of physical culture and sports
19. Selected subject. Methods of teaching sports (basketball, swimming, gymnastics, athletics, volleyball, football, handball, wrestling).
20. Theory and methodology of football.
21. Improving sports pedagogical skills (by sport).
22. Basketball teaching methodology.
23. Methods of teaching volleyball.
Master's degree.
1. Sports management and marketing. Sports management and marketing
2. Theory and methodology of the chosen sport (sports games).
Subjects taught in other educational areas of the university
one. Physical Culture and sport.
Direction 2-specialty, distance learning.
1. Athletics teaching methodology
2. Methods of teaching national and outdoor games
3. Basketball teaching methodology
4. Improving sports pedagogical skills
5. Theory and methodology of the chosen sport
6. Methods of teaching sports and outdoor games
7.Selected subject. Table tennis and its teaching methods
8. Methods of teaching sports games (basketball)
9. Methods of teaching handball
10. Methods of teaching volleyball
11. Improving sportsmanship
12. Athletics and its teaching methods
13 Selected subject. Sports in primary preschool education
14. Selected subject.Athletic facilities
15. Selected subject.Tourism and its teaching methods
16. Selected subject.Conducting and refereeing competitions in sports
17. Selected subject. Advanced foreign experience in the field of physical culture and sports
18. Selected subject. Methods of teaching sports (basketball, swimming, gymnastics, athletics, volleyball, football, handball, wrestling).
19. Theory and methodology of football.
20. Improving sports pedagogical skills (by sport).
21. Basketball teaching methodology.
22. Methods of teaching volleyball.
Scientific articles of the department.
Journals that evaluate HAC:
Associate Professor of the Department “Interfaculty Physical Culture and Sports” Baymuradov Rajab Saifitdinovich
1. Pedagogical mastery (scientific-theoretical and methodical journal) issue 3 (June 2021)."A creative attitude to work is the key to success in teaching."
Assistant professorDepartment of "Interfaculty physical culture and sport"Ibragimov Alisher Karomatovich
1. Pedagogical excellence scientific-theoretical and methodical journal No. 2 2017 - “The importance of outdoor games in the development of motor qualities of younger students.”
2. Journal of Pedagogical Excellence No. 3 2018 - “Theoretical Foundations of the Organization of the Innovative Educational Process in Higher Education Institutions”.
3. Journal of Pedagogical Excellence No. 3, 2019 - “The dynamics of the formation of physical development and physical fitness of long-distance runners.”
4. Psychology. Scientific journal 2.2020 - y - “Psychological features of the formation of emotional and volitional qualities in athletes.”
5. Pedagogical skill. February 2021 - “Methodological foundations for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for students.”
6. Pedagogical skill. February 2021 - “Pedagogical requirements for outdoor games”.
7. Pedagogical skill. February 2021 - “Methodology for optimizing training sessions for young football players.”
8. Pedagogical skill. February 2021 - “Fundamentals of Organization and Methods of Boxing Training”.
9. Pedagogical skill. February 2021 - "Technology for determining the criteria for the starting selection of young handball players for competitions."
10. Pedagogical skill. February 2021 - "Dynamics of the development of jumping ability among volleyball players aged 19-21."
Acting Professor., Doctor of Philosophy of the Department of “Interfaculty Physical Culture and Sports” Abdullaev Mehriddin Dzhunaiduloevich.
1. Pedagogical mastery scientific-theoretical and methodical journal. Bukhara 2020. Issue 3 -“Health-improving orientation as the most important principle of physical culture.
2. Scientific and methodological journal of public education. Tashkent 2020. Issue 3 -“Criteria for determining the dynamics of physical fitness in the preparation of athletes (10-12 years old)".
3. Scientific and methodological journal of public education. Tashkent 2020. Issue 3 -“The value of recreational gymnastics in the physical training of girls.
4. Psychology scientific-theoretical and methodical journal. Bukhara 2020. Special issue 4. – “Technologies for improving the physical and psychological fitness of young athletes through outdoor games.”
Associate Professor of the Department “Interfaculty Physical Culture and Sports”Fayziev Yakhshi Ziyoevich.
one.Pedagogical mastery (scientific-theoretical and methodical journal) issue 3 (June 2018). "Islam, sport and health".
2. Scientific and methodological journal "People's Education". Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2020, 3rd edition (May-June). "Representation of the principles and methods of physical education in universities".
Associate Professor of the Department “Interfaculty Physical Culture and Sports”Rakhmonov Rauf Rasulovich.
one."National Education" scientific and methodological journal of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2020 3rd edition (May-June). "The significance of the analysis of the dynamics of middle-distance running in the development of physical fitness of young students."
2. Scientific and methodological journal "Pedagogical Mastery". Scientific theoretical and methodical journal. Special Issue (May 2021). "Structure and main aspects of precompetitive training in middle distance running".
Senior Lecturer of the Department "Interfaculty Culture and Sport" Dustov Bakhtiyor Akmalovich
1. Scientific and methodological journal "Pedagogical Mastery". May 2021. -“The role of folk games in the development of the personality of schoolchildren.
2. Scientific and methodological journal "Pedagogical Mastery". May 2021. -“Methodical methods of teaching motor activity to children in the process of physical culture and sports classes.
Senior LecturerDepartment of "Interfaculty physical culture and sport"Murodov Zhakhongir Zhuraevich.
one."National Education" scientific and methodological journal of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2020 3rd edition (May-June). "Prevention of bad habits of adolescents by means of pedagogy of physical culture."
2. Scientific and methodological journal "Pedagogical Mastery". May 2021. "Development of Patriotic Qualities of Educators at Physical Education Lessons in Primary School".
International journals that evaluate HAC Associate Professor of the Department “Interfaculty Physical Culture and Sports” Baymuradov Rajab Saifitdinovich.
one.Asian journal of Multidimensional Research ISSN: 2278-4853 Vol9, Issue 5,Vay, 2020 Impact Factor: SJIF 2020= 6.882. “Individual work with each student - a key of success in the work of a teacher of physical culture”.
2. INNOVATION IN THE MODERN EDUCATION SYSTEM Part 1 December 2020 Colletions of scientific works Washington,USA 25 th. December 2020. “The role of a teacher-mentor in the development of a young specialist”/
3. SCIENCE AND EDUCATION Scientific journal ISSN 2181-0842 Volume 1, ISSUE 9, December 2020. “Individual work is the key to success in the work of a teacher.”
4. WEB OF SCIENTIST : INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIST RESEARCH JOURNAL. ISSN: 2776-0979 (Volume 2, Issue 5, May, 2021). “Creative attitude to work is the key to success in pedagogical activities.”.
5. WEB OF SCIENTIST : INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIST RESEARCH JOURNAL. ISSN: 2776-0979 (Volume 2, Issue 5, May, 2021). “Application of game and competitive teaching methods in the formation of motor skills and abilities of students.”
Associate Professor of the Department "Interfaculty Culture and Sport" Ibragimov Alisher Karomatovich.
1. Web of scientist: international scientific research journal. 2021y. April- “INDIVIDUALIZATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING OF QUALIFIED HANDBALL PLAYERS”.
2.MIDDLE EUROPEAN SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN. 2021 yil – “Dynamics of jumping development of volleyballers in different ages”.
Acting Professor., Doctor of Philosophy of the Department of “Interfaculty Physical Culture and Sports” Abdullaev Mehriddin Junaiduloevich.
1.ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 10, Issue 11, November 2020 Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 7.13/ - “Methodology of application games in the training of young athletes”.
2.European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences Vol. 8 no. 11, 2020 ISSN 2056-5852. –“ Characteristics, forms and methods of extracurricular activities with athletes of different ages”.
3. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational SciencesVol. 8 no. 11, 2020 ISSN 2056-5852. – “Methodology of application games in the training of young athletes”.
Associate Professor of the Department “Interfaculty Physical Culture and Sports”Fayziev Yakhshi Ziyoevich.
one.Bulletin of Integrative PsychologyIssue 19 2019 "Improvement of psychology and pedagogical process on physical training".
2.Scientific and methodical journal "Pedagogical education and science” № 6, 2019. "Psychological analysis of the athlete's personality".
3. Vestnik magistratura 3-1 (102) 2020 Scientific journal. "The effectiveness of the use of national means of physical education in the educational process".
4. Academy No. 9 (60), 2020 Russian impact factor: 0.19 scientific and methodological journal. "A Brief Historical Review of the Development of Physical Education and Sports".
5.Bulletin of integrative psychology.International Academy of Psychological Sciences. "Aggressive sports and athlete personality".
6. Bulletin of science and education No. VNO-3293 OT "12" OCTOBER 2021 "Social significance of physical culture".
Associate Professor of the Department “Interfaculty Physical Culture and Sports”Rakhmonov Rauf Rasulovich.
1. Innovative development of science and education. Pavlodar, Kazakhstan.International scientific - pract. conf., 2021. "Middle distances in mass sports competitions. The role of runners.".
2. Scientific and methodological journal "Pedagogical Mastery". Special Issue (May 2021). "Structure and main aspects of precompetitive training in middle distance running".
3. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal https://saarj.com ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 11, Issue 2, February 2021 Impact Factor: SJIF 2021 = 7.492 Pages 768-777. “Distribution of training loads at the stage of competitive preparation for middle runners”.
4.5th Global Congress on Contemporary Sciences & Advancements Hosted from Singapore 10th May 2021 309-314. "Effectiveness of improving the technical and tactical movements of middle-distance runners»
Senior lecturer of the department "Interfaculty culture and sport" Dustov Bakhtiyor Akmalovich.
one.Journal of Critical Reviews. Kuala Lumpur, malaysia. 2020 -“Psychologicalimpact of football games to the formation of individuality of the student”.
2. Pedagogical education and science. Russia. 2020 yil - “Pokazateli konstatiruyuсego etapa eksperementalnoy work po fizicheskomu razvitiyu uchenikov 7-10 let obscheorazovatelnyx organizatsiy Uzbekistana”.
3. Educational Posobie. Publishing house "Durdona". Buxara - "Fizicheskoe vospitanie i sport".
Senior LecturerDepartment of "Interfaculty physical culture and sport"Murodov Zhakhongir Zhuraevich.
one.International Academy of Sciences of Teacher Education (IASPE)PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION AND SCIENCEScientific and methodical journalNo. 6, 2019 Moscow. "Competence of a university graduate in the practice of physical culture".
2.Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research Vol 9, Issue 11 2020-11-11cejsr.academicjournal.io(https://cejsr.academicjourn2021-05-12. "Impact of sport on personality development".