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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti


Rakhimov Olim Hamitovich

Research Doctor of Economics (PhD, Spain)

every day 9.00-17.00 (except Saturday)


Bukhara city, M.Iqbol street 11



buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Deputy Dean

Shamsiyev Naim Amonovich

katta o`qituvchi



Buxoro shahar, M.iqbol 11-uy



buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Deputy Dean

Hamrayev Diyorjon Xonnazar o’g’li


Har kuni 09.00 dan 17.00 gacha


Buxoro shahar M.iqbol ko'chasi 11 uy



buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Deputy Dean

Barakaev Ikhtiyor Rajabovich


every day 9.00-17.00 (except Saturday)


Bukhara city, M.iqbol street, 11


91 400-00-15

buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Deputy Dean

Rustamov Adhamjon Abdukhoshimov


every day 9.00-17.00 (except Saturday)

(0 365) 221-29-11

Bukhara city, M.iqbol street, 11


93 334-32-34

Faculty of natural sciences and agrobiotechnology


In accordance with the order of the Rector of Bukhara State University No. 817-Sh dated September 3, 2019, the Faculty of Natural Sciences was divided into two faculties: Natural Sciences and Agronomy and Biotechnology.
Until 2020, I headed the Faculty of Agronomy and Biotechnology as Dean, PhD, Associate Professor A.K. Kadyrov.
Currently, the Faculty of Agronomy and Biotechnology is one of the leading ones at Bukhara State University and has been part of it since February 2020. Headed by PhD, Prof. Artikova Hafiza Tuymurodovna.
The faculty staff conducts its activities in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education”, the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures for the further development of the higher education system”.
The activity of the faculty is aimed at training highly qualified specialists necessary for higher education, vocational education, institutions of general secondary and secondary special education, as well as agriculture and processing industry.
Currently, the faculty has 4 departments: the Department of Botany and Plant Physiology, the Department of Zoology and General Biology, the Department of Biotechnology and Food Safety, the Department of Agronomy and Soil Science. Full-time, part-time and evening forms of education are used in 10 areas of study at these departments. In total, more than 65 professors and teachers work at the faculty. 25 current professors have academic degrees.