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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti



Dekan (fan doktori yoki professor ilmiy unvoniga ega bo`lgan)

Fizika-matematika va axborot texnologiyalari fakulteti


buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Yoshlar bilan ishlash buyicha dekan o`rinbosari


Yoshlar bilan ishlash buyicha dekan o`rinbosari (ilmiy darajaga yoki ilmiy unvonga ega bo`lmagan)

Fizika-matematika va axborot texnologiyalari fakulteti



Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies


Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
Conducts the activities of the faculty staff in accordance with Decree UP-4947 approved by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 "On the strategy of action for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan", adopted in 2017 on April 20 Decision UP-2909 "On measures for the further development of the higher education system", adopted in 2017 on July 27 Decree UP-3151 “On measures to further expand the participation of industries and sectors of the economy in improving the quality of training of highly educated specialists”, adopted in 2018 on June 5 Decision UP-3775 “On additional measures to improve the quality of education in higher institutions and ensuring their active participation in the ongoing comprehensive reforms in the country”, adopted in 2021 on March 19, Resolution PP-5032 "On measures to improve the quality of education and improve scientific research in the field of physics",  and adopted in 2019 on October 8, Decree UP-5847 “On approval of the Concept for the development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030” and in accordance with other legal documents.
The activity of the faculty is aimed at training highly qualified specialists necessary for higher, general secondary education and the social sphere. The faculty was founded in 1930 as part of the Bukhara State Higher Pedagogical Institute. Currently, the faculty has 84 professors and teachers. Currently, 1294 students study at the faculty.
Cooperation in research and education
National University of Uzbekistan;
Samarkand State University;
Academasbob Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Navoi State Pedagogical Institute;
TDPI named after Nizami;
Institute of Cybernetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Institute of Power Engineering and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Bukhara Institute of Engineering Technology.
International cooperation in the field of research
University of Bonn (Germany);
Technical University of Berlin (Germany);
University of Bern (Switzerland);
University of Rome (Italy);
Moscow State University (Russia);
Novosibirsk State University (Russia);
Malaysian Technical University (Malaysia).
Achievements at the faculty
The faculty pays special attention to the preparation of textbooks, monographs, teaching aids and developments in the field of education, as well as educational and methodological complexes of the subjects taught. The created electronic complexes are posted on the information resources center of Bukhara State University, ZiyoNet network and the faculty website. In the last 3 years, professors and teachers have published 2 textbooks, 3 monographs, 4 textbooks, 21 teaching aids, more than 100 articles and theses. In particular, in 2018, professors published 5 scientific articles in foreign journals with an impact factor, which made a worthy contribution to the ranking of the university. During these years, the faculty has organized 1 international and 3 national scientific conferences. The faculty is well organized to attract talented students to research work. ZE Mustafoyeva, a student of group 1-1MAT-15, was awarded the Ulugbek State Scholarship in 2018. A team of talented students of the Faculty of Mathematics took part in the "International Olympiad of Young Mathematicians named after al-Khwarizmi" among students of higher education institutions, which was held on October 28-30, 2018 in Urgench. Sabir Boymurodov, a member of the team, was awarded the International Olympic Certificate of Merit.