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My innovative idea


Automated solar fruit dryer
Using an automated solar fruit and vegetable dryer powered by high-efficiency solar energy, fruits and vegetables dry 2.5-3 times faster than in the open field, and the quality of the product is high.
Depending on the ripening and season of the product at the expense of each square meter of the device, the turn - 25-30 kg of apricots, 10-15 kg of cherries, 25-30 kg of tomatoes, 25 - 30 kg of raisins, 5-10 kg of melons etc. can be prepared dry. The created automated solar fruit dryer has the following advantages:
● Easy to install in garden areas due to its compact and lightweight design;
● Workpieces can be made from local raw materials;
● The dryer can operate in natural circulation (convection), forced circulation modes;
● It is easy to use and can be used independently by any farmer or household according to special instructions;
● The device can be made more compact, lightweight and efficient using modern materials.

● the total surface area of ​​the device where the product is placed is 1.1 m2;
● The dryer consists of a drying chamber with dimensions of 1.0 × 0.62 × 0.42 m;
● There are 380 × 350 × 50 mm trays with a rectangular shape;
● device weight 35-40 kg;
● can keep the humidity in the device at 30%;
● The device can be used for 15-20 years:
Expected results: The cost of the device can be reimbursed in one year and an additional 20% net profit can be obtained.
Copyright Certificate № 3308. 18.02.2010.
Areas of application: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Regional Department of Agriculture and Water Resources; Farmers and farms specializing in horticulture and viticulture
Schematic diagram of the device: 1 - drying chamber, 2,3 - fans, 4 - reflector IR light, 5 - pallet for products, 6 - contact thermometer, 7 - control panel, 8 - air flow rotating tube, 9 - glass layer
Name of organization: Bukhara State University (Bukhara State University).
Address: Bukhara city, M. Iqbol street, 11.
Tel: (0 365) 221-29-14, 221-26-82
Fax: (0 365) 221-27-07
E-mail: bdu-ilm@mail.ru, bsuscience@umail.uz