Kafedra mudir_ (fan doktori va professor ilmiy unvonga ega)
Pedagogika kafedrasi
History of the department
In 1933, the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology was established at the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute to train highly qualified teachers. The first head of the department was Professor M. Smolensky. He focused on the study of theoretical and experimental foundations of pedagogy and psychology. In 1935, V. Zaborsky was appointed head of the department, and from 1941 to 1950, associate professor V. Norishkin. During these years, the main activity of the department was associated with the educational work, aimed at providing practical assistance to teachers, public education authorities to organize the educational process. His scientific work was limited to writing articles in scientific and methodological journals, summarizing the experience of advanced teachers, and covering in the press the scientific organization of the educational process in schools.
Members of the department V.Naryshkin, N.Shirbaev, N.Hasanov defended their dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctoral degree. In the post-war years, the scientific potential of the department in terms of quantity and quality has grown and strengthened compared to previous years, its educational production, research activities have improved. Hardworking scientists like M.Kholmetov, an associate professor of the department, have written more than 30 scientific articles and 2 textbooks on school-family cooperation, youth education.
Bachelor's degree:
5110900-Pedagogy and psychology
Preparatory master's specialties:
5A110901-Theory and history of pedagogy, 5A110902-Pedagogy and psychology
Scientific - research activities of the department:
In 1991-2022, the department held 26 scientific-practical conferences at the republican level. The "Young Teacher" club and the "Educational Technologies and Pedagogical Innovations" center work at the department. Since 2000, the journal "Pedagogicheskoe masterstvo" has been functioning at the department.
Department 13.00.01. Department V 13.00.01. Theory pedagogy. Imeetsya bazovaya doktorskaya stepen po istorii pedagogicheskih ucheniy.
2019 student D. Khotamova received a state scholarship named after Navoi.
At the university stage competition "Student year" in the 2019-2020 school year, student 4 courses majoring in pedagogy and psychology education D. Khotamova won 1 place.Salimova Sh., Usmanova O., Temirov R., Rozieva Sh., Kamarova Z. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the Student Science Olympiad held in 2020.
Scientific directions of the department:
Professorial-feeding staff of the cafeterias works according to the following topical areas for teachers:
1.Educational process, ego projection, technology, interaction and training
2.Actual problems of the education of a harmonious person.
3.The preparation of future teachers to pedagogical activity.
Subjects taught at the department:
- Theory and history pedagogy
- Social pedagogy
- Methodology of teaching pedagogic discipline
- pedagogical conflictology
- Family pedagogy
- Comparative pedagogy
- Dialectology
- Narodnaya pedagogy
- Methodology of educational work
- Pedagogical master's degree
- Pedagogy
- Pedagogical technology
- General pedagogy
- Educational technology