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Department of Agronomy and Soil Science

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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Kafedra mudiri


Kafedra mudiri_ (fan nomzodi yoki ilmiy unvonga ega)

Agronomiya va tuproqshunoslik kafedrasi



Department of Agronomy and Soil Science


About the department
The Department of Soil Science was first created in 1996 as the Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science as part of the Faculty of Agriculture, and in 2011 it was renamed into a separate Department of Soil Science. Head of the Department of Bila in different years, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Todzhiev Yu.T., Associate Professor K.U. Umarov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Sh.Sh.Nafetdinov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Yunusov R.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Kh.R. Toshov and Ph.D., Associate Professor F.Kh. Dzhumaev made a worthy contribution to strengthening the material and technical base.
In 2019, he became a member of the newly created Faculty of Agronomy and Biotechnology, and now this department is headed by Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor S.M. Nazarova.
In addition to training at the Department of Soil Science, irrigation and reclamation of degraded soils under the influence of human agricultural activities and the study of the genesis of soils and their properties, assessment of the cultural state of irrigated lands, soils, soil-erosion, soil-reclamation and agrochemical mapping, scientific research on the scientific basis for the use of fertilizers.
In order to improve the efficiency of scientific and educational work of the BCT Cluster department, the limited liability company "BUKHARA COTTON TEXTILE" and the limited liability company "BST CLUSTER AGROKOMPLEKS", agreements on cooperation of the joint venture "AGROMIR-BUKHARA" were concluded.
Bachelor's specialties:
-5141000- Soil Science
-60811300-Technology of storage and primary processing of agricultural products (by types of products)
-60810700-Agrochemistry and agrosoil business
-60710200-Biotechnology (by industry)
-60811800-Fruit and viticulture
-60812000- Organization and management of greenhouses
-60811900-Vegetable growing, cultivation of poliomyelitis and potatoes
-60811000-Plant protection (by types of crops)
Preparatory master's specialties:
-5A141001- Soil science (by type of research)
Scientific directions of the department:
03.00.13-Soil Science;
The department has a basic doctorate in soil science and botany, currently 2 basic doctoral students in the 3rd year, 1 independent researcher in the 2nd year and 3 independent researchers in the 1st year.
The department teaches:

1.Introduction to the specialty.
2.Mechanization and automation of agriculture.
3.Soil science and agrochemistry.
4.Livestock and sericulture.
7.Agriculture and land reclamation
8.General entomology and zoology.
9.General phytopathology and microbiology.
11.Technology for drying agricultural products.
12.General agriculture and botany.
13.Soil science
14.Physics of the soil.
15.Soil chemistry.
16.Plant feeding and fertilization.
18.GAT technology in soil science.
19.Geography of soils.
20.Soil mapping
21.Methods of research of plants.
23.Warehouses for agricultural products.
24.Technology of storage and processing of grain
25.Basics of metrology, standardization and certification.
26.Land reclamation and hydrology.
27.Contamination of soil and environment.
28.Fruit and vegetable growing.
29.Technology of storage and processing of agricultural products.
30.Land reclamation and land use.
31.Seeds and seedlings of greenhouse crops.
32.Plant immunity.
33.Mechanization and automation of production and processing of agricultural products.
34.Methods of soil research.
35.Assessment of the quality of agricultural products.
36.Technology of storage and primary processing of raw cotton.
37.Packaging of agricultural products.
Master's degree:
1.Modern problems and concepts of soil science.
2.Reclamation of soils.
3.Genesis and classification of oasis soils.
4.Elective science (organic part of soil science and methods of its study).
5.Assessment of soil quality.
6.Methods of teaching special subjects.
7.Soil and climate change
8.Fan selection. Erosion processes and soil fertility
9.Innovative technologies in soil science.
10.Monitoring of soil cover
11.Land reclamation and hydromodular zoning.
Department address: Bukhara district, Raboti Kalmok , Yangiobod village, faculty of Agronomy and biotechnology