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Department of Economics

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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Kafedra mudir


Kafedra mudir_ (fan doktori va professor ilmiy unvonga ega)

Iqtisodiyot kafedrasi



Department of Economics


About the department
The Department of Economics was established as a result of merging the departments of "Sectoral Economics" and "Applied Economics" by the order of the Rector of Bukhara State University dated July 3, 2003 No 164-U.  Until 2013, the department was headed by i.f.n., N.H.Alimjanov, i.f.n., docent.  M.A.Oripov, i.f.d., H.O.Rakhmonov.
Since January 5, 2018, based on the results of the competition for the position of head of the department, Associate Professor Abdullayev Asliddin Junaydillayevish.
The department of "Economics" has a total of 54 professors and teachers.  Of these, 35 are full-time and 19 are part-time.  Of the full-time faculty, 15 (42.8%) have academic degrees and 20 (57.1%) do not have academic degrees.
Areas and specialties taught by professors and teachers of the department (undergraduate and graduate)
60310200 - Economics (by industries and sectors)
60410100 - Accounting and Auditing (by industry and industry)
60410800 - Statistics (by industry and industry)
60411300 - Business Management (by industry and industry)
60411700 - Logistics (by directions)
60412400 - Agribusiness and investment activities
70310102- Economics (by industries and sectors)
Scientific work carried out by the department:
H.R.  Turopova - 08.00.04-Agricultural Economics - Models and mechanisms for improving cooperation in the development of farms
Boltaev Sh.Sh - 08.00.05- Ways to achieve savings and increase efficiency in the field of services in an innovative economy
Yuldashev FI - 08.00.13-Improving organizational and economic mechanisms of innovative management of tourist areas (on the example of Bukhara region)
Conducting international and national conferences.
On the basis of the order of the Ministry of Bukhara State University No. 205 of February 28, 2019, the Republican scientific-practical conference "Improving the productivity of fodder crops and the efficiency of fodder production in Uzbekistan" was held on April 12-13, 2019 at the university.  and was held at a high level.
On May 23, 2019, Bukhara State University hosted a Republican scientific-practical conference on "Development of the cluster system in agriculture: experiments, results and prospects."
On November 30, 2021, Bukhara State University hosted the Republican scientific-practical conference "Formation of specialized clusters in agriculture: experiments, results and innovative approaches."
International cooperation of the department
Bukhara State University is participating in the international grant TALENT on the basis of the ERASMUS + project.  The executors of this grant are professors and teachers of the Department of Economics Z.S. Nurov and A.Sherov.  He is actively involved in the development of master's programs and plans in the field of "Human Resource Management" under the grant program.  This international grant will run from 2019 to 2022, and will eventually prepare the initial documents needed to open a master's degree in human resource management.
Project participants:
Westminster International University, Tashkent
The project cost is 95 thousand euros
16.5 thousand euros for fixed assets
Project Coordinator of Bukhara State University - A.T Jo`raev.
Nurov Z.S.  He prepared his dissertation for the degree of PhD under the agreement between Bukhara State University and the University of Aquila in Italy, and the defense process took place in September 2019.  Work on the European Commission's MIND project has been completed and is ongoing.
Project participants:
BuxDU, SQXI, TDIU, Project cost 54 thousand euros 16.5 thousand euros for fixed assets
Project Coordinator for Bukhara State University - O.Kh. Rakhimov.
A consultation room for small businesses and private entrepreneurs has been set up under the European Commission's MIND project.
Achievements of teachers of the department
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assoc.  Oripov M.A.  - Member of the United States Agricultural Development Organization, Iowa.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assoc.  Oripov M.A.  BioECuZ international project
Sherov A and Navruzzoda Z received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics.
Teachers of the department have implemented economic contracts totaling 24,350,000 soums.
Student Aminova Niginabonu Bahriddinovna Winner of the Republican Olympiad on "Banking" on 09.08.2021.
Student Shodiyev Shoxruxhon Shomurot Winner of the Republican Olympiad on "Accounting and Auditing" on 09.08.2021.
Student Sherkulova Barno Uktamjon qizi Winner of the All-Russian Olympiad on "Microeconomics".
Senior Lecturer H.R.  Turopova is the winner of the 2nd Republican contest "100 Best Innovative Projects of Women in Uzbekistan".  Name of the project.  Innovative models of agrotourism development
According to the agreement with Bukhara State University and Kazan Federal University, 40 students are studying under the joint program 5320100-Economics (by industries and sectors).
Address of the department: Bukhara city, M.Iqbol street, 11, Building 2, 5th floor.  Room 501