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Bukhara State University in the years of independence


With the start of the Independence Day, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, I.A.Karimov, started to make a number of regional pedagogical institutes in 1992, preparing highly-qualified specialists with a wide range of knowledge on various sectors of the national economy. Therefore, since March 15, 1992 Bukhara Pedagogical Institute has been granted the status of the university and its capacities have been expanded. New prospects have opened the door to this Old City, which has many years of tradition.

During the years of independence, the Bukhara tradition, which has been accumulated for centuries in the East, has accumulated for centuries the tens of educational institutions of the Forjaq, Arbiya, Ulugbek, Mir Arab, Abdullahan, Abdulazizkhan, Kukaldosh, Nadir Devonbegi as the successor of this famous tradition, Bukhara State University has begun to gain a deeper penetration into the process of formation and development of modern world civilization.

University 1990-1991 and 2014-2015 academic year


1990-1991 yeas

2014-2015 years

 In 25 years

Number of students




Number of directions




Number of specialties




Number of majors




Number of departments




Number of teachers




Number of text books




Number of manuals




Current scientific post




Number of computers




Electronic library fund


1.000.000 ziyod

13.000 000 ziyod

 Number of computers connected to internet



300 ga yaqin


Scientific research works


1990-1991 years

2014-2015 years

In 25 years

Number   of doctors of   science and professors   




Number of PhDs and docents




Number of specialties of independent researchers




Number of post-graduate students




 Number of senior research workers




PhD defences




Doctorial defences




State and foreign scholarships


1990-1991 years

2014-2015 years

In 25 years













Youth scholarships




Economical contracts




Foreign scholarships:




Scientific contact


1990-1991 years

2014-2015 years

In 25 years





O’zR OO’Yu




Foreign Institutions




Innovasional corporative contracts




Scientific centers



Scientific degree



16% o’sish

Number of winners in olympiads




Titled scholarships


1990-1991 years

2014-2015 years

In 25 years





















Results in sports


1990-1991 years

2014-2015 years

In 25 years

Wolrd champions




Olimpic champions




Asian chempions




Chempions of the republic




Winners of international competitions





Significant services of university scientists have been awarded by our state and have earned a number of prizes and awards. In particular, the well-known scientist H.G.Nematov, who has made a worthwhile contribution to not only the republic but also to the world science, with his scientific ideas and devotion, Honored “Public Education Officer in the Republic of Uzbekistan", in 2010 was awarded the order "El-yurt Hurmati". Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor M.S.Sharipov, A.R.Hafizov, H.A.To'rayev with Shukhrat Medal, A.M.Kadirov with Award for Patriotic Services, Candidate of Economic Sciences A.T.Jo'rayev was awarded with "O'zbekiston belgisi" badge.

In the early years of independence, 34 new directions of training of bachelors with academic degrees and 22 specialties of masters' education were established. Many graduates of these specialties were trained to continue their scientific and pedagogical activity at Bukhara State University. Until recently, about 20 graduate students of the University have a scientific degree of candidate of sciences. Candidates of science M.Sharipov, S.Nazarov, candidates of pedagogical sciences H.Juraev, B.Mamurov, candidates of economics A. Juraev, F.Rahmatullaeva, N.Ibragimov, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences M.Sharipov, candidate of technical sciences K.Samiev, Jabir Ahadov, Jasur Ahadov, Erkin Niyazov, O'.To'raeva, candidate of philological sciences N. Shirinova, candidate of biological sciences S.Hujjiev and others. At the same time, many of them are working on their doctoral dissertation.

The scientific and practical achievements of our team in various fields of science, technology, pedagogy and economics are based on the traditions and experiences of the academic schools, based on their active participation and achievements in strengthening the independence of the country, its fame. At the present time in our country, based on the national values, modernization and modernization of the education system, the introduction of science and technology in practice, providing the national economy with domestic products, developing chemistry, physicist- mathematics, geliotechnics, biologists, economists, philologists, historians and pedagogues. Their contribution to the national practice is considerable. In particular, the first rector of Bukhara State University (1992-2005), academician K.M. Mukimov, Professor D.R. Juraev's works are  focused on the actual issues of physics. Also, it should be noted that in the creation of a scientific school of geliotechnology in Bukhara, B.Ochilov, Yu.N.Yakubov, S.Khakhhorov, Sh.M. Mirzaev, TD Djuraev's work on research and training.

The results of scientific works of mathematical scientists Z.Jumayev, R.Aloyev, D.D.Durdiyev are introduced in the educational process and in the production of science.

The chemist professor B.B. Umarov, O.M. Yariev, R. Shoyimardonov, M.R. Amonov, G. Ihtiyarova, G. Khudoynazarova, and new technologies are widely used in science, national economy and light industry.

It should be noted that biologist profesor S. Buriev, S. Bagoyev have an important place in the development of cadres and development of science.

Economist B.N. Navruz-Zoda, R.Hamroyev, M.Oripov, H.Rahmonov's works on raising the national economy are important.

In the field of sports and physical culture professors A.K.Atoyev, H.Botirov's constant efforts in the development of the industry in the region and in the republic have made a significant contribution to the development of the potential and capabilities of the sport in the independent Uzbekistan.

Linguist and literary scholar H.G Ne'matov, A.Q.Gulomov, A.B.Abdullayev, E.R.Qilichev, S.Aliyev, T. Karaeva, O.T.Safarov, R.J.Vohidov, D.S.Urayeva, M.Q. Baqoyeva, Q.B. Shodmonov, Sh.N. PhD doctors and candidates of science prepared by Akhmedova or created textbooks and textbooks are used in the Republican system of education.

At the Republican contest "The best author of the year - 2014", 12 authors from the university participated and 4 of them were recognized as winners. Two of them - 1st place, 1 - 3rd place, 1 also showed good results.

Philosophers Scientists MN. Boltayev, N.I.Jabborov, O.T.Oqmurodov, H.Yu.Salomova's continuous search for understanding our national identity, language and thinking, historians F.H.Qosimov, H.H.Turayev, Sh.A.Haitov's enthusiasm to study and glorify our glorious history, pedagogue, doctrine and psychologist. Roziqov, M.H.Mahmudov, K.Z.Zaripov, B.R.Adizov, Sh.R.Barotovs' works, textbooks, and pupils are one of the strengths of our independence. Creating a new generation of textbooks on modern pedagogical technologies was made by professors H.G'.Nematov, A.G.Gulomov, O.Safarov, R. Vohidov, O.Yoriyev, K. Zaripov. S.Q. Qahhorov, A. Tulaganov, D. O'rayeva, A. Hayitov, M.Ya. The works created by Ergashev, Sh. Akhmedova, Z.Jurayeva, M.Gadoyeva, H. Eshankulov, D. Yuldasheva, J. Yodgorov, B. Jamilova and others. They are widely used in secondary and higher education.

Associate Professor , the winner of the republican competition for academic lyceums and the publication of the "Russkiy Yazk" textbook, which was published in several editions Z.R.Jo'rayeva's contribution to the creation of the English language guide was great.

In 2000, there were 48 chairs operating at the university, where 37 doctors and professors, 192 PhDs and docents trained their future scientists. Among them are Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan K.Mukimov, M.Abdullayev, S.Aliyev, M.Boltaev, N.Jabborov, H.Nematov, F.Qosimov, O.Safarov, R.Vohidov, A.Atoyev, O Yuryev, P. Musayev, S.Buriev, O.Tojiyev, B.Navruzzoda, Z.Jumayev, M.Makhmudov, O.Rozikov, A.Gulomov, A.Abdullayev, S. Baqoyev, G. Zikrillayev, R.Alyoev, Yu.Yakubov, T.Okmurodov, B.Umarov, S.Abdullayev, Sh.Barotov, J.Namozov, S.Saidov, T.Goraev, P.Shoymardonov, J Yodgorov, E. Kilichev, J. Ramizov, I.Nazarov and others have achieved good results.

In 1996, scientists of the University became guided by the organization of the Bukhara scientific center of the Samarkand branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This scientific center has been operating independently since 2000.

By 2015, there are 7 faculties and 26 departments at Bukhara State University. 16 doctors and professors, 128 candidates of science and docents are teaching them. At the university there are 6246 students in 35 educational directions and 129 masters in 14 specialties. At the same time, there are 21 major specialization research institutes and research institutes, where 22 senior researchers are conducting their researches.

Teaching is mainly carried out in the state language - Uzbek, and Russian and English, German and French languages ​​are trained. The education is carried out in accordance with international standards - undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies.

Since the 2000-2001 academic year, the university has started training masters in six specialties, and by 2015, masters are trained in 14 specialties.

At the 2014-2015 academic year, admission to 36 Master's and 14 Master's degrees was held. A total of 13 applicants have been admitted to the Senior Research Fellow-Institutes in 10 specializations.

Nowadays the number of graduate and doctorate degrees from the university's scientific areas is increasing. Nowadays, the preparation of highly qualified scientific personnel in the fields of nuclear physics, geliotechnics, computing, biotechnology, biology, biology, ornithology, soil science, chemistry, history of the Homeland, sociology and pedagogy, literature and folklore has been set up.

The prospective directions of science at the university are increasing year by year. Problems of the use of alternative sources of energy, problems of optics, geliotechnology, soil science and soil corrosion, composing materials, problems of philology (linguistics, literature and folklore), historical historiography and sources of history of Uzbekistan, actual problems of the history of Oriental philosophy, Problems such as creation of new varieties of agricultural crops, creation of national programs on information and communication technologies, microscopic and high water use in biodiversity and biotechnological treatment of wastewater, algebra, geometry, ornithology, pedagogy, psychology economics and tourism services have made a great contribution to the development of scientific capacities in the educational institution.

Science is a driving force of development. In view of this, in the years of independence of the University, the scientific life has been revitalized, and in addition to education, special attention has been paid to the development of science. Measures were taken to raise the scientific potential of regular pedagogues. For this purpose year by year there master's specialties and independent researchers, doctoral specialties are opening.

Since 1997, a doctorate has been opened at the university. Since 2012, it has admitted  the postgraduate  with a Master's degree program and at least two years of pedagogical internship.

At present, the teaching staff of the University conducts scientific research in the following areas: Including:

- In research works on the use of non-traditional sources of energy, devices for drying dried fruit and medicinal plants using solar energy have been created and their operating modes have been studied and the results are recommended for production. In this scientific direction 3 candidate dissertations were successfully defended.

- The ways of increasing the efficiency coefficient of the water intake device on the example of solar water heater were studied. Multiple isolation of the clear insulation and the circulation of the vapor circulation result in improved evaporation and condensation. The device is equipped with a 15% higher efficiency compared to the pre-shifted devices. On the basis of this scientific work 2 candidate dissertations were successfully defended.

- Energy analysis of low-temperature equipment, solar refrigerators (refrigerators) and solar water heaters. The heat and energy calculations for these devices have been investigated, and they have the potential to improve heat and mass transfer processes. In this direction 1 doctorate (Sh. Mirzayev) and 2 candidate works were protected, 2 patents were received.

- Research on the Hubble model for energetic and structural characteristics of strong correlation systems in superconductivity, magnetoptics and solid state physics was carried out and 6 candidate and 1 One doctoral dissertation (D.R Jurayev) was protected and one patent was received.

- Research in the field of "Differential Equations" on "Inverse Problems for Post-Sensitive Environments". In this direction 1 doctoral dissertation (D. Durdiyev) and 2 candidate dissertations were defended.

- To increase the effectiveness of teaching physics, research has been carried out on the use of new pedagogical technologies, including interactive methods. The results of the research work on the subject "Periodicity in Physical Education" were recommended for the implementation of the regional secondary special, vocational education and public education system, and one doctorate (S.Q.Qahhorov) and 2 candidate dissertation works were protected, and 5 patents were received.

- Research work has been carried out in the direction of introducing information and communication technologies in the educational process. In this direction, 3 candidate's and 2 doctoral (AA Hayitov, R. Aloyev) were defended, 3 patents were received.

- Scientific research work in the field of science and art of drawing and fine arts. In this direction 1 doctorate (D. Kuchkarova) and 3 candidate dissertations were defended.

- The regional marketing approach focuses on the implementation of the policy of tourism zoning aimed at adapting the tourism sector to market relations in Uzbekistan, ways of improving tourist flows, development of international tourism in the republic, studying the international tourist services market, done. 3 candidate dissertations were successfully defended in this direction.

- Scientific and research work on development of small business and private entrepreneurship has been carried out. One doctoral dissertation (H.Rahmanov) and 2 candidate dissertations were defended in this direction.

- In the direction of "Creation and application of composite materials on the basis of natural and synthetic polymers" are prepared various raw materials: rice starch, polyacrylic amide, acrylic emulsion and Na-KMS based on their physical-chemical and technological properties were studied. Based on the results of the research, high-efficiency dyes and dyeing composite materials were created and their technological bases were developed. The results of the research have been widely used in textile and light industry. On the basis of this research 1 doctoral (MR.Amonov), 8 candidate dissertations were defended and 5 patents were received.

- The study of the laws of physics and chemistry of polymerization and polymerization of polynomials and acrylic monomers (meth) acrylic monomers on the scientific and theoretical bases of polymer chemistry were examined in the case of Heterogeneous (meth) acrylic monomers.

- The structure and properties of a synthesized ligand and complex compounds were studied. The crystalline structure of three new substances was interpreted by A PC method and 12 monocrystals were transferred to RSA Plant Laboratory of Plant Protection at the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. In this direction 1 candidate dissertation was defended.

- Greenhouses and high watercourses are grown on the basis of the scientific-research direction "Development of biological technologies of water treatment of various wastes" from the enterprises of Bukhara and Navoi provinces, their growth, development and productivity, as well as wastewater the degree of purification was studied at the production level and this technology was recommended for production. In this direction 1 doctoral (4B) and 4 candidate dissertations were defended, 2 patents were received.

- Scientific and theoretical and practical basics of fish production have been developed. The cadastre of other lakes and reservoirs, such as Dengizkul, Oyokogitma, Tukudul, Shurkul, was handed over to organizations and concrete research proposals were prepared. Textbooks, manuals and monographs have been published in this direction.

Scientific researches on "Birds of the desert and protection of desert zone of Uzbekistan" are conducted, and information on the diversity, number and biology of waterfowl in lakes, reservoirs, fisheries of Bukhara region was launched. 1 doctoral and 2 candidate dissertations have successfully been defended in this area.

- As a result of research works on agronomy mechanization and improvement of their efficiency 1 doctoral (N. Murodov) and 2 candidate dissertations were protected, 3 patents were obtained.

- The AKD1 soybean samples were sampled to increase the natural nitrogen content of soil and climatic conditions at the University's educational-experimental farm, seeds were breed and experimental-test works were carried out. In this direction 2 candidate works were defended.

- In the direction of Uzbek philology, under the guidance of Professor H.Nematov and A.Gulomov, the textbooks "Mother tongue" of the secondary school were prepared as a result of scientific studies related to problems of Uzbek language development, as a textbook in the education system. In this direction 1 doctor's and 6 candidate dissertations were defended.

- New edition of the textbook "Uzbek language", written by our scientists for grades II-V-VI of Karakalpak language schools, was implemented. At the same time, under the leadership of the professor H.Ne'matov, the textbooks "Modern Uzbek Literature" have been adopted in the higher education system. 4 candidate works were defended.

- 1 doctorate (D.O'raeva), 8 candidate dissertations were successfully defended in the direction of "Regional collection and research of Bukhara folklore in the context of Uzbek folklore and folklore".

- Significant work has been done in the scientific direction "Theory of Literature, Contemporary Uzbek Literature and Jaded literature - as a Synthesis of the World's Advanced Literature". He published many teaching aids and monographs. In this direction 3 doctoral dissertations were defended (N.Afokova, Sh.Ahmedova).

- Scientific and research works in the direction of "Theoretical and Didactic Basis of Pedagogy", 2 doctoral (M.Makhmudov, B. Adizov) and 8 candidate dissertations were defended.

- Research work on the "Actual problems of Psychology". One doctorate (Sh.Barotov) and 6 candidate dissertations were defended in this direction.

- 1 doctorate (H. Salomova) and 2 candidate dissertations on "Sociology and ecological problems".

- 2 doctoral dissertations (Q.Shodmonov, M.Bagayeva) and 2 candidate dissertations have been successfully defended in the scientific direction devoted to actual and philosophical problems of teaching English and literature.

- Research work on historiography and source study, history of Uzbekistan were carried out. 2 doctoral (H.Turaev, Sh.Hayitov) and 4 candidate dissertations were defended.

Among the professors who have contributed to the increase of scientific potential of the university, the professors and assistant professors of S.Aliev, H.Nematov, A.Gulomov, K.Mukimov, T.Goraev, A. Abdullaev, O.Safarov, R.Vohidov, E.Kilichev, B.Ochilov, Z.Jumaev, O.Yoriev, K.Zaripov, A.Atoev, B.Navruz-Zoda, O'.Tojiev, S It is desirable to emphasize the services of Boriy, S.Kahhorov, Sh. Mirzaev, D. Juraev and others.

Implementation of the results and results of the research work in the university in various fields of the national economy, the establishment of an effective mechanism of innovative (collaborative) cooperation of science and production, training of highly qualified cadres and their the role of production in the process of providing support, increasing the effectiveness of the university research, as well as the institutional cooperation of the scientific and technological developments created by researchers and scientists such as "Biotechnology Problems", "Use of Geleophysics and Solar Energy", "Geleopoligon", "Desert Ecosystem Problems", "Ecological Center", "Psychological Service Center", " Center for Ologic Studies "Center for Innovative Science and Education Technologies.

Postgraduate study at Bukhara State University was opened in 1989 by two specializations, and this year 5 candidates were admitted to postgraduate studies. In 2010/11 he trained in 23 specialties (postgraduate). In the 2010-2011 academic year, 18 candidates were enrolled in the study, and now 59 of them are officially engaged in scientific activities.

In 1998, the doctorate was opened in three specialties, while in 2010-2011 there are 4 research studies, and nowadays 19 specializations.

In general, during 1992-2015, 26 doctoral and 201 candidate dissertations were successfully defended.

For the first time in the history of the University, by the order of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from March 5, 2009 № 124 on the specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of education and teaching (chemistry and biology) K.067.48

According to the Decree of the Presidium of the OAU No. 103/5 dated March 25, 2004 and approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the OAC № 163/13 dated March 25, 2010 "On the Procedure of Candidacy Exams" In accordance with paragraph 9 of the Charter, the university has the following objectives: "The economic, social and political, spiritual foundations and scientific bases of building a democratic society (based on the works of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan IAKarimov)", , Candidate Examinations from more than 300 applicants from the Republic of Uzbekistan and Scientific Research Institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "Fundamentals of Information Technology" and "Foreign Languages".

More than forty innovations, which are included in the "Catologist" of the university in 2015, were distributed to production enterprises, organizations, farmers and at the republican and regional innovation fairs, More than ten contracts worth over 10 million soums were signed.

As a result of scientific research, in 2015, 6 patents were obtained by the university researchers and 5 patents were prepared and submitted to the State Patent Office. Over the past year, 15 monographs, 7 textbooks, 16 manuals, 1054 scientific articles and theses have been published in foreign and national scientific journals, conference materials and collections.

During the years of independence, in order to develop science, the independent work with gifted students and students in school, academic lyceum and professional colleges, bachelor's and master's degrees, Small Academy "and" Youth Academy ". They have 521 gifted students. It will be attended by students of basic general education schools, academic lyceums and professional colleges of the region.

In general, at Bukhara State University for many years academic schools have been formed and achieved with good achievements in mathematical physics, chemistry biology and soil science, history, philosophy, pedagogy, linguistics, literature, folklore and psychology not only in our republic, but also worldwide. Most of the current academic staff at the university are representatives of these academic schools and have the opportunity to continue their teachers' traditions worthily. Taking this into account, the University has established an "Academic-scientific complex" (scientific-practical park - technopark) and it envisages the preservation, restoration, expansion, functioning and strengthening of academic schools. The main goal of this scientific-practical center is to address the top priorities of science, education, innovation, and the introduction of the results of the research into the economy, as well as the introduction of theoretical knowledge of young people in practice. With its scientific achievements, such academic schools, which are well-known not only in our country, but also in the world, are playing an important role in enriching intellectual property in our country.

There are enough conditions for the university to raise the mentor-student system, to increase the capacity of young scientists, talented students, in particular to increase the love and interest of young people in science.

At the Department of Information Technologies at the University there are created automated electronic systems of control of educational process and documents with the participation of professors and teachers and students, and they are being optimized at the same time. In order to accelerate scientific work in this direction, a computer engineering laboratory was established under this department. An informational system supporting the educational and informational processes within the framework of its main scientific directions - BUIS; LMS Moddle is a software system that supports the development of curricula and teaching materials based on modular programming; work has been done to expand and improve the functional capabilities of the CuteFlow software, a software support and monitoring system for document flow streams in the university.

In 2015, in cooperation with PSUAITI Bukhara ITS seed farmers, 22 different collections of high-quality cotton fiber, high quality, fast-paced, resistant to all adverse environmental conditions have been created, In order to achieve the planned plan, 10 varieties were selected from among them, and hybridization of first-generation hybrid combinations was made. Such experimental researches will be further expanded taking into account the varieties of cotton "Bukhara - 6-10", "The power of Jondor" and "Porloq".

All ecological problems in the Bukhara region - changes in climate, in particular desertification processes, changes in the amount and duration of rainfall, fresh water problems, changes in soil composition, changes in soil and vegetation many of their problems, such as the degradation of their living conditions, are becoming increasingly scientifically relevant to the region.

At the same time, other universities of the region (Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute, Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara branch of the Tashkent State Dental Institute, Bukhara branch of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration) "Environmental problems of sustainable development of Bukhara region and their scientific and technical, a comprehensive scientific and practical project on the theme "Ways".

In the future, for young people, new technologies in various fields of science and economics, such as nanotechnology in chemistry, physics and biology, nanotechnology of replication materials; development of geliotechnology is considered as a topical issue. Also:

- Involvement of qualified programmers, designers, gifted students and specialists to create software products for the software industry;

- organizing and continuously developing and using the university's unique information space;

- Use of methods and systems providing information security;

- Access to and use of cloud computing services with a wide range of technology capabilities, including Desktop, Client / Server, and Web architecture-based software systems;

- To have enough information on social media, principles, opportunities and safety in the space, to use the appropriate training modules in the learning environment of the social media space into the curriculum;

- Enhancing the international scientific and technical cooperation with the leading higher education institutions and scientific centers of developed foreign countries, further developing these ties, establishing a high standing position in the University of World Economy, using the University's scientific potential effectively, actively participate in problem-oriented projects;

- The revival of the Academy of Youth, revising its statutes and objectives, the establishment of the Young Scholars Council at the Academy, the prioritization of its main directions and the mechanism of office management are aimed at the development of research competencies in staff and students, to the development of new teaching technologies, to improve their knowledge of foreign languages, and ultimately become one of the main principles of "knowledge-based knowledge".

As a final outcome of the above mentioned research areas, the scientific conclusions, i.e, the rapid and unmatched introduction of scientific and technological developments in the educational process (for example, in the creation of educational literature, master's dissertations, diploma projects, graduation qualification work, etc.).

Thus, the comprehensive promotion of the existing academic schools, the revival and dissemination of their traditions, the wide involvement of talented youth in the fields of science, modernization of the country, democratization of the society, the rule of law state, the social protection of the person in the context of the reform of the society, the importance of its deeply rooted in its historical, philosophical, legal, spiritual and economic knowledge. And most importantly, the younger generation will have ideological immunity, which is free of any of the alien elements.

In 1992, at the university, within the framework of the State Scientific and Technical Programs, grants from fundamental, applied and innovation projects and grants of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan were awarded 10 mln. Grant on 2 grants in solving technical and technological problems of relevant sectors of the economy. Research works on 29 fundamental, applied and innovative projects and joint research grants of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan were carried out in 2015.

A prospective program for the preparation of scientific, research, teaching and scientific-pedagogical staff with scientific research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Bukhara regional center of the Academy of Sciences of the RUz is developed. Senior scientific researchers, independent researchers, gifted students and masters have been on a short, long-term trip to study the scientific potential and material and technical basis of the Academy of Science. The university cooperates with 20 scientific research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 8 of which are joint chairs and 2 with problematic scientific laboratories.

For the purpose of raising the scientific potential of the University and raising the level of scientific research, academic staff, academics, professors, PhDs, candidates of science, professors, who have about 50 scientific abilities annually from the scientific research institutes and prestigious higher educational institutions of the RUz. Experts will be invited to work on the basis of a collaborative agreement, lead the research, collaborate on scientific research.

With the aim of enriching the university's Information Resource Center to create and publish a new generation of textbooks and textbooks based on new state educational standards and special programs, a new generation based on the Ministry's 1168 prizes on 98 titles in 10,924,412 sums and literature on 756 titles in 38 titles. During 1992-2015, university professors and teachers published over 250 monographs, more than 250 study guides and textbooks on the basis of the Ministry.

At the university, especially in the framework of international grants, no scientific collaboration was carried out until 1992, with 901220 euros on the basis of grants from seven foreign countries during the years of independence.

In 2010-2011, the University has established partnerships with 21 universities in Europe, America, Asia, and Africa. The Paris-SYUD XI, Sorbonna IV, Marseille, Nissa Universities, Germany's Halle-Vittenberg University, Merilend University, South Korea's Seoul and Con-Cook Universities, Mara Technology University of Malaysia, Shanghai University of China, Moscow State University , Sankt-Peterburg University, Tomsk Agricultural Institute, Kiev National University and Yalta State Universities. By 2015, these figures will be even higher.

During the years of Independence, the number of achievements in the life of students in education, culture, art and sports has grown. During the years of Independence 4 students have been awarded scholarships of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, more than 60 winners of the State Scholarships named after Navoi and Ulugbek, They were awarded Zulfiya State Prize. The winner of the "Forum of Culture and Arts of Uzbekistan", "Kelajak Ovozi", "Mehr Nuri" Foundation, university, regional administration, student union of trade unions is about 200 people. The winners of the Olympiads among the universities of Uzbekistan are about 150 people.

In 2015, students of the Republican Olympiad participated actively in the Olympiad, with two first, four second, and two third overall - eight prestigious positions.

There are enough conditions for the university to raise the mentor-student system, to increase the capacity of young scientists, talented students, in particular to increase the love and interest of young people in science.

The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Committee for Coordination of Science and Technology Development, the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a seminar-meeting of young scientists on the subject "Intellectual youth - science and education" was held in the framework of the Program of Additional Measures to Implement the State Policy. The Republican scientific-practical conference of young scientists and gifted students was organized at the university under the slogan "XXI century - the century of intellectual generation". Associate Professor Khusniddin Jurayev, the young scientist at the Bukhara State University, holds the honorable place in the area of ​​natural sciences in 2014. In 2015, the Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology of Physics and Mathematics. First place was taken by Samandar Ibragimov, the first student in the field of exact sciences. It is a tradition to hold such scientific conferences at the university and to attract talented young people.

The gifted students of the University regularly participate in the Contests of the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the State Scholarships. 2014 year student of biology education Sh.Halimova 3-course student of the Uzbek philology direction G.Bozorova and direction of hotel management and management 3rd year student J.Babaev became the winner of the Navoi State Scholarship. In 2015, Zarina Saylieva, a fourth-year student of the Uzbek Language Philology faculty, won this award.

Today, Anatoly Asrabaev (shooting), Oksana Chusovitina (gymnastics), Valery Zakharevich (fencing), Lina Cheryazova (freestyle), Armen Bogdasarov (judo), who lifted the national flags at the Olympics, Rustam Saidov (boxing), Karim Tulaganov (boxing), Muhammadqodir Abdullaev (boxing), the first Olympic wrestler Ruslan Kamilov and Diyor Ergashev, the winner of the Olympic Games in Singapore, world champion Vadim Menkov, Asian champion Olga Umaralieva, Asian champion in weightlifting Ruslan Makarov, world champions Sherali Juraev, Davlat Choriev, Sohibjamol Holikulova, Timur Shokirjonov, Khursand Umarov, Zohidbek Ismoilov, Zohidbek Ortikov, kayak and canoe. Our youth, such as Ruslan Naurzaliev, Vyacheslav Didich, Serik Mirbekov and Alexei Mochalov, to create a basis for growth.

It is noteworthy to note that among the young people of our country are the young people who are studying at the Bukhara State University, and many young people. In the summer of 2012 two participants of the XXX Summer Olympic Games in London - Olympic silver medalist, double world champion in boxing Abbos Atoev, Olympic silver medalist in dzyu-do, Asia and two world champion in taekwondo championship Kamil Shukurov, world champion in boxing Akram Mahmudov, Asian champion and prizewinner Farhod Isaev, world champion Rishod Sobirov, winner of Asian and international competitions Ramziddin Saidov, , World champion in wrestling Shirin Sharipov, Asian champion in judo Farhod Musaev, world champion in freestyle wrestling, Subhon Tashpulatov, silver medal at the Asian championship in Mongolia Nigina Bozorova, champions of Uzbekistan on basketball, Ekaterina Voronova, Ekaterina Nikulina, champion of Uzbekistan on chimney Nilufar Imomova, Rifat Rakhmatullaev, world champion in dzyu-do wrestling, fighter champion of the country Farhod Ergashev, champion of the republic in Greco-Roman wrestling Muhriddin Sobirov, champion of Uzbekistan on wrestling, the winner of international tournaments Nigora Muhiddinova. Today, the whole world recognizes the country where they are being cultivated and we are rightly proud of them. Particularly, Sharif Khalilov, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Physical Education, who won the XIV Paralympics, became the pride of our nation. The achievement of a silver medalist at the Paralympic Games in Jujuy has also been the first medal in the Paralympic history of Uzbekistan. All this is the result and product of our attention to sports in our university.

The basketball team of I.Burnashev, who was the co-founder of the competition, was the first in the Universiade Contest of the Republic and raised the fame of the university athletes.

After the Universiade-2000 in Namangan, the students' attitude towards student sports has radically changed. It is difficult to grasp this from the following examples in Bukhara State University: 76 students from Bukhara State University participated in "Universiada-2000" sports competitions held in Namangan. 116 athletes from our region participated in Universiada-2002 competitions held in Bukhara. 130 students competed in the Samarkand sporting event.

99 students took part in Universiada-2007 sports competitions in Tashkent, while 96 athletes from our region took part in the 5th Republican Universiade-2010 sports competitions in Andijan. University athletes won the second place in Universiade-2002 and 13 gold, 15 silver and 4 bronze medals at Universiade-2007.

About 150 athletes from our region participated in the 2013 sports competitions.

Students living in the hostels of the Universiade have been turned into a favorite place with a lot of amusement conditions for foreign visitors. In other words, the Universiade-2013 is a chance to show their talents and inspire them to great sport. It is wingless for athletes to raise the flag of Uzbekistan on international arenas, for the sake of honor and glory of the country.

Universiade will no doubt be a real sporting event in the future. Athlete-students demonstrate a high level of sporting skills, based on the principles of Olympic Games, on the strength, speed and speed.

In the years of independence, hundreds of students have become winners and prize winners of national and international competitions. Highly qualified athletes of the University take part in competitions such as Uzbek wrestling, sambo, judo, Greco-Roman, taekwondo, freestyle and freestyle wrestling, as well as track and field athletics in the republic, Asia, Europe and the World.

Special attention is paid to the modeling of sports and recreation activities at the University. There are 1 football field, 2 gyms, 2 handball courts, 3 volleyball courts, 3 basketball courts and running tracks. At present, 1236 students are engaged in sports in 10 sections of the students sports club.

Spiritual perfection is a requirement of the day. In Bukhara State University, which is a fruit of independence, in cooperation with the Department of Spirituality and Enlightenment, public organizations and chairs, a wide-ranging ideological, political and legal spiritual-enlightenment activities, which are scientific-enlightenment, ethical-aesthetic, religious-philosophical, ecological-hygienic, demographic and historical character.

The main forms of man-e-learning activities such as conversations, meetings, lectures, seminars, conferences, contests, contests, debates and disputes are effectively utilized in the execution of the decrees of the President, the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers.

In order to make meaningful organization of students' leisure time, they are called "Days of Spirituality" on Thursday, in accordance with the Order No.12 of their creativity. The "Day of Spirituality" is organized according to the plan in educational groups. There will be educational meetings with prominent figures of the republic, meetings with poets and writers, deputies of the Legislative Chamber, teleconferences, museums, theaters, cinemas, historical and modern architectural monuments. In cooperation with law enforcement agencies and religious organizations, a series of roundtable discussions on religious extremism and terrorism, crime prevention and scientific conferences are held.

International Relations: Independence has created enormous opportunities for the higher educational institutions of the republic to cooperate with leading foreign science institutions and exchange ideas in scientific fields.

Bukhara State University together with a number of research institutes of the Academy of Sciences, National University of Uzbekistan, Samarkand State University, Ferghana State University, Urgench State University, Karshi State University, Andijan State University and other leading higher education institutions in the regions has established partnerships with the largest scientific institutions in foreign countries. In 1993, Al-Ahzar Universities of Egypt, as well as Ar-Riyad in Saudi Arabia, Stuttgart of Germany, Sorbonne in France and Redding Universities of the United Kingdom, and Kolderdams College and Novosibirsk University of Russia signed contracts. As a result, the exchange of experiences and sharing experiences with these institutions has become a tradition. In the short term, the United States has 16 universities, the United Kingdom 8, Germany 3, JAR 2, New Zealand 2, Australia 3, Holland 2, France 2, Saudi Arabia 2, 40 students from foreign countries came to study at Uzbek language and history in short-term courses at the university. In turn, 68 students and more than 40 professors from the university were trained and educated in the educational institutions of the developed countries.

The University Department of International Relations has established contacts with Embassies of the USA, Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, Egypt, France, Italy, India, Peace Corps, DAAD, Goethe Institute, British Council, Soros Foundation and Eurasia Foundation. In this connection, the Eurasia Foundation allocated a grant to the faculty of economics at the University of US $ 10,000 in 1995 and US $ 25,000 in 1998. In line with the TEMPUS program, the European Union has developed a program for the development of new tourism economics specialists in cooperation with Grenoble and Saint-Eten in France, Limericka University of Trento in Italy and Ireland. The program has been approved by the European Union and allocated to the Bukhara branch a grant of $ 400,000 for 1997-2000. Under this program, 21 professors and teachers have been attending a one-week exchange visit for four weeks and 18 students, while 12 students have studied the basics of tourism economics at European universities for one year.

It should be noted that the international cooperation of the university is gradually increasing in new forms. This was done by the French Embassy in 1997 under the French Language and Culture, the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in 1999 at the Faculty of History "Arabic Language and Culture" and the Embassy of the Italian Republic in 2000 at the Faculty of Economics under the Italian Language and Culture Center the example of which they are creating. In 2000, the University team won the Gold Medal of the French National Association of Industrialists for such intensive scientific and pedagogical research, public and international scientific and cultural cooperation. All of this proves the growing international reputation of the university, and at the same time it is the first effective way to radically reform and harmonize education in the country - the Motherland, which has gained its independence through independence. and as promising results.

At present, 5 Tempus projects are being implemented, which will improve the quality assurance system in education through the improvement of professional training of professors, development of management skills in higher education, to improve their performance. Within the framework of these projects, the volume of technical equipment and textbooks for the last 3 years is about 100,000 Euros. As a result of the projects, the Center for Quality Assurance in Education, Center for Innovative Research in Tourism, Ecological and Environmental Education and Research Center, special classrooms, more than 40 professors and researchers have been involved in various trainings and courses.

Certain progress has been made in the academic exchange program of Erasmus Mundus. According to the 2014 program published by the European Commission for Programmatic Participation in Higher Education Institutions, the University is the first in Uzbekistan with nine projects, the second in Central Asia and the world's 10th-12th places. Under these projects, academic mobility of students, masters, researchers and professors with leading universities of the European Union has been established, and more than 50 representatives of the University have been awarded scholarships.

According to the results of the Erasmus + program, which has been in force since 2015, four new projects aimed at improving higher education attended by representatives of the University, 7 academic exchange programs have been successfully completed, and the university once again took the highest place in our country. As part of the Erasmus + Youth Policy Contest, one new project has been won, and this kind of international project will be the first in our country.

Within the framework of the project, known as UNIWORK, the experience of monitoring graduates' employment at the University has been presented to partner universities in Europe and Central Asia.

There are frequent meetings with foreign delegations at the University. In particular, during the meetings with the German and US ambassadors in 2015, the priorities of cooperation were discussed and a number of preliminary agreements were reached.

At the meeting with the British Council's Director in Uzbekistan, Mark Crossi, the results of the PRESETT project implemented at the University since 2009 were highly appreciated.

The Korean International Cooperation Agency has agreed to send volunteers for tourism to meet with the Director of KOHKA in Uzbekistan Im Jong-hye.

It was agreed to sign a cooperation agreement with the German Potsdam Institute. The German company KNAUF is working on opening the Applied Arts Center.

Over the years of independence, many foreign students have been trained at the university (20 students are currently studying), foreign professors and teachers have been trained and many foreign delegations have visited. Hundreds of international trips were organized by professors, masters, students and researchers. At the international events held in the Republic and the region, such as the traditional "Silk and Spice Festival", university professors and teachers take an active part.

At the same time, the late teacher V.Abdullayev (literary criticism), I.Kukles (mathematics), M.Mirzaev (linguistics), M.Boltaev (philosophy) ), M.Abdullaev (biology), V. Muminov (physics-mathematics) and also the title "Honored Worker of Science of Uzbekistan". Together with teaching the students, they have made a great contribution to the development of our country, and even dozens of highly qualified candidates and doctors have been trained for the CIS countries. Prof. M.Abdullayev was the first scientist in the direction of ixtiology among Uzbek scholars.

S.Aliev (literary criticism), "Honored Worker of Culture of Uzbekistan", M.Hakimov (Physics and Mathematics) "Honored Teacher of Uzbekistan" . A.Yasina (history) is awarded the Abu Rayhon Beruniy State Prize, O.Buronov and O.Shodiev (Physics and Mathematics) Qori Niyazi Prize, T. Karayev (Literature) is awarded with the International Award named after Ahmad Yassaviy of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan . The list of those who enjoyed a number of titles in the field of science, which has been honored with honors by various government orders and medals, is a major contributor. M. Rakhmatov, M.Ahadova, Z. Jumaev, N.Holiqov, V. Muminov (physics-mathematics), G.Kamaeva (chemistry-biology), P.Karmenko (medicine), R.Karimov, F.Qosimov (history), R.Vohidov, O. Safarov (Literature), O.Yoriev (chemistry), J.Yodgorov (drawing), O'.Tojiev (agriculture), G.Grigoryans (physical training), K. Khairullaev (primary education), J.Namozov, N.Shukurova (economics), Sh.Balavadze, A.Gulomov, K.Zaripov (pedagogy), in general, can continue this list.

Academician Ibrohim Muminov, a member of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, A. Stolyar from the university community, who has been studying at the university and working in the economic sectors, or has been honored by the nation, is a national poet Gulchehra Sulaymonova , People's Artist of Uzbekistan Jamshid Kamol, People's Writer of Uzbekistan Ne'mat Aminov, Literary Scholar Ibrohim Haqqul, People's Artist of Uzbekistan O.Rasulov, People's Artist of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philology, Professor Tura Mirzayev famous literary critic Ibrahim Haqqulov, people's artist of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Karakalpakstan, well-known hafiz Akhmadjon Shukurov, Juma Shukurov and Tesha Salimov, who were awarded the title of "Hero of Labor" due to their dedication, director of Bukhara Regional Local Lore Museum in 1972-1984 A.Mahmudov, Deputy Head of the Bukhara Region Culture Department in 1980-1984, in 1984-2011 director of Bukhara State Museum R.Almeev, director of Bukhara State Museum A.Zikriyayev from 2013, deputy director of the Institute of History of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Sh.Muhammedov, from 2000 to 2004, Navoi region SI Inoyatov, head of the center of well-being, F. Kasimov, who worked as a rector of Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute in 1986-1992, and served as Deputy Chief of Bukhara Region National Security Service from 1997 to 2002, G.Artikov, the head of the Bukhoro Regional Department of Internal Affairs in 2000, R.Karomatov, head of the department of internal affairs of Bukhara city in the late 80s and early 1990s R.Umurov, the head of the Bukhara regional press distribution department, 80 years of the last century A.Hotamov, the head of the Bukhara regional department of the 1990s T.Karimov, Khoro regional khokimiyat secretariat and chairman of the Bukhara department of Bukhara International Fund 2001-2003 L. Gulyamov, director of Bukhara regional archive in 1991-1992, and deputy director of Bukhara State Museum N.Rustamov since 2003 S.Raupov, Head of Bukhara Regional Spirituality and Education Center, 1994-1997 Deputy Mayor on Spiritual Affairs of Bukhara City, 2000 - Chairman of Bukhara City Women Committee Huseinova, deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for two terms, doctor of biological science F.Holboev, chairman of Bukhara regional women committee Z.To'yeva, head of the department of culture and sports affairs of Bukhara regional administration since 2013 Rashidov, head of the Bukhara regional branch of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, Shodmon Sulaymon, head of the department of public education of the regional hokimiyat M.Daminov, graduate student and PhD a doctor of philological sciences - Sh.Shahobiddinova, professor of Andijan State University, B.Mengliev, professor of KSU, O.Bozorov, professor of Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, I.Madrahimov, head of the department Sh.Akramov, Associate Professor of the Urgench State University, Professor Eshchanova, Head of the Department of Primary Education of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, M.Enazarova and others, freestyle wrestling and sambo, boxing world champions Sobir Kurbanov, Botir Hodjaev, Abbas Atoev, Rishod Sobirov, Sharif Khalilov are rightly proud of them.

 The book "History of Bukhara State University: Yesterday and Today"

Creators: Azalshoh Hamroyev

Mavluda Rakhmonova