60211400-Vocal art (traditional singing)
60211500-Instrumental Performance
60230100-Philology and language teaching (Russian)
60230100-Philology and language teaching Uzbek
60310100-Economics (by industries and sectors)
60310900-Psychology (sports psychology)
60310903-Psychology (applied psychology)
60310904-Psychology (family psychology)
60320100-Journalism (Print Media Journalism)
60320200-Information Service and Public Relations
60410100-Accounting and auditing (networks
60410800-Statistics (by industries and sectors)
60412500-Marketing (by industry and industry)
60530100-Chemistry (by type)
60531000-Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling
60540200-Applied Mathematics Undergraduate Education
60610100-Computer science and programming technologies
61010100-Hotel Management and Management
61010300-Sport Activity Wrestling
61010302-Sports activities boxing
61010303-Sports activities volleyball
61010313-Sports activities football
61010316-Sports activities Freestyle wrestling
61010400-Tourism (by areas of activity)
61010501-Guide accompaniment and translation activities English
61010502-Guide accompaniment and translation activities German
61010503-Guide accompaniment and translation activities French
60210800-Applied Arts (Art Ceramics)
60220300-History (countries and directions)
60230112-Philology and language teaching_english
60230113-Philology and language teaching_German
60230114-Philology and language teaching_French
60230201-Translation Theory and Practice_English
60230202-Translation Theory and Practice_German
60230203-Translation Theory and Practice_French
60710200-Biotechnology (by industry)
60810700-Agrochemistry and agrosoil science
60811300-Storage and primary processing of agricultural products
60811800-Fruit growing and viticulture
60811900-Vegetable, melon and potato growing
60812000-Organization and management of greenhouses