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Department of Marketing and Management

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  3. Department of Marketing and Management
buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Kafedra mudiri


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Department of Marketing and Management


About the "Marketing and Management" department
The department "Marketing and Management" was first established in 1948 at the Bukhara Pedagogical Institute under the name "Economic Theory". In 2011, he continued his activities under the name "Economic Education and Tourism". On May 1, 2015, the name of the department was changed to "Tourism" and it continued its activities. According to the order of the rector of the BukhGU dated May 14, 2019 No. 476-U, the department "Tourism" was divided into 2 departments: "Economics of the service sector" and "Tourism and hotel management". Currently, the department works under the name "Marketing and Management".
The department was led by the following directors:
1949-1962 Sharipov Abbas Sharipovich,
In 1962-1992 prof. Namozov Dzhuma Namozovich,
In 1992-1994 Barakatov Boki Obidovich, Associate Professor
In 1994-1998 prof. Navruzzoda Bakhtiyor Negmatovich,
In 1998-2003, associate professor Khamroev Halim Rozikovich,
In 2003-2010, Professor Navroz-zoda Bakhtiyor Negmatovich,
In 2010-2011, Associate Professor Khamidov Akil Rakhmanovich, Ph.D.
In 2011-2012 Candidate of Chemistry, Associate Professor Sayerakhan Uralovna Tajieva,
In 2012-2018, Associate Professor Khamroev Halim Rozikovich, Ph.D.
In 2018-2021 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Sayyora Uralovna Tajieva,
In 2021-2022 Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Ibragimov Nutfillo Salimovich,
Since May 2022, the head of the department is Associate Professor Khurramov Artik Kayumovich.
Ready-made undergraduate courses:
60412500 - Training of bachelors in marketing (by networks and industries) is carried out on full-time, evening and correspondence courses. Training in all forms of education is organized according to the credit-modular system. The standard duration of a full-time undergraduate program is 4 years.
60411200 - Training of bachelors in management (by networks and industries) is carried out in full-time and evening forms of education. Training in all forms of education is organized according to the credit-modular system. The standard duration of a full-time undergraduate program is 4 years.
60411400 - Training of bachelors in the field of human resource management is carried out in full-time and evening forms of education. Training in all forms of education is organized according to the credit-modular system. The standard duration of a full-time undergraduate program is 4 years.
Master's specialties that need to be prepared:
70411201 - Management (by industry and sector) is carried out on full-time forms of study, which prepare masters in the specialty of a master. Training in all forms of education is organized according to the credit-modular system. The standard duration of the master's program is 2 years. A student who has fully mastered the theoretical and practical preparation of natural science programs, successfully defended a master's thesis, successfully passed the final state certification, is awarded a master's degree and an official document (documents) of the state standard of higher education - "manager (scientific employee, teacher) qualification is issued with diploma application.
Research activities of the department:
The department has basic doctoral studies and doctoral studies in the specialties 08.00.05 - Economics of the service sector, 08.00.13 Management.
Scientific directions of the department
regional tourism
digital tourism
world economy and international economic relations
Methods of teaching special subjects
tourism marketing
Internet Marketing
service science
Subjects taught at the department:
Micro and macroeconomics
World economy and international economic relations
History of economic doctrines
Methods of teaching special subjects
Electronic business
Fundamentals of marketing
Economic and tourist geography
Innovative activities in the field of tourism
Tourism marketing
Organization of restaurant services
Advertising activities in the service sector
E-business in tourism
Organization of animation service
Tourism and hotel management
Regional tourism
Personnel management in the hospitality industry
Economics of cultural and art institutions
International cooperation of the department:
Joraev A.T., Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Management. In the period 10.02.2019-16.02.2019, as a representative of partner universities from Central Asia of the TALANT project and to participate in the delegation of Uzbekistan, on the basis of the invitation of BukhSU and during the trip, on the basis of a request from the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation under the Ministry Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Free University of Brussels (250-300th place in the ranking of 2019) and the University of Ghent (148th place) to discuss the transfer of scholarship holders for training, internships and research by the Foundation, as far as possible to implement this process in the Benelux countries, Uzbekistan was on a business trip with the participation of representatives of the embassy.
Khurramov Ortik Kayumovich, associate professor of our department, was sent to the Gunadarma University of Indonesia for the period 07/25/2019-08/24/2020 for an internship in order to ensure high quality education in the joint master's program "Digital Tourism".
N.O”, chief doctoral student of the Department of Marketing and Management. Makhmudov at the competition held by the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, from 06/12/2018 to 06/01/2019, for study abroad, internship and referral to study on the basis of master's and doctoral programs. and returned to the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.
Associate Professor of the Department Tadzhieva S.U. In December 2021, he returned from a scientific and methodological internship at the Southern Federal University of the Russian Federation.
During 2020-2022, in order to strengthen scientific and pedagogical ties with the Bukhara State University and universities that are among the top 1000 in terms of international rating indicators, lectures and practical classes are held in the subjects of the Department of Economics of the Service Sector. JH, Associate Professor at New Zealand's Victoria University of Wellington, is primarily involved in this process. Kadyrov "Electronic Marketing", Ivlieva O.V., Professor of the Graduate School of Business of the Southern Federal University of the Russian Federation, "Geography of Economics and Tourism", Mutaliyeva L.M., Professor of the Eurasian National University of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Organization of Animation Service" and Maydyrova A .B. "Tourism Management". Conducted over 200 hours of training. The active participation of the teaching staff of the department and students in classes organized in the form of a video conference on the Zoom platform was ensured.
Also, professor of the department B.N. Navrozzo held high-level lectures and practical classes on the topic “Tourism Marketing” for students and graduates of the Higher School of Business of the Southern Federal University of the Russian Federation.