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Abu Ali ibn Sino





















Al Hussein Ibn Abdullah ibn Al-Hasan ibn Ali Ibn Sina - a great scientist, physician, musician. He lived in Central Asia and Iran, and was a physician and minister under different rulers. Ibn Sina's treatises are very popular in the East and the West. The encyclopedia of theoretical and clinical medicine "Laws of Medicine" - a compilation of the views of Greek, Roman, Indian and Central Asian physicians - served as an indispensable reference for several centuries, even in Europe.

His main interests are modern medical news, homeopathy, folk medicine, studying modern sources and medical abstracts. More than a hundred years after the scientist's death, religion in Baghdad

fans burn Ibn Sina's philosophical books, and a few more centuries later, after the invention of the large loom in Europe, the large five volumes of the book "The Laws of Medicine" were taken out of print. It will be the second book to be published after the Bible.

Ibn Sina, the sultan of medicine, was born in the village of Afshana near Bukhara. In his autobiography, which has survived to our time, he writes, "My father was from Balkh, and from there he came to Bukhara during the reign of Nuh ibn Mansour from the Samanids, and started his work there in the cabinet. His position was to manage Kharmaysan, the district center near Bukhara. He takes a girl from Afshona in a village near these places, that is, my future mother Sitora - a star, as his wife. First I will be born there, then my brother."

Ibn Sina was a Central Asian who spoke the Persian-Dari language. He often wrote quatrains in this language "to give peace to the heart".

Ibn Sina's parents liked the name Hussein very much. For this reason, they named their first son Husain, but nobles usually gave honorary names to their sons and daughters-in-law. "Undoubtedly, my son will have his own son," Abdullah laughs. So, don't let my son Husain suffer. I have chosen a name for my future grandson - his name will be Ali. His name will be Abu Ali." Abdullah did not even know that this idea was in vain. Husayn will have neither a son nor a family.

He wanders from city to city on the caravan roads for a lifetime, passing from one ruler to another, the road becomes his home, and the passengers become his relatives. Little Hussein was a very curious boy. "What for?" was the most used word in the dictionary. When Husayn was five years old, his family moved to Bukhara. The boy is placed in a primary Muslim school, where he studies for ten years.

Husayn was the youngest among fifteen boys in Khatib Ubaid's class. Students had to read Quranic verses and surahs in Arabic. Most of the young men understood the Arabic language well. As soon as Husain begins to study, he bombards his teacher with questions, but his teacher immediately answers easily: "Learn the Qur'an. You will find answers to all your questions there." At the same time, Husayn studied grammar, methodology and Arabic with another teacher.

One day, the younger Husain said: "I have memorized the entire Qur'an." Can I ask a question now?" His teacher was very offended and said, "They study the Qur'an for many years, and few Muslims memorize it and call them Hafiz." "So I'm Hafiz!" - he quickly replies, boy. In an unfair test, Husayn recites all the surahs without missing a single word.