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University regulations


 I. General Rules

 1.1 Bukhara State University (hereinafter referred to as “university”).  It was established on the basis of the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-356 of February 28, 1992 and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 125 of March 11, 1992.  enters.

 1.2.  The University is a state institution of higher education, which is engaged in educational activities for the implementation of the "Program" of higher education, as well as educational and pedagogical in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.  -methodical, as well as carries out other activities in this area and provides educational services.

 1.3.  The University is involved in the activities of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law "On Education", "National Training Program", resolutions of the Oliy Majlis, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers.  and orders, normative legal acts of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and this "Regulation".

 1.4.  The University has the status of a legal entity.  Responsible for its own obligations in the operational management of specific property, the acquisition of property on its own behalf and the exercise of property and non-property rights, obligations, as well as the plaintiff and the defendant in court  it can.

 It has an independent balance sheet, accounts in banking institutions and other accounts, including foreign currency, a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its name, stamps and other details.

 1.5.  The University is located at 11 Muhammad Iqbol Street, Bukhara.  (Index - 200117).  +998652212914, fax 998652212707, e-mail: bsu_info@edu.uz, www.buxdu.uz, Bank details: sh / h: 100010860064017094100079001, sh / h: 10001086006401709730007901, 400/0090099, h / h / 1000/400/99 / h / 1000/9900  h: 400210860064017950100079080, bank name Central Bank ICRC Tashkent City Head Office, MFO 00014, STIRi 201504275, OKONX 92110.

 1.6.  Full name of the university in Uzbek language: Bukhara State University, abbreviated name - Bukhara State University.

 Full name of the university in Russian: Бухарский государственный университет.  Abbreviated name - BuxGU.

 Full name of the university in English: Bukhara State University.  Abbreviated name BukhSU.


 II.  The main tasks of the university

Implement a single state policy aimed at training highly educated, qualified personnel with high moral and ethical qualities, able to think independently, who have advanced methods and forms of work organization in modern market conditions;

 Ensuring the implementation of the tasks set out in the National Training Program;

 to study and ensure the demand for educational services by enterprises and organizations, as well as citizens in the current and future areas of training in accordance with the priorities of socio-economic development of the country;

 to organize the introduction and effective use of advanced forms of teaching in the educational process, including distance learning, new pedagogical and information and communication technologies;

 to organize the creation, translation and publication of textbooks and teaching aids in accordance with the requirements of the concept of creating a new generation of educational literature for the system of continuing education;

 organization and improvement of the system of training, retraining and advanced training of teachers and specialists;

 organization of research work, increase of their efficiency and wide implementation of research results in practice, ensuring strong interaction between higher education, science and industry;

 Development of measures for legal education and training in the institution, improving the quality of professional training, continuous improvement of the educational program, taking into account the main directions of state policy in the field of anti-corruption

 - Development of science through research, scientific research, creative activities of potential teachers and students, the use of the results in the educational process;

 - Prospective scientific and pedagogical staff in developed countries for 2-3 months at the expense of agreements on mutual cooperation, sponsorship and grants from international organizations, as well as training of interns of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad, internships  and the organization of education through the Talent Fund to organize advanced training aimed at acquiring new knowledge in their field, the regular involvement of leading foreign specialists in the educational process in higher education institutions;

 - Preservation and enrichment of moral, cultural and scientific values ​​of society;

 - Carrying out propaganda work in the field of education among the population, contributing to the raising of its spiritual, educational and cultural level, as well as the implementation of other tasks not prohibited by law.


III.  Educational and scientific-methodical

 subjects of affairs, their rights and obligations.



 3.1.  The person admitted by the order of the rector of the university is a student of Bukhara State University.  The student will receive a student ID and a rating book.

 The Regulation "On the procedure for admission of students to the bachelor's degree of higher education institutions" approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the order of admission to the master's degree program of higher education institutions  shall be adopted in accordance with the requirements of the Charter.

 The organization and procedure of postgraduate education at the university is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Regulation "On postgraduate education" approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


 3.2.  University students have the following rights:

 acquisition of knowledge in accordance with the achievements of science, technology, modern technologies;

 Free access to books, periodicals, e-learning tools available at the University Information Resource Center;

 get free advice and guidance;

 free use of auditoriums, tools for the educational process in the prescribed manner;

 to express his / her suggestions, critical opinions on improving the efficiency of the educational process and the quality of education in the prescribed manner to the management of the educational institution, the dean's office and the department and demand their consideration;

 participate in university and faculty public events;

 participate in research and scientific conferences, publish their results and provide information about them;

 to be a member of and participate in the activities of public associations legally operating at the university.

 The student has the right to receive quality and high-quality education, to enjoy other rights that do not contradict the legislation, necessary for the development of a highly qualified specialist in the chosen specialty.

The student must not abuse his / her rights or use them for purposes contrary to the interests of others.

 3.3.  Students studying on the basis of state grants and on a fee-for-service basis in the form of decentralized education are provided with scholarships in the manner and amount established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

 State scholarships named after Beruni, Ibn Sino, Navoi, Ulugbek, Imam al-Bukhari and Islam Karimov are awarded to the last two undergraduate students of state higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

 State scholarships of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for students of universities (separately undergraduate and graduate) who are citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan and basic doctoral students of the last academic year of the university Higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan  will be appointed based on the results of the competition held by the Ministry.

 Students are also eligible for scholarships from Bukhara State University and scholarships from legal entities and individuals.

 3.4.  In accordance with paragraph 36 of the Regulation "On the procedure for transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students from higher education institutions", approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 20, 2017 No 393  During the period of military service, rehabilitation, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as childcare leave, a student may be granted academic leave in accordance with the procedure approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.

 The list of diseases related to the granting of academic leave to students on medical grounds is given in the Annex to the Regulation "On granting academic leave to students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan."

 3.5.  In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it is possible to defer conscription during the period of study at the University.

 3.6.  Students in need of student accommodation will be provided with accommodation that meets the University’s student accommodation, sanitary norms and regulations.  Tuition for student accommodation is determined by the University, including utility bills.  Students are not allowed to use the University's student housing area for other purposes (rent, other arrangements).

 Students studying in the form of part-time study are allowed to work in their spare time at the University, as well as elsewhere.

 3.7.  A student expelled from the University on his / her own will, academic debt or for good reasons, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 20, 2017 No 393  has the right to be reinstated in accordance with the Regulations on the Procedure for Removal from Winter.

Rehabilitation of students in all forms of education on a fee-for-service basis Compliance with the requirements of the Regulation "On the procedure for transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students from higher education institutions"  is done.

 Orphans who received education on state grants, people with disabilities of groups I and II, as well as those who served in the military (within three years from the date of discharge from the reserve), returned from academic leave within a specified period, with the exception of  can be reinstated in place of state grants.

 Applications for resumption of study of students of higher education institutions (hereinafter referred to as the resumption of student study) are submitted and considered twice a year:

 apply for resumption of study for the fall semester - from July 15 to August 5 each year;

 Apply for resumption of study for the spring semester - from December 20 each year to January 20 of the following year.

 Reconstruction applications are reviewed and decided by the higher education institution, the ministry (agency) in charge of the higher education institution:

 for resumption for the fall semester - from August 5 to August 30 each year;

 to resume for the spring semester - is held annually from January 25 to February 15.

 Citizens who have been expelled from the ranks of students have the right to apply for the transfer of their studies to another higher education institution in a corresponding (related) field of study (specialty).  The consent of the previous higher education institution is not required.

 Students from non-governmental higher education institutions and branches of higher education institutions of other countries (centers, departments, educational and consulting centers, etc.) that do not have a license to conduct educational activities in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan  It is not possible to transfer (reinstate) to a university.

 In the case of a period of 5 to 10 years of expulsion (excluding military service, leave of absence from work for the care of children under three years of age and recovery time), students  winter rehabilitation is carried out with the permission of the ministries and departments subordinate to the higher education institution.

 3.8.  University students must have the knowledge required by the higher education curriculum and syllabus, complete all types of assignments in a timely manner, and comply with the University's Charter, Internal Procedures, and Student Housing Rules.

 Except as provided in the decrees of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the involvement of students in activities not related to the educational process at the expense of study time is prohibited.

3.9.  The following disciplinary actions will be taken against a student for violating the obligations set forth in this Charter and the University's Bylaws:

 A student may be expelled from the University in the following cases:

 a) at will;

 (b) in connection with the transfer of study to another educational institution;

 c) due to health (on the basis of a certificate from the medical commission);

 (g) Violation of academic discipline and internal regulations of the higher education institution;

 d) for missing more than 74 hours of classes during a semester without good reason;

 e) due to untimely payment of tuition fees (for those studying on a fee-for-service basis);

 j) in connection with the student's imprisonment by a court;

 h) because he died.

 3.10.  A student who fails to master the subjects within the prescribed period (has an academic debt) is expelled from the course by the order of the rector of the higher education institution.

 A student who misses a course due to academic debt can start his / her studies on a fee-for-service basis from the beginning of the lower academic semester.

 A student who misses a course may be expelled in accordance with paragraph 3.9 of this Regulation.

 3.11.  At the initiative of the administration of the higher education institution, expulsion of students in accordance with subparagraph "e" of paragraph 3.9 of this Regulation is carried out with the written consent of the student union (for students who are members of the union)  .  The student may also be expelled in accordance with sub-paragraph (g) of paragraph 3.9 of this Charter, in agreement with the primary organization of the Youth Union of the University.

 3.12.  A student who has been disciplined may protest against the legality and fairness of the punishment imposed on him in the manner prescribed by law.

 Information on disciplinary action taken against a student is stored in his or her personal file.

 3.13.  Disciplinary action shall be taken no later than one month after the conduct of the act and no later than six months after the commission of the act, regardless of the length of time the student has been on sick leave.  Students may not be expelled during illness, academic leave, or maternity leave.

At the time of illness, the student (or his or her parent) notifies the university administration, usually no later than one week, with an application and relevant references.

  3.14.  Privileges provided by the relevant articles of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (additional leave with or without pay, additional travel to and from the university) toll, etc.).


  3.15.  The audience is professors and teachers of higher and secondary special, vocational education, studying at the regional center for retraining and advanced training of teachers at the University.  The status of the listener is equal to the status of the student studying in the appropriate form of study at the university in terms of receiving educational services.

  3.16.  The procedure for professional development and retraining, the conditions of training and the rights of trainees are determined by the relevant regulations in accordance with the law.

  3.17.  The listeners are teachers of preschool, general secondary and out-of-school state and non-state educational institutions studying at the regional center for retraining and advanced training of public educators at Bukhara State University.  The form of study is full-time, distance and other forms provided by law.  Teachers sent to advanced training courses are admitted to the ranks of students by the order of the Director of the Regional Center in accordance with their specialties.

  Basic doctoral student (PhD), doctoral studentDc)

  and independent researchers

  3.18.  In order to receive the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), persons entering the basic doctoral program or being registered as independent researchers must meet the following requirements:

  have a master's degree or higher education (in specialty programs);

  Certain scientific results, including at least one scientific article published in scientific journals and publications, as well as scientific-practical conferences, seminars, relevant scientific directions, which may form the basis of dissertation research for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)  .  have at least two theses in collections of scientific works;

  To obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), an independent researcher must have at least two years of scientific and pedagogical experience or a specific scientific achievement (patent or certificate of invention).

To be awarded the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc), a person entering a doctoral program or being registered as an independent researcher must meet the following requirements:

 PhDs or equivalent degrees in foreign countries;

 at least three scientific articles published in scientific journals that may form the basis of dissertation research to obtain significant PhD or PhD degrees, including PhDs (DSc)  - have at least two theses in the collections of scientific conferences on practical conferences, seminars and relevant scientific areas.

 Applicants for admission to the Institute of Postgraduate Education must have a basic specialization in accordance with the field of science to which the specialty belongs in the Institute of Postgraduate Education.

 In case of incompatibility of specialties, the issues of preparation and defense of dissertations are regulated by the Regulations on Postgraduate Education.

 Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) are appointed as supervisors.

 Candidates of the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) are appointed as scientific consultants.

 Supervisors may include a doctor of science who is actively engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities, as well as a candidate of science or doctor of philosophy (PhD) with an academic degree.

 An admissions committee will be set up at the university under the chairmanship of the rector.  The members of the Admissions Committee are appointed by the Rector from among the leading scholars in the relevant field.

 Applicants for the basic doctoral program must pass entrance examinations in their specialty and a foreign language (a foreign language learned in previous levels of education).  Applicants must have IELTS (average score of at least 5.5), TOEFL (RVT) (not less than 567 points), TOEFL (iBT) (not less than 87 points), CEFR (not less than V2 level).  Exempted from examinations in a foreign language in the presence of valid international qualification certificates.

 Applicants for doctoral studies will be interviewed by the University Council on their major.

 3.19.  Has a master's degree in independent research for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or a diploma of higher education (specialty), defined scientific articles, at least two years of scientific and pedagogical work experience or certain scientific achievements (for invention)  holders of patents or copyright certificates);

 Independent research for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) is carried out by candidates of sciences or Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) or equivalent diplomas obtained in foreign countries, who have achieved significant scientific achievements after obtaining a degree in accordance with the established procedure.

3.20.  Applicants for admission to the Institute of Postgraduate Education must have a basic specialization in accordance with the field of science to which the specialty belongs in the Institute of Postgraduate Education.  In case of incompatibility of specialties, the issues of preparation and defense of dissertations are regulated by the Regulations on Postgraduate Education.

 3.21.  The dissertation is written and defended in one of the Uzbek, Russian, Karakalpak and English languages ​​or in another language in agreement with the HAC.

 3.22.  The procedure for admission to the Doctor of Science (DSc), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), as well as the attachment to Bukhara State University for independent research and benefits for working on a doctoral dissertation, the definition of their rights and obligations  Charter ”.

 University faculty, teaching assistants and administrative staff:

 3.23.  The university has a teaching staff, researchers, engineering and technical, administrative, production, teaching assistants and other staff.

 3.24.  The faculty consists of the head of the department, professor, associate professor, senior lecturer, teacher, assistant and teacher-trainee.

 3.25.  In accordance with the Regulations on the Procedure for Recruitment of Teachers to Higher Education Institutions on a competitive basis, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 20 of February 10, 2006  is carried out according to.

 In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. F-137 of March 9, 1992, the Vice-Rector of the University is appointed by the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education in consultation with the Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.  The dean of the faculty, the head of the correspondence department, the head of the master's department, the chief accountant and the deputy chief accountant-auditor are appointed by the order of the rector of the university in coordination with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.

 3.26.  The faculty and researchers of the University have the following rights:

 to elect and be elected to the University and Faculty Councils in accordance with the established procedure;

 participate in the discussion of issues related to the activities of the university;

 use the services of the information and resource center of the university, educational and scientific departments, as well as the services of social, medical and other departments in accordance with the collective agreement;

selection of teaching methods and tools, implementation of scientific research that ensures high quality of teaching and research process;

 to process orders and directives of the university administration in the manner prescribed by law;

 participation in competitions, holding positions in the manner prescribed by law;

 work on a part-time basis in the department, other faculties, departments, organizations in which they work (in agreement with the main place of work);

 to get acquainted with the scientific and educational literature of foreign colleagues in the field and exchange views with them;

 prepare quality textbooks and manuals on their subject;

 to improve the theoretical knowledge, practical experience, methods of scientific research, pedagogical skills;

 supervising students' research work;

 participation in national and international grants, research projects, economic agreements;

 Exercising other rights established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of education.

 3.27.  The responsibilities of the faculty and researchers of the University are:

 strict adherence to education legislation, labor and technology discipline, university regulations, internal labor regulations;

 to perform his / her duties conscientiously and not to tarnish the reputation of a teacher;

 communicate with staff, students and others in the workplace;

 fulfillment of legal orders of the employer, timely and quality performance of educational-methodical, scientific and spiritual-educational work on the basis of the personal plan approved annually, in particular:

 a) to carry out the volume of educational workload, educational-methodical, scientific-educational-organizational work on the basis of the approved individual plan and to take part in spiritual-educational work;

 b) preparation of textbooks, manuals, textbooks, scientific articles, monographs;

 c) educational work, direct participation in spiritual and educational work with students, including participation in extracurricular activities;

d) participation in the scientific process of the department, approved by the University Council;

 e) regular professional development;

 compliance with the rules of occupational safety and health;

 protection of university property, its rational use;

 compensation for actual material damage caused directly to the employer;

 participation in the public affairs of the institution;

 ensuring the effectiveness of the pedagogical and scientific process;

 education in the context of modern civilization and democracy

 in the direction (specialty) chosen by the recipients

 high professional training, ability to work


 increase literacy in foreign languages ​​and information technologies;

 formation of independent thinking, initiative, creative abilities in students;

 Participate in the "teacher-student" system and carry out scientific, spiritual, educational work with attached students;

 to set an example by one's manners, culture and spirituality;

 adherence to a dress code;

 to be aware of the ongoing reforms in the country and the latest developments in the world;

 active participation in cultural, spiritual, educational events organized by the university, faculty, department;

 to enrich the science program he teaches on the basis of regular scientific and technical achievements;

 high quality lessons;

 find and introduce students to new sources related to the field of science;

 self-taught before the start of each school year

 science (s) working curriculum, calendar plan and rating

 development of control schedule and at the department meeting


 timely rating events

objective assessment of students' knowledge;

 use of new pedagogical technologies in the classroom;

 increase of scientific potential and pedagogical skills;

 supervise students' research work;

 active participation in the ongoing reforms in the higher education system;

 3.28.  The University guarantees the professional development of its faculty at least once every three years.

 3.29.  The rights and responsibilities of the University's administrative, engineering, teaching and support staff are determined by the University's internal procedures and job descriptions.


 IV.  Educational and scientific-methodical work


 4.1.  The University implements basic education programs of higher education and postgraduate education, programs of additional education (retraining and advanced training) in the following areas and specialties.

 4.2.Higher education (bachelor's and master's):

 Undergraduate is a full-time form of study


 Areas of study


 Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics


 Pedagogy and psychology


 Vocational education: agronomy


 Vocational education (economics)


 Vocational education: computer science and information technology


 Vocational education: applied arts


 Music education


 Mother tongue and literature (Russian language and literature in other language groups)


 Foreign language and literature: English


 Pre-service military training


 National Ideology, Fundamentals of Spirituality and Legal Education


 Primary education and sports are educational activities


 Preschool education


 In the field of physical culture, including women's sports


 Labor education


 Philology and language teaching: Uzbek


 Philology and language teaching: Russian


 Philology and language teaching: English


 Philology and language teaching: German


 Philology and language teaching: French


 History (by country and region)


 History (Islamic history and source studies)






 Applied Mathematics and Informatics


 Biology (by species)








 Soil science


 Psychology (by type of activity)


 Archival science


 Economics (by industry)


 Technology of storage and processing of agricultural products


 Area of ​​services (by type and direction of activity)


 Hotel management and organization


 Tourism (by field of activity)


 Ecology and Environmental Protection (by industry and industry)



 t / r








 Literary Studies (English Literature)





 Literary Studies (Uzbek Literature)





 Theory and methods of physical education and sports




 Applied Mathematics and Information Technology

 Fine Arts




 Chemistry (science)




 Soil Science (by type of research)




 Psychology (by type of activity)




 Ichthyology and hydrobiology




 History (by directions and countries)




 Linguistics (Uzbek)




 Linguistics (English)




 Theory and history of pedagogy (by type of activity)




 Methods of Theory of Education (Primary Education)




 Physics (by directions)




 Tourism (by type of activity)



 Undergraduate is a special part-time form of study




 Areas of study




 Primary education and sports are educational activities




 Labor education




 Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics




 Physical culture




 Preschool education




 Music education




 Pedagogy and psychology



 Undergraduate - part-time study (second higher education)




 Areas of study








 Labor education












 Vocational education: computer science and information technology




 Philology and language teaching: Uzbek




 Biology (by species)








 History (by country and region)




 Psychology (by type of activity)




 Economics (by industry)




 Mother tongue and literature (Russian language and literature in other language groups)




 Primary education and sports are educational activities




 Physical culture




 Preschool education




 Philology and language teaching: English


4.3.  The university implements basic education programs in two stages: undergraduate and graduate.

 A bachelor's degree is a basic higher education degree that provides fundamental and practical knowledge in the field of full-time education and lasts at least 4 years.

 Bachelor's degree - a special part-time secondary special, professional education and at least three years of pedagogical practical work experience, based on the needs of preschool, school and out-of-school educational institutions, which are managed by these educational institutions  is a basic higher education with a duration of study of not less than 3 years, which provides knowledge on the basis of recommendations issued by ministries and agencies.

 Bachelor's degree - admission to the 2nd year of bachelor's degree in the second and subsequent part-time higher education (regardless of the difference in the subjects in the curriculum) and the duration of study is not less than 3 years  the base is higher education.

 Graduates of the bachelor's program are awarded a "bachelor's degree" in the field of education based on the results of state certification and are awarded a state diploma.

 A master's degree is a bachelor's degree that provides fundamental and practical knowledge in a specific field of study and lasts for at least 2 years.

 Graduates of the master's program are awarded a "master's" degree in a specific specialty based on the results of state certification and are awarded a state-standard diploma.

 A bachelor's and master's degree in the state model entitles its holders to pursue a professional career or to continue their education in the next stages of education in accordance with the chosen field of study and specialization.

 At different stages of higher education, the first education in the basic education programs is not considered as the second higher education.

 4.4.  Organization of the educational process at the University, curricula and subject programs developed and approved in the prescribed manner by the basic higher education institution, approved annually by the rector of the higher education institution (Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs)  the calendar is regulated by a study schedule as well as a training schedule.

 Organization of the educational process through targeted orientation, ie the choice of forms, methods and means of education for students of higher education institutions to master the basic professional education programs of higher education  The necessary conditions must be created for

 The unity of the educational process is ensured by state educational standards.  Supervision and coordination of socio-economic and humanities departments of the University, spiritual-educational and sports units, students and other public organizations by the Vice-Rector for Spiritual and Moral Education  is increased.

 4.5.  The following main types of training are defined at the University: lectures, consultations, seminars, practical training, laboratory work, control work, colloquium, independent work, practice, course project (course work), bachelor's degree and  master's dissertation.

 A 45-minute academic hour (or 40-minute non-stop joint lecture) is scheduled for all types of classroom activities.  There should be a break of at least 10 minutes between classes.

 Languages ​​of instruction:

 Uzbek, English and Russian languages.

4.6.  Training at the university is carried out separately from production.

  As part of the basic vocational education program of higher education, the state educational standard, developed in accordance with the established procedure and registered with the Uzstandard Agency, is used for all forms of education.

  4.7.  The academic year at the university is divided into two semesters, in each of which students' mastering is carried out in the form of rating control.

  Transfer of students from one course to another is carried out by the order of the rector on the recommendation of the dean of the faculty.  Conditional transfer of students from one course to another is not possible.

  Mastering the educational programs of higher education, approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and registered by the Ministry of Justice "Rating system for monitoring and evaluation of knowledge of students of higher education institutions" The final certification of graduates is carried out in  in accordance with the "Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan."

  4.8.  The university conducts scientific and methodological work aimed at improving the quality of training through the use of advanced pedagogical and information technologies, individualization of education and independent learning tools, modular system and distance learning.


  4.9.  Postgraduate Institute majors




  Name of specialty


  Basic Doctorate (PhD)




  Mathematical analysis




  Differential equations and mathematical physics




  Inorganic chemistry








  Soil science




  Industrial thermal energy




  Theoretical foundations of thermal engineering




  Textile materials technology and primary processing of raw materials (chemical sciences)




  Agrosoil science and agrophysics




  History of Uzbekistan




  Agricultural Economics




  Service networks




  Uzbek language




  Uzbek literature




  Comparative Literature, Comparative Linguistics and Translation Studies








  Theory and history of pedagogy.  Management in education




  Theory and methods of education (by fields)




  Theory and methods of physical culture and sports




  Social psychology.  Specialties of ethnopsychology


  Doctorate (DSc)




  Agricultural Economics




  Service networks




  Uzbek language




  Uzbek literature








  Theory and methods of education (by fields)




  Social psychology.  Specialties of ethnopsychology


4.10.  Doctoral studies at Bukhara State University within the Institute of Postgraduate Education in accordance with the "List of specialties of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel" approved by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (DSc)  ) and training of scientific and pedagogical staff through basic doctoral studies (PhD), as well as the attachment of candidates to Bukhara State University for the preparation and defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science or doctor of science.

 Relations with the Institute of Postgraduate Education are regulated by the Regulations on Postgraduate Education, which are duly approved and registered with the Ministry of Justice.


 4.11.  Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-4732 of June 12, 2015 "On further improving the system of retraining and advanced training of teachers of higher education institutions", as well as the Cabinet of Ministers  Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 27, 2017 No. 242 "On measures to organize retraining and advanced training"  Resolution No. 103 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 20, 2017 "On amendments and additions to the Regulations on further improvement of the system of retraining and advanced training of teachers of higher education institutions"  Retraining and retraining of teachers in the center of retraining and advanced training in accordance with the decisions of  their professional development will be carried out.

 According to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 26, 2017 No PQ-3290 "On further improving the system of targeted training of candidates for admission to higher education institutions" Retraining and advanced training of leaders and teachers of academic lyceums 2018  From January 1, 2013, retraining and advanced training of existing teaching staff in higher education institutions will be carried out in regional centers.  4-month short-term pedagogical retraining courses for non-pedagogical specialists of professional colleges will be organized at the Regional Center.

 4.12.  Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Education Staff at Bukhara State University Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education"  PP-3289 "On measures to further improve the system of training, retraining and advanced training of public educators", the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 28, 2017 No 1026  defines

 The regional center operates in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.  orders and other documents of the Ministry of Secondary Special Education, as well as its charter.


 4.13.  According to the thematic plans of the Academic Council of Bukhara State University, it conducts research and creative work with the involvement of students, masters, doctoral students (Dsc) and basic doctoral students (PhD), independent researchers, ensuring the quality of work and safety.

 Research is funded by:

 - Funds from the state budget allocated for the implementation of fundamental, applied, innovative and projects of young scientists (fundamental, applied) in the framework of state scientific and technical programs;

 - Funds of line ministries, departments, enterprises, associations, etc., including foreign organizations, on a contractual basis.


V. The structure of Bukhara State University





 First Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

 Vice-Rector for Spiritual and Educational Affairs

 Vice Rector for Research

 Vice Rector for Finance and Economics

 Vice Rector for Regional Education

 Assistant Rector

 Secretary of the University Council

 Chief Engineer

 General energy

 Great legal advice

 Deans of faculties

 5.3.  University departments and centers:

 Educational-methodical department

 Graduate School

 Special part-time department

 Center for Information Technology

 Information Resource Center

 Department of Talented Youth, Spirituality and Enlightenment

 Student accommodation

 Department of Research and Training of Scientific Teachers

 Editorial and Publishing Department

 Planning and Finance Department


 Department of Operation and Maintenance

 Teaching Aids Department

 Civil defense and labor protection

 Department of Educational Affairs

 International Department

 Monitoring and Internal Control Department

 Marketing Department

 Human Resources

 Office and archive

 Sections 1-2

 Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Teachers

 Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Educators

 Women's Committee

 Department of Education Quality Control


 5.4.  Faculties:

 Physics and mathematics

 Natural sciences





 Physical culture

 Pre-service military training

 5.5.  Chairs:



 Information technology




 Soil science and geography

 English language and literature

 German and French

 Russian language and literature

 Interfaculty foreign languages

 Uzbek linguistics

 Uzbek literature


 National Ideology, Fundamentals of Spirituality and Legal Education



 Elementary and preschool education methods

 Music education


 Labor education



 Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics

 Theory and methodology of physical culture

 Interdepartmental physical culture and sports

 Pre-service military training

 5.6.  Scientific laboratories:

 Software Engineering Laboratory

 Biotechnology and ichthyology

 Chemistry and technology of nanocomposite materials

 Desert geosystems and soil science problems

 Use of alternative energy sources


 Fine and applied arts

 Archival science


 5.7.  Research centers:


 Regional Scientific Center

 Ecological center

 Psychological Service Center

 Bukhara History Center

 Bukhara Center for the Study of Artists and Rare Manuscripts

 5.8.  Museums:



 Bukhara State University Scientific and Practical Museum;

 Museum of Repression Victims at Bukhara State University.

The Museum of Repression Victims, part of Bukhara State University, cooperates with state and economic authorities, local authorities and other organizations.

 The museum does not have the status of a legal entity.  It is a part of Bukhara State University and is subordinated to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the State Museum of Repression Victims under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

 The main tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities of the Museum of Repression Victims at Bukhara State University, as well as the organization of its activities are regulated by its Charter.


 5.9.  There is Karakol Academic Lyceum of Bukhara State University under the University (address: 1 Saodat Street, Karakul District, Bukhara Region, tel: 0365-5651083).

 The lyceum is designed for 450 students and provides in-depth knowledge of social sciences, humanities, natural sciences and exact sciences.

 The director of the academic lyceum submits proposals on candidates for participation in the competition for the vacant position, the rector of the university submits to the Republican Commission for Selection, Appointment and Certification of Leading Personnel of the Management System of Secondary Special and Vocational Education  .

 VI.  University management

 6.1.  Management of the University is carried out on the basis of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the principle of harmonization of public administration through individual leadership and the University Council, the Board of Trustees.

 6.2.  Direct management of the University is carried out by the Rector, appointed in accordance with the procedure established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 9, 1992 137-F.

 6.3.  The rector is fully responsible for the activities of the university, as well as the internal regulations of the university, the Charter of Higher Education and the obligations set out in this Charter.

 6.4.  The rector acts on behalf of the university in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, participates as a representative in all departments, institutions, enterprises, is responsible for the property of the university, concludes contracts, issues power of attorney, opens accounts in banking institutions,  Gives orders for use in the prescribed manner.

 6.5.  The Rector within the competence of the higher education institution:

 issues orders and assignments that are mandatory for all university staff, students and other learners;

 Appoints and dismisses deans of faculties and chief accountants in agreement with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education;

 recommends candidates for the position of vice-rectors of the university and determines the specific duties and responsibilities of vice-rectors, deans;

 recruits and dismisses university staff and employees, as well as research and teaching staff in the manner prescribed by the labor legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers;

 defines the tasks of scientific research, experimental and other organizations and departments of the university and approves their Regulations;

 establishes monthly allowances and supplements to the salaries of university staff;

 approve internal regulations in consultation with the trade union committee or other competent authority of the university;

 cancels the orders of the university issued in violation of the current legislation or regulations of the Ministry;

 approves the funds and salaries of the university in accordance with the Standard staffing units, the number and salaries of approved university staff, the teaching staff of the university and the staffing of university staff within the tariff grid and determines the salaries;

 approves decisions on the opening or closing of faculties, departments in accordance with the relevant regulations in the prescribed manner on the recommendation of the University Council.

In accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the Department of Higher Education, the departments are established or liquidated on the recommendation of the University Council.

 6.6.  The rector of the university is not allowed to work on a part-time basis (except for scientific and scientific-methodological guidance) in the higher education institution where he works and abroad.  The rector cannot be a vice-chancellor.

 6.7.  In accordance with the Regulations on Higher Education, a Council will be established to consider the main issues of the University's activities.

 6.8.  The Council consists of the Rector, who is the Chairman of the Council, vice-rectors, deans of faculties and heads of training departments, as well as representatives of the trade union council of students and university staff.  The other members of the Council are elected by secret ballot at the general meeting (conference).  The number of faculty members elected to the Council is determined by order of the rector.

 The powers of the Council, its election and the procedure for its operation are determined by the "Regulations on the Council of Higher Education Institutions" approved by the authorized state body for education.

 6.9.  The University Board of Trustees is a public body that manages the university and includes representatives of the founding ministries, local authorities, business circles, public organizations, foundations and trustees, and other educational institutions.

 The composition, powers, composition and activities of the Board of Trustees are determined by the Regulations on the Board of Trustees.

 6.10.  The university has a trade union, a youth union, and other community organizations.  The interests of students and staff are represented by the education and science unions and their elected bodies at the university.

 6.11.  The rights of the competent authorities of students and staff and the obligations of the university administration to them are:

 Goals and objectives of the University Youth Union Primary Organization:

 to form young people who are well-rounded, independent-minded, have their own vital position and convictions, are able to take a worthy place in society, be a decisive force and support in the process of reforming the country, their political culture, legal  raising literacy and legal awareness;

 to educate young people, especially non-organized youth, in the spirit of morality and military patriotism, to instill in them a sense of historical memory, national pride and identity, involvement in current events, respect for national and universal values;

 to protect the rights and legitimate interests of young people, to support their aspirations to acquire modern professions, to involve them in entrepreneurial activities;

 to support talented young people, to create conditions for them to realize their creative and intellectual potential, and to involve them in scientific activities;

 to promote a healthy lifestyle and ecological culture among young people, especially non-organized youth, and to involve them in regular physical culture and sports;

 to protect young people, especially non-organized youth, from the influence of religious extremist and other destructive organizations, from the negative influences and threats coming from abroad under the guise of "mass culture", to help prevent and combat delinquency and crime among young people  and others.


 Rights and responsibilities of the University Trade Union Committee:

 the university trade union committee is a legal entity;

 it has its own seal, stamp, letterhead and bank account number designated by the Central Council;

 has its own symbol, registered in the prescribed manner;

 protection of professional and social rights of trade union members;

 participation in the settlement of collective labor disputes;

 development of international relations with trade union organizations of other countries;

 to ensure compliance with the obligations set out in the collective agreement between the university trade union committee and the university administration.

Duties of the university administration:

 to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations set forth in the collective agreement between the university trade union committee, the primary organization of the university youth union and the university administration.

 6.12.  In accordance with the current Regulations, scientific and voluntary societies, scientific-methodical, scientific-technical councils and commissions, the Council of Young Scientists, etc. may be established at the university.

 6.13.  In its activities, the Rectorate and the University Council consider the recommendations of public organizations of the higher education institution and take them into account in their activities.

 6.14.  The university faculty is headed by a dean appointed by the rector in agreement with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.

 6.15.  The dean of the faculty in his activity follows the "Regulations on the faculty of the higher education institution".

 In accordance with the Regulations on the Faculty of Higher Education, a faculty council may be established.

 The composition, powers, formation and activities of the Faculty Council are determined by the "Regulations on the Council of the Faculty of Higher Education."

 6.16.  The activities of the department are headed by a director elected by the University Council on a competitive basis in accordance with the Regulations approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

 The powers of the head of the department and the order of the department are determined by the "Regulations on the department of higher education."

 VII.  Finance is the economic activity and material and technical base

 7.1.  In order to carry out the activities provided for in this Regulation, the University has the right to provide buildings, structures, property complexes, equipment in accordance with the university passport, as well as for consumer, social, cultural and other purposes.  attached properties.

 The university is included in the list of objects to be denationalized and privatized only by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

 Plots of land allocated to the university are attached to the university for indefinite free use.

 7.2.  Gifts, technical assistance, gifts or testaments to the University from individuals and legal entities, property and other property objects, intellectual and creative products that are the result of the activities of the University, as well as through their activities  income received and the right to own property objects purchased at the expense of this income.

 7.3.  The University has the right to act as both the lessee and the lessor of the property.  In accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the "Regulations on the lease of state property" approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the university leases buildings, structures and their parts, the lease of which does not contradict the legislation.  leases state property and other property in the form of equipment, vehicles at the established prices, without the right to dispose of it with the consent of the Academic Council.

 The rent is used to support and develop the educational process.

7.4.  Budget funds allocated for the training of specialists on the basis of state grants to finance the educational activities of the University, funds allocated for retraining and advanced training of staff in accordance with the norms established by the state, as well as extra-budgetary funds, including  Payment for the training of students and trainees received in the prescribed manner - at the expense of contractual funds.

 7.5.  Can carry out paid service activities in education and other fields in a manner that does not harm the main activities of the University.  The business activities of the University must comply with the objectives set out in its Charter.

 7.6.  The University participates in the statutory fund of business societies and companies with its own property, sets prices for paid educational services, consultations and other services, independently manages the income remaining after taxes and other mandatory payments provided by law  entitled.

 7.7.  The provision of paid educational services of the University can not be carried out within the framework of educational activities and in its place at the expense of funds allocated from the budget.

 7.8.  The University independently decides on the conclusion of contracts, obligations and other conditions that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and this Charter.

 7.9.  Salaries at the University are determined in accordance with the Regulations on Remuneration of Employees of Higher Education Institutions and the Unified Tariff Grid of Remuneration at the Conclusion of an Employment Contract.  A university employee is paid a salary (rate) for performing his / her functional duties and the work specified in the employment contract.  The amount of additional salaries, bonuses and other financial incentives is determined by the university independently, in the manner and amount provided by law within the salary fund.

 Salaries can be revised based on the results of the certification only for the purpose of increasing it.

 7.10.  The university allocates the rooms necessary for the activities of public organizations established at the university and monitors their maintenance.

 Premises located on or on the campus of the university, as well as kitchens and other catering establishments serving students, listeners and staff, will be provided with rooms with heating, lighting and water supply.

 7.11.  Repair, reconstruction or construction of new buildings of the University, their financing is carried out in the manner prescribed by law.

 VIII.  International cooperation

 8.1.  In accordance with Article 33 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", the University participates in international cooperation on educational issues, to establish direct contacts with relevant educational institutions of foreign countries, as defined by law.  have the right to establish joint educational institutions with them and to engage in foreign economic activity aimed at the development of international relations.

 8.2.  Training, retraining and advanced training of foreign citizens, teaching and research work of the university's research and teaching staff outside the Republic of Uzbekistan, agreements between the relevant educational authorities of foreign countries, as well as the law of the university  on the basis of direct agreements with foreign citizens and foreign legal entities.

 8.3.  The University has the following rights:

 - Accession to international non-governmental organizations;

 - conclusion of agreements on cooperation with foreign partners in accordance with the established procedure, which cannot be considered as international agreements of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

 - Establishment of university departments (centers, laboratories, technical palaces and other departments) with the participation of foreign partners in the manner prescribed by law;

 - The organization of research and training trips of students and masters in international organizations abroad on the basis of mutual agreements and contracts, research and professional development of researchers and professors.

 8.4.  Foreign business trips of professors, staff and students of the University are carried out in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the consent of the relevant ministry.

 8.5.  The foreign exchange earnings of the University are used to support the activities of the University in accordance with the law.

IX.  Final rules

 9.1.  The University in the order established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan responds to:

 - failure to perform the tasks included in its competence;

 - Incomplete implementation of educational programs in accordance with the curriculum and schedules;

 - the life and health of students and staff of the university during the educational process;

 - Violation of the rights and freedoms of students and university staff;

 - Other actions provided by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

 9.2.  The University may be reorganized or liquidated in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

 The Charter developed by the University is approved by the relevant ministries and departments, registered in the prescribed manner and enters into force.

 Changes or additions to the Charter of the University are made in the prescribed manner.

 The Regulation was developed on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 257 of July 1, 2010, taking into account the recommendations set out in the "Model Regulations of State Higher Education Institutions".