Kafedra mudiri_ (fan nomzodi yoki ilmiy unvonga ega)
Fakultetlararo chet tillar kafedrasi
The interfaculty department of foreign languages was founded in 1968.
The department was headed by senior teacher S. Sultonov as the head of the department. In 1980-1986, associate professor Z.B. Toshev worked as the head of the department. In 1986-1990, f.f.d. G. N. Zikrillaev was elected as the head of the department. In 1990-1992, associate professor M.J. Toksanov, in 1992-1995, associate professor S.A. Azimov, and in 1998-2000, associate professor M.S. Sulaimanov were the directors. In 2000, the department was divided into two and named the 1st foreign languages department and the 2nd foreign languages department. Associate Professor Z.B. Toshev was appointed as the head of the first department and F.F.D. as the head of the second department. G. N. Zikrillaev was appointed. In September 2003, the number of interfaculty foreign languages department will reach three. Associate professor Y.B. Nurmurodov was elected to the position of the head of the third department. In August 2005, all three foreign language departments were united and the Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages was formed. For the position of the head of the department G. N. Zikrillaev was appointed. The teaching load of the department has exceeded 34,000 hours. The number of professors and teachers of the department together with assistants has reached 50 people.
In August 2006, according to the order of the rector of BukhSU, the department was divided into two departments and named "Foreign language in natural directions" and "Foreign language in humanitarian directions" department. To the 1st department f.f.d. G. N. Zikrillaev, and senior teacher A. A. Haydarov was appointed as the head of the 2nd department. In the 2006-2007 academic year, the teaching load of the "Foreign language in humanitarian directions" department reached 16,655 hours. Foreign language, Russian and Uzbek language classes are provided to the department in philology, humanities, economics, natural sciences, physics-mathematics, art and engineering graphics, as well as special extramural faculties. Five subjects are taught at the department. These are: Russian, Uzbek, English, German, French. There are 13 main members of the department, and 10 deputy teachers. In the 2009-2010 academic year, the department was named the Department of Foreign Languages, and the position of the head of the department was held by Ph.D. It was done by G. N. Zikrillaev. In the 2010-2011 academic year, the department was headed by associate professor Z.B. Toshev. In 2011-2015, senior teacher O.M. Fayzullaev worked as the head of the department. From 2016 to May 11, 2019, associate professor M. N. Hikmatova worked as the head of the Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages. The foreign language department in the humanitarian areas operated as an inter-faculty foreign language department until May 11, 2019. Since May 11, 2019, the number of professors and teachers of the Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages has exceeded 62. In accordance with Khamidov's order No. 508 of 05/28/2019, the Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages was divided into 2. These were named: "Foreign language in humanitarian directions" department and "Foreign language in natural directions" department
By 2022, both departments have merged again and are again operating as the Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages. Fayzulloyev Otabek Muxammadovich was appointed the head of the department. In the 2022-2023 academic year, a total of 45 teachers are working in the "Interfaculty Foreign Languages" department. In addition to the faculty of foreign languages, the members of the department take practical training in foreign languages for the requirements of the departments of Philology, History, Art Studies, Economics and Tourism, Primary and Preschool Education and Faculties of Bachelor, Master and Correspondence, Second Specialization.
Educational directions, specializations and specializations prepared at the department:
Economy - 60310100
Tourism- 61010400
Philology- 60230100
History- 60111100
Art studies - 210,000
Primary Education - 60110500
Preschool Education - 60110200
Mathematics- 60110600
Chemistry- 60110800
Physical Culture- 60112200
The contribution of the interfaculty department of foreign languages to the national rating of Bukhara State University for the 2022 academic year was reflected in a number of issues:
• According to international indicators, the number of citations (S4) to scientific articles of POs is 1280 in total, of which Hirsh-index 50 and 10-index 16
• The total number of articles is 124. The number of scientific articles (S6) in international Web of science, Scopus, Q1 Q2 journals is 9 in total.
• The number of scientific articles (S6) in international impact factor journals is 56 in total.
• The number of scientific articles (S7) in republican scientific journals (on the OAC list) is 33
• The total number of students who participated in international conferences and seminars, scientific or educational projects (foreign, joint) is 2.
• 23 POs participated in international conferences and seminars
• 32 POs participated in national conferences and seminars
• The number of POs that published articles in international OAC journals, 10
• 3 training manuals, 4 dictionaries, 4 methodological manuals, 5 monographs have been issued.
• Students who took 2nd place in the Olympiad have certificates
• Sherin Travel received 15 million soums of funds based on field orders
• In 2022, 1 foreign professor-teacher, Ashley, is working at the Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages.
Research activities of the department:
The total number of scientific articles published by the department is 124. There are a total of 9 scientific articles in the international Web of science, Scopus, magazines, and a total of 56 scientific articles in magazines with an international impact factor. There are 33 scientific articles in republican scientific journals (in the list of OAK). The total number of students participating in international conferences and seminars, scientific or educational projects (foreign, joint) is 3. 23 POs participated in international conferences and seminars. The number of POs who participated in national conferences and seminars, the number of POs who published articles in 32 International OAC journals, 10. In addition, pedagogues-teachers of the department issued 3 training manuals, 4 dictionaries, 4 methodological manuals, and 5 monographs.