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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Kafedra mudir


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Department of English Linguistics


About the department
The work of the English Linguistics Department from January to November 2021 to raise the national rating
The contribution of the English Linguistics Department to the national ranking of Bukhara State University in January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October and November 2021 was reflected in a number of issues.
1. The number of teachers who successfully defended their doctoral (PhD) dissertation in philological sciences at the Scientific Council No. PhD.03 / 30.12.2019. FIL.72.03, 4 
2. The number of professors who published articles in the international journals with a high impact factor in collaboration with professors and teachers of the world's top 1000 universities, 1 
3. The number of professors who gave lectures and practical trainings in the world's top 1000 universities, 1 
4. The number of citations (S4) to scientific articles of the professors according to international indicators, total 627
5. Number of scientific articles and theses (S6) in international journals and international conferences, a total of 64
5. The number of scientific articles (S7) in the republican scientific journals (listed in the HAC), a total of 40
6. Grants from foreign research centers and foreign scientific funds; The total share of funds in the department is $ 89,910
7. The number of students participating in international conferences and seminars, research or educational projects (foreign, joint), a total of 6
8. The number of professors participating in international conferences and seminars, scientific or educational projects (foreign, joint), a total of 40
9. The number of patents received for intellectual property, 1
10. The number of textbooks, 6 in total
11. The number of monographs, total 7
12. The number of foreign teachers working in the department, 2 
Teachers of the department Kholikova N.N., Tursunov M.M. and M.U. Saidova successfully defended their doctoral (PhD) dissertation in philological sciences at the Scientific Council No. PhD.03 / 30.12.2019. FIL.72.03 and got their PhD degree.
64 articles published in foreign journals, of which 42 are scientific articles with an impact factor and 22 thesis published in international conference proceedings. The number of articles published in the journals of the Republican Higher Attestation Commission has reached 40. The number of citations to the articles of professors and teachers in Google Scholar and Scopus is 317. These include 14 Google Scholar h-indexes and 2 Scopus h-indexes.
The total share of grants from foreign research centers and funds accounts for $ 89,910. In particular, the head of the department Z.I. Rasulov received a grant from the US Embassy "The English Language Specialist program -ELS", which attracted a foreign specialist Teresitta Eldridge to Bukhara State University on the project "Incorporating digital literacy in Teaching English as a foreign language". From April to May, 17 teachers of the department were trained on a regular basis. The department also has Sarah Chatta, a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant from the US Department of State. The total cost of these projects was $ 57,976.
The number of textbooks published by the professors of the department are 6: Z.I. Rasulov. A.A.Haydarov, M.I. Gadoyeva, M.U.Saidova, Z.I.Usmonova, N.N. Khairullayeva and F.S. Vohidova's textbooks. The number of monographs are 7 and they were published by A.A.Khaydarov, M.M.Rakhmatova, Z.H,Saidova, N.S.Kobilova, N.Z. Roziyeva, N.D.Djumayeva and G.G.Abdullaeva.
The teacher of the department N.N.Kholikova received a certificate of authorship on the inclusion of the object of intellectual property in the English-Russian-Uzbek dictionary of detective and criminal words.
The associate professor of the Department N.N.Kholikova in collaboration with a professor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, one of the world's 1000 most prestigious countries, published an article in the international journal with a high impact factor. On September 2021, the associate professor of the department M.M.Rakhmatova visited Arizona State University in the USA and conducted a lecture on “Eng 444: Literature and Human Rights”.
From January to November 2021, the Department of English Linguistics had 2 foreign professors, Sarah Chatta and Teresitta Eldridge. 
In addition, another associate professor of the Department Mexriniso Rakhmatova received a 4-month internship at the University of Arizona, USA, which is the 500 highest in the world. This project was funded by the American consulate and lasted from August 10 to December 4, 2021, under the Faculty Environment Program. 
Under the leadership of Teresita Eldridge, an English language specialist from the US Department, representative of TESOL, an online one-month training for teachers of the Department on Digital literacy was carried out, and as a continuation of this training, offline seminar trainings were held in June 2022.