Kafedra mudir_ (fan doktori va professor ilmiy unvonga ega)
Musiqa ijrochiligi va madaniyat kafedrasi
In 1962, in Bukhara, the homeland of Shashmaqom, Bukhara and Mavrigi, under the faculty of primary education methodology of the State Pedagogical Institute (now BukhSU), the department of music was established under the leadership of associate professor T.T. Tursunov. This department was named "Music Education" department in Including in 2022, it will be called the "Music performance and culture" department. In different years, professors F. J. Torayev, S. Do`stov, D. Yu. Roziyev, B. Kh. Madrimov, S. B. Saidily, associate professors A. E. Koshayev, B. I. Mustafoyev, A. A. Khidirov, O. I. Karimov, T. I. Rajabov, Sh.U. Norova led and contributed to increasing the scientific and pedagogical potential of the department and strengthening its material and technical base. Currently, the department is headed by Assoc. Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD)) Rajabov Tokhtasin Ibodovich is leading. The members of the department have been providing educational and methodological support to Bukhara specialized art school and Bukhara specialized culture school. In order to increase the efficiency of scientific and educational work, among them are general secondary schools No. 1 in Vobkent district, No. 1, 11, 20, 22 in the city of Bukhara, and No. 1 in Kogon district.
Educational directions, specializations and specializations prepared at the department:
5111100 - Music education
60211400 - Vocal art (traditional singing)
60211500 - Instrument performance: folk instruments (rubob prima, Kashgar and Afghan rubob)
60212000 - Organization and management of cultural and art institutions.
Scientific and research activities of the department.
The scientific and research activities carried out by the members of the department are mainly the creation of programs, development and manuals in subjects related to music education, musical performance, vocal art. will consist of creating, teaching-methodical and teaching manual writing, as well as writing scientific articles in various scientific collections and magazines. In particular, during 2019-2022, they published 3 textbooks, 18 study guides, 10 monographs, more than 200 scientific articles in international and republican scientific journals. More than 50 talented students were involved in research work at the department, more than 15 scientific articles of students were published in scientific collections. The results of scientific works serve to increase the effectiveness of teaching the subjects "School repertoire", "Uzbek music history", "Uzbek music folklore" and "Uzbek folk music creation" in the department.
Scientific directions of the department:
13.00.01-Pedagogy theory and history;
13.00.02-Theory and methodology of education and training;
Subjects taught at the department:
Additional instrument
Music theory (solfeggio, harmony, analysis of musical works)
Vocal and modern music Instrumental performance and ensemble
Folk instrument performer
School repertoire
Music theory
Basics of Maqom
Salfeggio of Maqom
Learning MTM repertoire
Professional competence and creativity of music teacher
Uzbek folk music creation
Traditional singing
Music teaching methodology and school repertoire
Choir and choral studies
Notation and work in computer programs
Music teaching technologies and design
Music history
Uzbek music folklore
Basics of management of culture and arts
Skills of organizing cultural events
Public holidays
Organization skills
Organizing concert tour activities
Basics of raising the culture of the population
Innovations in the field of culture and art
Work in cultural institutions
Work of cultural centers
Work of culture and recreation parks
Basics of concert-tour activities
Folk art
Intangible heritage of Uzbekistan
History of world music
Choir class (vocal ensemble)
Vocal performance (by types)
Journal working with voice (in the specialty class)
Orchestra class (ensemble class)
History and theory of Uzbek status.