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  2. Department of Mathematical Analysis
buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Kafedra mudiri


Kafedra mudiri_ (fan nomzodi yoki ilmiy unvonga ega)

Matematik analiz kafedrasi



Department of Mathematical Analysis


About the department
The history of the department of "Mathematical Analysis" is closely linked with the history of Bukhara State University (BDPI).  In different years, the department was named differently.  In the 60s of the last century, the department was renamed the Department of Mathematics.  During these years, the head of the department was A. Yusupov.  The department has not lost its status since then.
In 2010, the departments of "Differential Equations", "Algebra and Analysis" were merged, the Department of "Mathematical Physics and Analysis" was established and was headed by Ph.D.  Led by G.I. Botirov, in 2014-2015 he was a Ph.D.  R.T. Mukhitdinov was the head of the department.  In 2015, the department was renamed the Department of Mathematics, which until July 2016 was headed by R.T. Mukhitdinov, and until January 2018, the head of the department was Ph.D., Associate Professor I.M. Juraev.  The department will be open from April 2018 to June 2019 with a Ph.D.  Associate Professor N.H.Mamtova, Ph.D. from June 2019 to May 2020, Associate Professor T.H.Rasulov.  From September 2020, the Department of "Mathematics" was divided into the departments of "Mathematical Analysis" and "Differential Equations", and the head of the Department of "Mathematical Analysis" was Ph.D., Associate Professor H.R. Rasulov.  From July 2021, the head of the department was assigned to E.B. Dilmurodov, Ph.D.  Currently, the department has 6 candidates of sciences, 3 senior teachers, 13 teachers and 5 basic doctoral students.
Areas of study, specialties and specialties prepared at the department:
5130100, 60540100 - Bachelor of Mathematics.
5A130101, 70540101 - Master's degree in Mathematics (by field).
There is a basic doctoral program in Mathematical Analysis and 13.00.04 - Theory and Methods of Education (Mathematics).
Research interests of the department:
spectral analysis of linear operators;
theory of quadratic stochastic operators;
educational theory and methods (mathematics);
Seminars at the department:
The department conducts a scientific seminar on "Functional analysis and its applications."  Seminar leader: f.-m.f.n., dots. T.H.Rasulov.  Seminar time: every Tuesday at 14:00, main building of Bukhara State University, room 417.  In addition to lectures on topical issues, the seminar also includes discussions of doctoral and doctoral (PhD) dissertations.
Scientific-educational seminar "Non-standard issues of analysis" for doctoral students, masters and students.  Seminar leader: f.-m.f.f.d.  E.B.Dilmurodov.  Seminar time: every Thursday, 16:00, BSU main building, room 417.
Scientific cooperation
Department Baltic University (Sweden), International Center for Theoretical Physics named after Abdus Salam (Italy), University of Bern (Switzerland), Universities of Bonn and Bochum (Germany), Islamic University of Malaysia and Malaysian University of Technology (Malaysia), Eurasian National University named after Gumilyov (Kazakhstan)  Kazakhstan), Kazan Federal University, Novosbirsk State University (Russian Federation) and a number of other international research centers and higher education institutions, the VIRomanosky Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and a number of prestigious higher education institutions of the Republic.  : Good cooperation with the National University of Uzbekistan, Samarkand State University, Urgench State University, Karakalpak State University, Karshi State University.
Disciplines taught at the department:
For undergraduate majors:

1.Mathematical analysis
2.Functional analysis
3.Probability theory and mathematical statistics
4.Theory of functions of complex variables
5.Discrete mathematics and mathematical logic
6.Selected chapters of functional analysis
7.Selected chapters of mathematical analysis
8.Methods of teaching mathematics
9.Higher mathematics
For master's specialties:
1.Theory of dimensions and integrals
2.Theory of operators in Banach spaces
3.Theory of self-contained operators
4.Spectral properties of operator matrices
5.Selected chapters of the analysis
6.Statistical models in pedagogical research