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  2. Department of Ecology and Geography
buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Kafedra mudiri


Kafedra mudiri_ (fan nomzodi yoki ilmiy unvonga ega)

Ekologiya va geografiya kafedrasi



Department of Ecology and Geography


In order to ensure the implementation of the decision of the Academic Council of BukhSU dated August 30, 2019, the Department of Ecology and Geography was formed on the basis of the Department of Ecology and the Department of Soil Science and Geography on the basis of the order of the rector. Bukhara State University dated 09.03.2019 No. 817-Sh. This department trains specialists in the areas of 5630100 - Ecology and environmental protection (by industry), 5140600 - Geography for undergraduate studies and 5A140602 - Geography (on the subject of study) for the master's degree.
History of environmental education. 
The Department of Ecology was established on the basis of the Departments of Zoology and Botany on the basis of Order No. 204-U dated September 17, 2001. After that, for one year from June 2005 to June 2006, the department was merged with the Department of General Chemistry and managed under the name of the Department of General Chemistry and Ecology.
On June 1, 2008, by order of the University 203-U, the Department of Ecology was restored and 7.5 staff positions were assigned to it, the Department of Ecology and Soil Science was created. According to the order of July 10, 2008 No. 176-U, the department of ecology was separated from the department of soil science and began to function independently.
In order to ensure the implementation of the decision of the Academic Council of the University dated August 23, 2014 No. 256-U, as well as to optimize the structures of the faculties and departments of the university, the department of geography of the department of ecology was formed separately.
Since the beginning of its activity, the department has been preparing bachelors in the direction of education 5850200-Ecology and environmental management, but currently, due to a change in the curriculum, bachelors are being trained in the direction 5630100-Ecology and environmental protection.
History of geographical education. 
In BuksDU (former Buks DPI), the training of qualified specialists in the field of geography began in 1964 (correspondence) and 1965 (full-time).
In the early years, subjects related to geography were taught at the Department of Fundamentals of Agriculture. Later, this department acted under the name "Fundamentals of Agriculture and Geography."
The Department of Geography has been working independently since September 7, 1979. Over the past period, more than 1,500 geographers-biologists, historians-geographers, highly qualified specialists in the specialty of geographers and teachers have been trained.
The department of geography trains personnel in the areas of undergraduate studies 5440500-geography (full-time), 5440500-geography (correspondence), 5140600-basics of geography and economic knowledge (2nd specialty). 2005 September from the month of 5A440503 - natural geography, landscapes, geophysics and geochemistry, specialty according to the master discovered. 16 in phase 2 man master,
 Currently, the Department of Ecology and Geography has 26 core staff and 4 lecturers as associate professors. Currently there are 3 doctoral students, 5 candidates of sciences, 8 senior lecturers, 10 teaching assistants.
In different years, teachers worked at the department.
The department prepares education in the direction and specialty:
5630100 - 132 undergraduate students in ecology and environmental protection (by networks);
60710400 - 58 students majoring in ecology and environmental protection (online) bachelor's degree;
5140600 - 160 undergraduate students in geography;
60530400 - 33 undergraduate students in geography;
5A140602 - 14 students are studying in the direction of the master's program in the specialty "Geography" (subject of study).
Directions of scientific research conducted by professors-teachers and basic doctoral students:
N.A. Toshbekov - "Scientific foundations for the rational use of collector-well water (on the example of the Bukhara region)"
Kadyrov A.A. - "Formation and development of economic and social geography in Uzbekistan"
Adizova H.R. "Physiological features of the use of trace elements in increasing the resistance of cotton to night abiotic factors"
Shadieva N.Sh. "Improving the methodology for using software training tools in preparing students for innovative professional activities"
Scientific directions at the department:
•History of geographical science and education
•Methodology of geographical education
•Desert landscapes and their effective use
•Possibilities of using purified water
•Ecology of saline soils
•Ecophysiology of plants
Subjects taught at the department:
Ecology and environmental protection (by networks) in the field of undergraduate studies:

• Ecology Bioecology
• Ecology of insects
• Teaching about the geosphere
• Scientific and theoretical foundations of ecology
• Geoecology
• Methods of teaching ecology, biology and geography
• The concept of sustainable development
• Ecology of regions and settlements
• Ecological physiology
• Reclamation and reclamation
• Ecology of Bukhara region 
• Methods environmental studies 
• Desertification problems and environmental monitoring 
• Applied ecology
• Social ecology 
• Climate change and biodiversity conservation 
• Hydroecology
• GIS technologies 
• Ecological tourism and services 
• Scientific and theoretical foundations of ecology 
• About teaching the geosphere
• Teaching about the biosphere
• Urban and industrial ecology
• Soil ecology and agroecology
• Alternative energy in environmental protection
• Environmental policy of Uzbekistan
• Use and management of water resources in Uzbekistan
• Environmental protection
• V aleology
• Life safety
• Sports medicine and DMM
•Pediatrics and children hygiene
Geography in the field of undergraduate studies: 

1. Fundamentals of Geophysics and Geochemistry

3. Economic social geography

4. Topography, cartography, GAT

5. Political geography

7. Industrial geography _

9. World economic geography

10. Central Asia

11. Geography of Uzbekistan

12. Geography and urbanization of cities

13. Additional sciences (History of Geography)

14. And using a geographical basis

15. Economic geography of Uzbekistan

17. The main problems of geography

18. Geographic local history

19. Practical geography

20. Science by choice (Industry and village economics of geography)

21. Geography

22. Geography of Central Asia

23. General hydrology and climate science

24. Base geology and geomorphology

25. Landscaping

26. Population geography

27. Elective Science (Agrogeography)

28 Geography training methodology

29. Choice science (melioration geography)

30. Additional science (Geography of Bukhara)

31. Additional subject (Geography of Tourism)

32. Use of a geographic basis

33. Economic and Social geography major concerns

34. social geography

35. Practical geography

36. Choice science (geographical prophecy)

Master's degree :
Geosystems and complex natural geography
Geoinformation systems and technologies
Geography of service
Practical landscape science
Geophysics and geochemistry of landscapes
History and theory of geography
Subjects taught in other educational areas of the university:
•Ecology and nature management
•Life safety
•Hygiene of physical culture and medical and physiological foundations of sports.
•Sports medicine and rehabilitation
Courses related to environmental sustainability

1.  Экобиотехнология  - 
2.  Экология  и защита природы -  
3.  Экология ва атроф мухит мухофазаси - 
4.  Шахар ва саноат экологияси - 
5.  Экология укитиш услубиёти - 
6.  Экология укитиш услубиёти - 
7.  Экоология ва табитни мухофаза килиш - 
8.  Тупрок ва агроэкология - 
9.  Шахар ва саноат экологияси - 
10.  Гидрология ва геоэкология - 
11.  Тупроклар экологияси - 
12.  биоэкология - 
13.  табииий ресурслардан окилона фойдаланиш - 
14.  Экология экспертиза - 
15.  Экологик физиология - 
16.  иклим узгариши ва экологик мослашув - 
17.  Спортивная медицина -ЛФК и гигиена физического воспитания - 
18.  Jismoniy tarbiya gigiyenasi va sportning tibbiy fiziologik asoslari - 
19.  Topografiya, kartografiya, GIS - 
20.  Jahon tabiiy geografiyasi -  
21.  Ekologiya va tabiatni muhofaza qilish -  
22.  Медико физиологические основы гигиены физического воспитания факультет физической культуры -  
23.  Muqobil energiya -  
24.  Shahar va sanoat ekologiyasi -  
25.  Gidrologiya va geoekologiya - 
26.  Biogeografiya -  
27.  Экология и защита природы -  
28.  Экология и защита природы -  
29.  Geoekologiya va langshaft ekologiyasi -  
30.  Sotsial va madaniy geografiya - 
33.  Основы валеологии -