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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti



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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

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Faculty of History and Law


Faculty of History and Law
The Faculty of History was established in 1930, when the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute (now BUKHGU) was opened. Four departments have started their work: Physics and Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology, Philology, History and Social Studies. One of the first students admitted to the Institute were students of history. In 1934, an independent historical faculty was established on the basis of the Department of History and Social Studies.
The main purpose of the faculty was to train teachers for secondary schools in history and social sciences. In the first years of the faculty's activity, the history of the Communist Party (b), the history of the USSR, the history of the Comintern, general history, philosophy, pedagogy were taught.
Until the mid-1960s, the Karshi and Termez branches operated at the Faculty of History and provided many specialists for secondary, specialized secondary and higher educational institutions of Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions.
On April 5, 2018, the Faculty of History and Cultural Heritage was established on the basis of the Faculty of History. Since August 1, 2019, Djuraev Jamshed Rahmatiloevich has been working as the dean of the faculty.
In August 2022, by the decision of the Academic Council of Bukhara State University, it was renamed the Faculty of History and Law.
The faculty consists of 5 departments: the Department of “Archeology and History of Bukhara”, the Department of “General History”, the Department of “Jurisprudence and Socio-Political Sciences”, the Department of “History of Islam and Source Studies and Philosophy" and the Department of “Psychology and Sociology".
The Faculty of History and Law of Bukhara State University has 11 bachelor's degrees and 7 master's degrees.
1. History (by countries of the world),
2. History: The History of Bukhara
3. Fundamentals of national idea and spirituality, legal education
4. Archaeology
5. History (History of Islam and source studies)
6. Social work (work with family and children)
7. Jurisprudence (by type of activity)
8. Political Science
9. Sociology
10. Psychology (Family Psychology)
11. Psychology (Applied Psychology)
1. History (by directions and countries)
2. Methods of historiography, source studies and historical research.
3. Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology
4. Archaeology
5. History of Islam and source studies
6. Advocacy
7. Psychology (general psychology)
Cooperation in the field of scientific research and education;
National University of Uzbekistan;
Samarkand State University;
Navoi State Pedagogical Institute;
TDPI Certified;
Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Federation;
Institute "History" of the Russian Federation;
Institute "Philosophy" RFA;
Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology.
International cooperation in the field of scientific research:
Moscow State University (Russia);
Southern Federal University (Russia);
Kazan Federal University (Russia);
Novosibirsk State University (Russia);
Tomsk Federal University (Russia);
Saint Petersburg State University (Russia);
Malaysian Technical University (Malaysia).
Turkey, Ankara, Istanbul, Rajab Tayyib University;
Egyptian universities Al-Askad, Ain Shams, Cairo and Tanta.
Northwest University of China
Achievements at the faculty:
The faculty pays special attention to the preparation of educational literature, monographs, teaching aids and developments, as well as educational and methodological complexes on the subjects taught. The created electronic collections are placed in the information resources center of Bukhara State University, the ZiyoNET network and on the faculty's website. Over the past 3 years, teaching professors have published 10 textbooks, 30 monographs, 20 textbooks, 30 textbooks, more than 150 articles and theses.
During these years, 5 international and 10 republican scientific and practical conferences were organized at the faculty.
The faculty has established the involvement of talented students in research work. In 2019-2022, he won 4 state scholarships.