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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti



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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Yoshlar bilan ishlash buyicha dekan o`rinbosari


Yoshlar bilan ishlash buyicha dekan o`rinbosari (ilmiy darajaga yoki ilmiy unvonga ega)

Xorijiy tillar fakulteti



Faculty of Foreign Languages


The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Bukhara State University, which began its work in 1930 as the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, began its work in 1962 at the Department of Foreign Languages.  In 1967, at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Y. Gulkarov held the position of dean of the English, German and French languages.
From 2019, the Doctor of Philology, Professor Malohat Muhammadovna Juraeva continued to work as the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages.
So far, the scientific potential of the faculty is growing from year to year, the audience of students and graduates is expanding.
Today, the faculty has 195 professors and teachers working in 7 departments:
English Linguistics
English Literary Studies
English literature and stylistics
German and French
Translation Studies and Linguodidactics
Foreign language in the humanities
Department of Foreign Languages ​​in Natural Sciences
There are also 5 bachelor's degrees in the faculty:
1) teaching philology and languages: English, French, German;
2) foreign language and literature: English;
3) translation theory and practice: English, French, German;
4) foreign language in preschool and primary education: English;
5) guide and translation activities: English, French, German;
and 5 masters:
1) Linguistics (English)
2) linguistics (French)
3) Literary Studies (English)
4) comparative linguistics and linguistic translation studies
5) linguistics, literature and international journalism
more than 2,300 students study in the fields of study.
It is well known that today the demand for foreign languages ​​in our country is growing in order to further develop and expand relations with foreign countries, and the teaching of foreign languages ​​in universities is being radically improved.
Faculty American Embassy, ​​American Council, British Council, French Embassy in Uzbekistan, Alliance French Language Learning
Center at the French Embassy in Uzbekistan, Belgian Embassy in Uzbekistan, American Cambridge, Oxford, Webster, Oregon, Texas Universities, UK  Further cooperation with foreign universities and organizations such as London Metro, Westminster University, Goethe and Munster Universities in Germany, François Rable of France, Turin, Sarbonna-4, Sarbonna-9, Grenoble Alpine Universities, Goethe Institute, Delhi University of India, Istanbul University of Turkey, DAAD  is working with a number of efforts to strengthen.
International and national scientific-practical, scientific-theoretical, spiritual-enlightenment events, conferences, opening new bachelor's and master's degrees in foreign languages ​​at the faculty, further strengthening ties with foreign universities.  such as the organization and holding of webinars, forums, congresses, seminars and trainings at a high level, as well as the implementation of reforms to increase the attractiveness of the faculty in order to improve the quality of education of students and professors.  expanding.
The faculty has established effective cooperation with foreign universities.  International cooperation is strengthening ties by inviting foreign guests and delegations, as well as highly qualified and highly qualified professors and teachers of higher education institutions to the university.
On March 5, 2020, the Indian Culture Room was established at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​under the auspices of the Embassy of India and the Jawaharlal Nehru Indian Cultural Center in Tashkent.