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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Kafedra mudiri


Kafedra mudiri_ (fan nomzodi yoki ilmiy unvonga ega)

Geliofizika, qayta tiklanuvchi energiya manbalari va elektronika kafedrasi



Department of Heliophysics and Renewable Energy Sources


 Department of Heliophysics and Renewable Energy Sources
About the department

  The Department of Heliophysics and Renewable Energy Sources was established in 2022. Prof. at the department. SH.M. Mirzaev, prof. S.Q. Kakhorov, prof. T.D. Jorayev, Assoc. I.I. Rakhmatov, Ph.D. (PhD) M.S. Mirzaev, senior teacher M.N. Narzullayev, teachers J.R. Kodirov, S.S. Ibragimov, J.O. Arabov, I.I. The Hikmatovs are working, they made their proper contribution to increasing its scientific and pedagogical potential and strengthening its material and technical base. Currently, the department is headed by Associate Professor Ilhom Ismatovich Rakhmatov.
There is a branch of the department at the Institute of Physics and Technology of the IICh Union of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Fizika-Kuyosh". Members of the department provide educational and methodological support to the Karakol Academic Lyceum and a number of vocational colleges. In order to improve the effectiveness of scientific and educational work, cooperation agreements have been concluded with the following scientific organizations and educational institutions: "Physics-Quyosh" IICHB of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Materials Science, UzMU, SamSU, QarSU, Jondor Among them are the 22nd school in Jondor district, the 29th school in Jondor district, the 20th school in Bukhara district, the 10th school in Jondor district, the 21st school in Peshku district, the 32nd school in Karakol district, and the 26th school in Gijduvan district.
Educational directions, specializations and specializations prepared at the department:
60711000 - Bachelors are trained in the "Alternative energy sources" field of study. Currently, 25 students are studying in this direction.
Research activities of the department
The department mainly conducts scientific and research work in the areas of using solar energy, physics of magnetic phenomena, and methods of teaching physics.
Various constructions of solar water dispensers, solar greenhouse-dryer devices were created by the scientific staff of the department and recommended for implementation in production. During the next 5 years, the members of the department published more than 70 scientific articles in international and republican scientific journals. The "Mini Heliodryer-Greenhouse" and "Portable Solar Water Dispenser" devices created at the department were exhibited at the "Innovative Ideas, Technologies and Projects" Republican Fair and a number of contracts were signed. More than 10 talented students are engaged in research work in the department. During the next 3 years, more than 15 scientific articles of students were published in scientific collections.      
"Heliophysics and renewable energy sources" (by directions)
Research activities of the department

The department is currently conducting scientific research in the following directions.
05.05.05-Theoretical foundations of thermal engineering.
 Subjects taught in other educational areas of the university
1. Physics (for the field of study "Soil Science")
2. Physics (for the field of study "Chemistry")
3. Physics (for the field of study "Biology")
4. Physics (for the field of study "KHMSQI")
5. Physics (for the "Labor Education" course)
6. Physics (for the field of education "Military training before conscription")
7. General physics (for the field of study "Mathematics")
8. Theoretical mechanics (for the educational field "Mathematics")
9. General physics (for the field of study "Applied mathematics and informatics")
10. Theoretical mechanics (for the educational direction "Applied mathematics and informatics")
11. Physics (for the educational direction "Informatics and information technologies")
12. Physical foundations of the computer (for the educational direction "Informatics and information technologies")