Kafedra mudiri_ (fan nomzodi yoki ilmiy unvonga ega)
Biotexnologiya va oziq-ovqat xavfsizligi kafedrasi
History of the department
29.05.1992 of the collegium of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. By decision No. 5/5, the faculty of agriculture and geography was established as part of the Bukhara State University. Since September 2, 2014, it has been called the Department of Soil Science and Geography. On March 29-30, 2019, during his visit to the Bukhara region, the President emphasized the need to approach the reform of the agricultural sector from a scientific point of view, and proposed the establishment of an institute in the field of agronomy and biotechnology in Bukhara, O According to the orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 14/1-1074 dated May 29, 2019, it was established as a Faculty of Agronomy and Biotechnology within Bukhara State University. Order No. 513 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education dated June 10, 2019 and Order No. 573-U of the Rector of Bukhara State University dated June 15, 2019 were developed and a new Faculty of Agronomy and Biotechnology was established within the university. In 1995, as the head of the department, Ph.D., prof. S. Boriyev worked. The scientific laboratory "Problems of Biotechnology" was opened at the department. The main directions of this laboratory are the creation of biotechnology for the treatment of sewage and collector water in the Bukhara region. A number of grants from the Republican Science and Technology Committee have been received for the work being done in the "Problems of Biotechnology" scientific laboratory, and economic contracts related to this field are being implemented. Even now, this scientific research work is continued. A post-graduate course in the specialty "Biotechnology" (03.00.12) was opened in the department, and 3 candidates of science (A.M. Qabilov, L.T. Yuldoshov and .Sh.R. Sharopova) defended in this field. Currently Department of Biotechnology and Food Safety 2022 was established in August. In different years, the department b.f.d. prof. S.B. Boriyev, Assoc. F.H. Jumayev, Assoc. R. Yunusov, Assoc. B.B. Takhirov, Assoc. G.T. Zaripov, b.f.f.d. (PhD) A.M. They made their proper contribution to increasing the scientific and pedagogical potential of the Qabilovs and strengthening the material and technical base. Currently, the department is headed by B.F.F.D. (PhD) Yuldoshov Laziz Tolibovich is leading.
The duration of study in the full-time department is 4 years, the qualification level is "Bachelor".
The number of full-time students at the Department of Biotechnology and Food Safety is 391.
There is a branch of "USAID" organization established under the Faculty of Agronomy and Biotechnology of Bukhara State University. Members of the department provide educational and methodological support to several schools and a number of vocational colleges. In order to improve the effectiveness of scientific and educational work, cooperation agreements have been concluded with the following scientific organizations and educational institutions: covering the need for personnel in the development of regions and industries of Bukhara region, training highly qualified personnel in the field of agriculture, exportable products It is important to meet the demand for specialists who have a deep knowledge of modern science and technology in cultivation, to prevent the decrease in soil fertility and land reclamation observed in farms, and to obtain a high yield from fruit and vegetable and grape varieties. To train highly qualified personnel with modern knowledge in the field of agriculture, to increase soil fertility and improve land reclamation conditions in clusters and farms of the region, to sharply increase the culture of farming in farmers' farms and residential estates in the future, and to increase the production of agricultural crops. It consists in creating agribusiness plans for harvesting and processing high-quality crops, and organizing high-quality export of products through agro-logistics in a centralized manner.
From August 2022, the Department of Biotechnology and Food Safety joined the newly established Faculty of Agronomy and Biotechnology. Currently, 3 doctoral students (PhD), 6 independent researchers (RhD), and 2 doctoral students (DsS) are conducting scientific research at the Department of Biotechnology and Food.
Starting from the 2022-2023 academic year, the soil science department was divided into 2 departments: Biotechnology and food safety, Agronomy and soil science departments. 16 main and 10 associate professors work at the Department of Biotechnology and Food Safety. The department includes 4 basic doctoral students, 4 independent researchers and 1 doctoral student who are conducting scientific research.
The scientific potential of the department is 35%.
Educational directions and specialties prepared at the department:
60710200 - bachelors are trained in the field of education "Biotechnology" (by branches). Currently, 123 students are studying in this direction.
60811300 - Master's degrees are being prepared in the field of "Technology of preservation and preliminary processing of agricultural products". Currently, 92 master's students are studying in this specialty. Currently, 73 graduate students are studying in this specialty. Currently, 58 students are studying in this direction.
60811900 - Bachelors are being trained in the field of "Vegetables, Potatoes and Potatoes". Currently, 58 students are studying in this field.
60812000 - Bachelors are trained in the field of "Organization and Management of Greenhouse Farming". Currently, 59 students are studying in this direction.
Scientific directions of the department:
03.00.23 - Biotechnology
Subjects taught by the department:
4.Fish diseases
5.Aquatic plant breeding is biotechnology
6.Entering the specialty
7.Biology and genetics
8.Agricultural mechanization and automation
9.Farming and reclamation
10.Cotton farming
11.Basics of animal husbandry
12.Basis of metrology, standardization and certification
13.Intensive fruit growing
14.Biochemistry of plants
16.Fruit growing and vegetable growing
17.Biologically active substances in agriculture
18.Mechanization and automation of storage and processing of agricultural products
19.Technology of cultivation of rare vegetable crops
20.Protected land vegetable growing
21.Organization and management of a greenhouse
22.Cooling technology and equipment for the storage of agricultural products
23.Equipment and design basics of agricultural products processing enterprises
26.Fruit and vegetable growing
27.Fruits and vegetables, grape storage, b/I giving processes
Address of the department: Faculty of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Yangiabad village, Raboti Kalmoq MFY, Bukhara district.