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Innovation group in biotechnology and ichthyology


Innovations in biotechnology and ichthyology

tsel gruppy

In rezultate aktivnogo razvitiya promyshlennyx predpriyatiy i selskogo xozyaystva obrazuetsya bolshoe kolichestvo stochnyx vod. Stochnye vody achchaychay na spetsialnyx promyshlennyx objects (aerotenkax) i sbrasyvayutsya v vodoemy. Stochnye vody promyshlennyx ob’ektov sbrasyvayutsya v okrujayushchuyu sredu bez ochistki ili s chastichnoy ochistkoy, chto privodit k uxudsheniyu sostoyaniya okrujayushchey sredy. Razrabotany biotechnological methods ochistki stochnyx vod. Vodnye nizshie i vysshie vodnye rasteniya aktivno rastut v stochnyx vodax, udalyaya iz vody organicheskie i mineralnye veshchestva i bacterii, rasprostranyayushchie razlichnye zabolevaniya. Bylo by polezno izuchit oblasti aktivnogo proizrastaniya vodnyx rasteniy v stochnyx vodax, zagryazneniya ryboxozyaystvennyx vodoemov, oblasti primeneniya ryb v pishchu.

Rukovoditel gruppy: Boriev Sulaymon - d.t.n., professor.


Rashidov Negmurod Elmurodovich - Ph.D., Associate Professor.

Tokhirov Bakhtiyor - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Mustafaeva Mamlakat Isaevna - b.f.n., docent.

Rakhmonov Rashid - teacher of the department.

Shamsiev Nasim - teacher of the department.

Sharopova Shaxnoza - teacher of the department.

Kobulov Aziz - Department of Ecology.

Jalolov Elbek is studying for a second master's degree.

Khamrakulova Nargiza yavlyaetsya magistrantom II stupeni.

Yuldashev Laziz yavlyaetsya studentom I stupeni magistratury.

Plan of work of the innovative group in the field of biotechnology and ichthyology for 2015-2016


Subject Date of completion


Application of pistachios and azolov from high water plants in Khorezm and Namangan rybolovstve and vыpolnenii dogovorov. September-December 2015 On the protyajenii 2016 year


Preparation of the pond on the site of the Bukhara State University November 2015 - March 2016


Laboratory breeding of low and high aquatic plants for wastewater treatment. January-March 2016


Размножение высших водных растений в водах Бухары и в пруду на агроучастке. March-April 2016


Consolidation of the basin at the Bukhara State University March-April 2016


The use of low and high aquatic plants in the treatment of various wastewater. May-October 2016


Use of low and high aquatic plants as fish food. June-October 2016


Participate in fairs and conclude contracts with manufactured products. 2015-2016


Preparing progress reports. 2015- December 2016 April, June

Руководитель группы: б.д.ф., проф. С. Бориев.