Kafedra mudiri_ (fan nomzodi yoki ilmiy unvonga ega)
Biologiya kafedrasi
About the department.
The direction of education 5140100-biology was approved by Resolution No. 343 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 16, 2011.
The duration of full-time study is 4 years, the qualification level is "bachelor".
The Department of Biology was established in 2011 as a result of the merger of the Departments of Botany and Zoology, established in 1930 at the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute.
Its main task is to teach students the distribution, systematics, geographical position in nature of lower and higher plants and animals, their anatomy and morphology, cytology and importance in the national economy. Also, the teaching staff of the department conducts scientific research of the plants of the region.
At the beginning and throughout its activity, the Department of Botany was headed by a number of professors and teachers, as well as carried out pedagogical and scientific activities. And among them are professors and associate professors like H.H.Guzairov, H.T.Boltaev, M.H.Khalilov, A.R.Akramov, H. Kosimova and A.Fayziev.
In 1995, PhD, Prof. S.Buriev worked as the head of the department. The scientific laboratory “Problems of Biotechnology" has been opened at the department. The main directions of this laboratory are "Creation of biotechnology for wastewater treatment and collector waters of the Bukhara region".
A number of grants of the Republican Committee on Science and Technology have been received in the scientific laboratory "Problems of Biotechnology" as part of the ongoing work, economic contracts related to this area are being fulfilled. This research work continues at the present time.
At the Department of postgraduate study in the specialty ”Biotechnology" (03.00.23), prepared 5 candidates of Sciences (Rashidov N. E., Hayitov Yo.Q., Mustafaeva M. I., Norboeva U.U., Tohirov B. B.).
At the Department of biology, students are taught subjects related to plant and animal life, and it carries out scientific research work. Such sciences include zoology, plant physiology, cytology, microbiology, biotechnology, plant geography, plant ecology, plant water regime, human and animal anatomy and physiology, biophysical sciences.
The Department of Zoology was organized in 1930 at the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute. In different years (up to 1953), the department was headed by famous scientists such as Prof. F.A.Turdakov, associate professor I.H..Maksudov, Prof.Karlenko, from 1953 to 1996, the department was headed by Prof. M.O.Abdullaev.
By the order of the Rector of Bukhara State University No. 176-U dated July 10, 2008, the Departments of Botany and Zoology were merged and renamed the Department of Biology. In 2010, by Order No. 346, the departments were divided into two more departments - "Botany" and "Zoology". From 1996 to 2010 - Professor of the Department of Zoology S.B.Bakoev and Professor of the Department of Botany S.B.Buriyev worked as head of the department.
S.B.Buriyev successfully held the position of head of the department for 14 years. In a short time, under the guidance of a professor, 6 candidates of sciences successfully defended their candidate's works. He and his students managed to become a three-time winner of the grant of the Committee on Science and Technology and conclude a number of business contracts. They are being implemented at the present time.
Professor of the department S.B.Buriev is the author of more than 200 articles, abstracts, brochures, monographs and textbooks.
In 2011, the Department of Biology was established on the basis of the Departments of Botany and Zoology. Currently, 7 candidates of sciences, associate professors N.E.Rashidov, A.E.Xolliyev, M.I.Mustafayeva, U.T.Norboeva, B.O.Komilova, M.I.G’ulomov, B.B.Tohirov work at the department; senior teachers S.M.Gafarova, B.I.Jabborov; teachers such as R.R.Rakhmonov, A.R.Raimov, H.K.Esanov, Z.T. worked.Safarova, N.M.Khasanova, H.M.Toshev, N.A.Shamsiev, N.A.Azizova and G.B.Muslimova.
In 2011-2012, Ph.D. Associate Professor M.I. Mustafoeva worked as the head of the Department of Biology.
Under her leadership, in 2010, 3rd-year student Amonova Matluba, in 2012 Atoyeva Rukhsora became laureates of the Ulugbek State Scholarship
In 2012-2014, Associate Professor of the department N.E. Rashidov held the position of head of the department. In 2005, a 3rd-year student Ochilova Xolida, in 2007 Sadullayeva Dilrabo took the honorary II place at the Republican Biology Olympiad, in 2014 Khalimova Shakhina under the leadership of Mustafayeva M.I. became laureates of the Ulugbek State Scholarship.
The department has opened a master's degree in the specialty ”Hydrobiology and Ichthyology". Masters, along with training in the specialty, carry out research work on a master's thesis.
Between 2015-2019 years B.B.Tohirov held the position of head of the department.
At the department” Biology " research works are being conducted, mainly on the following topics: "Biological wastewater treatment from collector-drainage, municipal services, factories and factories of the Bukhara region and the use of the resulting biomass in various sectors of the national economy“, "Bioecology of waterfowl of the Bukhara region” and "Fish productivity and improvement of fish farming of fish farms of the Bukhara region".
The teaching staff of the department has published more than 150 teaching aids, as well as a large number of scientific and methodological articles.
In 2016, Rakhimov Jonibek took the III place at the republican Scientific Olympiad and at the same time became a laureate of the Ulugbek State Scholarship, in 2018 he received the certificate “The Best student Researcher”. In 2017, a 3rd-year student in biology A.Aminzhonova and in 2019, a 3rd-year student of biological education S.A.Khudoyberdiyeva under the guidance of Mustafoyeva M.I. became laureates of the Ulugbek State Scholarship.
Since August 2019, the Department of Biology has been included in the newly created Faculty of Agronomy and Biotechnology.Currently, 6 people are basic doctoral students (PhD) at the Department of Biology, 9 people are independent researchers (PhD), 4 people are doctoral students (DCS).
Bachelor's degree courses:
60510100-Biology (by types)
Master's degree preparatory specialties:
70510101-Biology (by subject areas)
Research activities of the department:
The Department of Biology conducts research, mainly on the topics: "Diversity and ecology of plants and animals of the Bukhara region“, "Biological wastewater treatment of the Bukhara region and the use of the resulting biomass in various sectors of the national economy“, as well as ”Increasing the fish productivity of fish farms of the Bukhara region".
In 2017-2021 Esanov Husniddin Qurbonovich, Rayimov Avaz Rustamovich, Yarkulova Zulaykho Rakhimovna, Kobilov Aziz Mukhtorovich, Salimova Sarvinoz Farhadovna received a PhD in biological sciences.
Scientific directions of the department:
03.00.12 - Biotechnology
03.00.06 - Zoology
03.00.05 – botany
Subjects taught in the department:
Bachelor's degree in the field of education:
2.Botany (anatomical morphology)
3.Medicinal plants
4.Botany (higher plants)
5.Biochemistry and molecular biology
6.Zoology (invertebrates)
9.Plant physiology
11.Biodiversity (T/F)
12.Botany and plant physiology
13.Age physiology and hygiene
14.Histology and embryology
15.Age physiology and hygiene
16.Microbiology and virology
17.Fundamentals of genetics and genomics
18.Methods of teaching biology
19.Medicinal plants
20.Evolutionary learning
21.Higher nervous activity activity of the central nervous system
22.Human anatomy and physiology
24.Biology of ionizing rays
27.Fundamentals of biodiversity
28.Zoology (vertebrates )
29.Human anatomy
30.Biochemistry and molecular biology
1.General hydrobiology
4.Medicinal plants
6.Taxonomy of animals