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Department of Psychology and Sociology

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  3. Department of Psychology and Sociology
buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Kafedra mudir


Kafedra mudir_ (fan doktori va professor ilmiy unvonga ega)

Psixologiya kafedrasi


Department of Psychology and Sociology


The chair was first established in 1933 under the name "Pedagogy and Psychology", and since 1979 it has been operating as the "Psychology" chair, and since 2022 it has been operating as the "Psychology and Sociology" chair.
Managers of chair:
M.S.Smolenskiy – professor (1933-1935);
V.M.Zaborskiy – professor (1935-1940);
V.P.Narishkin – docent (1941-1957);
А.А.Xolmetov – docent (1958-1959);
Sh.P.Balavadze – professor (1959-1974);
K.Z.Zaripov – professor (1974-1978)
R.А.Tursunov – candidate of psychology, docent (1979-1982)
L.P.Xoxlova - candidate of psychology, docent (1982-1988)
M.N.Usmanova - candidate of psychology, docent (1989-1994)
Sh.R.Barotov candidate of psychology, professor (1995-2011)
U.S.Jumaev candidate of psychology (2012-2015)
Sh.R.Barotov doctor of psychology, professor.(2016-2021)
A.M.Nazarov doctor of psychology, (DSc), professor since 2022 to now.
Educational directions and specializations prepared at the department:
60310903 –«Psychology» Applied Psychology  number of students 303
60310904-« Psychology» Family psychology number of students 217
60311000 - Sociology number of students 32
70310901 – Psychology (about types of activity) number of students 17
Research activities of the chair
In the Chair of Psychology and Sociology, a memorandum of cooperation was signed with the Department of Internal Affairs of the Bukhara Region and the Bukhara State University, and effective activities are being carried out with the Bukhara Regional Government on providing psychological services to women and minors in the neighborhoods. "Psychological clinic" was established at the state university and is currently operating effectively. During the next 5 years, the members of the department published more than 500 scientific articles in international and republican scientific journals. More than 30 talented students are engaged in research work at the During the next 3 years, more than 50 scientific articles of students were published in scientific collections.
Scientific cooperation
P.G. Demidov cooperation with Yaroslav State University named after Demidov is well established, and mutual cooperation with a number of prestigious higher educational institutions of the Republic: National University of Uzbekistan, Samarkand State University, Urganch State University, Karshi State University started.
 Scientific directions of the chair:
19.00.05-Social psychology. Ethnopsychology. 
19.00.06-Youth and pedagogical psychology. Development psychology.
Subjects of chair:
60310903 –«Psychology» applied psychology
60310904-«Psychology» family psychology

1. General psychology
2. Theory and history of psychology  
3. Dvelopment and differential psychology 
4. Medical psychology 
5. Psychological service to family 
6. Psychological service to social and management directions 
7. Experimental psychology