Kafedra mudiri_ (fan nomzodi yoki ilmiy unvonga ega)
Differensial tenglamalar kafedrasi
The history of the department of "Differential Equations" is closely linked with the history of Bukhara State University (BDPI). In different years, the department was renamed. In the 60s of the last century, the department was renamed the Department of Mathematics. During these years, the head of the department was A. Yusupov. The department has not lost its status since then.
In 2010, the departments of "Differential Equations", "Algebra and Analysis" were merged, the Department of "Mathematical Physics and Analysis" was established and was headed by Ph.D. RT Muhitdinov was the director. In 2015, the department was renamed the Department of Mathematics, which until January 2018 was headed by Ph.D. Associate Professor IM Juraev. From April 2018, f.-m.f.n. Associate Professor N.H. Mamtova headed the department. From October 2020, the department of "Mathematics" was divided into two departments: "Differential Equations" and "Mathematical Analysis". The department of "Differential Equations" has 1 doctor of sciences, 5 candidates of sciences, 3 senior teachers and 13 teachers. In different years, scientists of leading universities and research institutes in Moscow, Kyiv, Novosibirsk, Tashkent, Samarkand have taught special courses and special lectures for students. Among them are I. Kukles, B. Boltyansky, T. Juraev, Sh. Ayupov, G. Ganikhodjayev, N. Ganikhodjayev, S. Abdunazarov, U. Rozikov, R. Beshimov and others. . With the Bukhara branch of the Institute of Mathematics named after VIRomanovsky (http://www.mathinst.uz/), Novosibirsk State University (https://www.nsu.ru/n/), Kazan Federal University (https: // kpfu.ru/), SamSU (http://samdu.uz) Department of Algebra and Geometry and other universities.
Areas of study at the department:
60540100 - mathematics and 6053100 - mechanics and mathematical modeling. There are currently 685 students enrolled in these majors.
Master's degree in preparation for the department
70230101 - Mathematics (by directions)
Research interests of the department:
- The inverse problem of mathematical physics;
- fractional differential equations;
- the problem of vibration of the beam.
Research activities of the department
Priorities of research activities of the department. The department conducts research on memory differential equations, inverse problems of mathematical physics, basic cases, spectral analysis of operators, non-Euclidean geometries, mathematical physics and mechanics.
Professors and teachers of the department also carry out a number of important activities in the field of international cooperation and scientific relations with foreign countries. In particular, international cooperation has been established with the University of Bern in Switzerland, the Universities of Bochum and Bonn in Germany, the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Italy, Moscow State University, Novosibirsk State University and Kazan Federal University.
The department teaches the following subjects:
In the field of undergraduate education:
Algebra and number theory
Differential geometry and topology
Higher mathematics
Differential equations
Equations of mathematical physics
Variation calculation
Linear algebra and analytic geometry
Simple differential equations
Differential equations with special product
Mathematics for economists
Economic mathematics
Fractional order differential equations
Modern methods of mathematical physics