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Regulations on the procedure for awarding the degree of Doctor of Science


 Regulations on the procedure for awarding the degree of Doctor of Science

 I. General Rules

 II. Qualification exams

 III. Requirements for dissertations

 IV. Published scientific works on the results of the dissertation requirements

 V. Preliminary review of the dissertation in the organization where the work was performed

 VI. Submission of the dissertation for defense

 VII. Preliminary review of the dissertation on the board

 VIII. Organization of the defense of the dissertation

 IX. Dissertation defense

 X. Submission of the attestation case to the HAC

 XI. Re-defense of the dissertation

 XII. Review of the dissertation in the HAC

 XIII. Nostrification of documents on academic degrees

 XIV. Registration and issuance of diplomas

 XV. Deprivation of an academic degree

 XVI. Consideration of appeals (complaints)

 XVII. Final rules


 This Regulation is in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" (Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1997, No. 9, Article 225) and "On the National Training Program" (Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1997, 11  -12, Article 295) and the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 2, 2010 No PK-1426 "On measures to further improve the system of training highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel" (Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2010  Decree No. 44-45, Article 376) and PF-4456 of July 24, 2012 "On further improvement of the system of training and certification of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel" (Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan,  2012, No. 30, Article 346), as well as the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 421 of September 9, 1992 (Collection of Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1992, No. 9, 28  -article) determines the procedure for state certification, awarding, deprivation of academic degrees and consideration of appeals of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the relevant areas of science, technology, education, health and culture.




 1. The following abbreviations and basic concepts are used in the Regulations on the procedure for awarding the degree of Doctor of Science:

 HAC - Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

 Attestation - the implementation of appropriate measures at the stages of the process of training highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, ie passing qualifying examinations in organizations, approbation of dissertations at scientific seminars, dissertation defense at the Academic Council for the degree of Doctor of Science and examination of dissertations in the HAC.  assessment of the level and novelty and quality of dissertation results;

 Attestation case - a set of documents related to the attestation of the applicant;

 Dissertation work - a scientific work in the form of a manuscript prepared on the basis of published scientific works of the applicant;

 Examination - an assessment of the accuracy and novelty of the scientific results of the dissertation, the importance of the dissertation for theory and practice, compliance with the criteria for evaluating dissertations and compliance with the requirements of the Regulations of the HAC;

 Preliminary review (preliminary examination) - pre-defense examination of the dissertation;

 Academic degree - the degree of the doctor of sciences given on the basis of results of attestation on the basis of postgraduate education;

 Qualifying examinations - an important component of the certification of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, tests to determine the level of theoretical and professional training of the applicant;

 Nostrification of documents on obtaining an academic degree - recognition and registration of equivalence of documents on obtaining an academic degree in foreign countries (equalization on the basis of re-certification);

 Deprivation of an academic degree - revocation of diplomas of persons holding an academic degree, if there are sufficient grounds;

 Consideration of an appeal - consideration of appeals against decisions made on the issue of awarding (depriving) a degree, taking into account the validity of the appeals.


 2. These Regulations determine the procedure for awarding the degree of Doctor of Science.  The degree is based on scientific or pedagogical activity, deep professional knowledge and scientific achievements in a particular field of science, as well as a master's degree or a bachelor's or master's degree or a diploma of higher military education, as well as a candidate of science, philosophy in foreign countries.  is awarded to highly spiritual individuals with a Ph.D. or other equivalent academic degree.

        He also has a bachelor's degree, a diploma of a military specialist or a diploma of a specialist or a certificate of completion of clinical residency, at least 5 years of practical work experience, ability to conduct research and certain scientific achievements (intellectual property)  defense (ownership) documents, scientific articles, participation in scientific and technological developments, etc.) and are allowed to defend a dissertation in the prescribed manner as an independent researcher.

      Dissertation in medical sciences for those who have a master's degree in medicine or a bachelor's and master's degree or clinical residency, the defense of a dissertation in veterinary sciences - a dissertation in law  - Persons with higher education in the field of current law (jurisprudence).


 3. Taking into account the recommendation of the relevant expert council, the HAC approves the decision of the Academic Council (hereinafter - the Council) awarding the degree of Doctor of Science after the candidate defends his dissertation in front of the scientific community.


 4. The dissertation for the degree is prepared on the basis of the published scientific works of the applicant.

      The language of preparation of the dissertation, its defense, registration for submission to the HAC is determined in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the state language".  The candidate can write the dissertation in one of three languages: Uzbek, Russian or English.

      Dissertations on Karakalpak literature and linguistics can be written in the Karakalpak language at the request of applicants.

 The scientific adviser and the applicant are responsible for clearly defining the goals and objectives of the research, the quality and content of the dissertation and its abstract.


 5. The HAC may, as an exception, award the degree of Doctor of Science to the author of the greatest invention who has made a significant contribution to the development of science and technology and the modernization of sectors of the economy.  In this case, the procedure for awarding an academic degree to the applicant is determined by the HAC.

 The procedure for organizing the defense of dissertations on closed topics and awarding the degree of Doctor of Science is determined by a special Regulation of the HAC.


 6. Holders of the degree of Doctor of Science are awarded a diploma of the established form.




 7. Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Science must pass the relevant qualifying examinations.


 8. Qualifying examinations for citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan are conducted on the specialty "Modern History of Uzbekistan", "Foreign Language" and the dissertation.

      Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan applying for academic degrees in the social sciences and humanities must also pass a special exam on "Economic, socio-political, spiritual foundations and scientific foundations of the ideology of independence and building a democratic society."

      Qualification exams for foreign citizens are held on the specialty in accordance with the topic of the dissertation.


 9. Applicants for a bachelor's degree, a diploma of higher education (specialists who have completed clinical residency) must pass an additional master's exam in the specialty, which, in addition to qualifying examinations, covers the main content of this discipline and general methodological and theoretical problems.  The master's exam is taken at the higher education institutions where the applicant has a master's degree in his specialty.

      To obtain the degree of Doctor of Military Sciences with a diploma of a military specialist with higher education, applicants must pass additional examinations in the relevant higher military education curricula.


 10. Five days before the qualifying exam, the institution taking the exam must send a list of applicants, time, place and information on the composition of the commission, along with a letter of observation to the HAC.

      It is forbidden to take qualifying exams without notifying the HAC.


 11. The HAC may send its representatives to participate in and supervise the qualifying examinations.


 12. The content of the qualifying examinations and the procedure for their passing are determined by the Board of the HAC.




 13. A new set of theoretical rules, which can be considered as a certain achievement in the development of a current scientific or practical problem of significant socio-economic significance or the development of a promising direction in the relevant field of science, based on the research conducted by the author of the dissertation.  must be a highly qualified scientific work, the development or implementation of which reflects the development of science, technology and the modernization of the socio-political sphere and the economy.

 14. The dissertation must be personally prepared, contain a set of new scientific facts and practical results that the author submits to the scientific community for public defense, the content of which is essentially internal unity, complete and reflect the author's personal contribution to science.


 15. The dissertation of practical value should contain information on the solution of current problems of economic and social spheres and the practical application of the scientific results achieved by the author, and the dissertation of theoretical significance should provide recommendations on the use of scientific conclusions.

      Substantiated documents on the implementation of the results of the dissertation or its adoption for implementation by the relevant enterprises, ministries, departments or other relevant organizations of the economy will be discussed at the meeting and attached to the attestation work.  These documents must be considered, approved and approved by the scientific and technical councils of the ministry, department, organization, institution or enterprise.


 16. The dissertation in the form of a scientific report consists of a brief summary of the results, which are regularly performed by the candidate and published in his works, which are of great importance for science and practice, widely known to experts in this field.

      The conclusion on the importance of the applicant's scientific work and the expediency of the defense of the dissertation in the form of a scientific report is given by the organization in which his main research was conducted and developed.  In order to defend a dissertation in the form of a scientific report, it is necessary to have the permission of the Board of the HAC.  The procedure for submission and defense of the dissertation in the form of a scientific report is determined by the HAC.


 17. The topic of the dissertation is relevant and must be related to the main priorities of the development of science and technology of the republic.  The topic of the dissertation is approved by the Academic Council of the higher education institution or research institution.

 The topic of the dissertation must be published in the journal "OAK Bulletin" after consideration and approval by the Coordinating Council established in this area.

 The Academic Council and the applicant are responsible for the correct selection and relevance of the topic of the dissertation.  Prior to the defense of the dissertation, minor changes can be made to its topic in the prescribed manner.


 18. The dissertation consists of an introductory part, at least four chapters, the main conclusions and a list of references, which are formalized in the prescribed manner.

 The text of the dissertation should not exceed 200 pages.  The volume of dissertations in the humanities and social sciences can be increased by a maximum of 30%.

 Only one scientific adviser may be indicated on the back of the title page and abstract cover of the dissertation.

 If necessary, with the permission of the HAC, the title page of the dissertation and the second scientific adviser may be indicated on the back of the cover of the abstract.  Except for dissertations completed in the combination of specialties.

 Once the dissertation has been accepted for defense by the Board, no changes can be made to the dissertation and its abstract.


 19. It is recommended that the literature used on the topic of the dissertation be published mainly in the last fifteen years.

 The list of references used in the dissertation is given in alphabetical, systematic or textual order at the request of the applicant.  Unused, unlisted literature cannot be included in the dissertation.


 20. The applicant must indicate in full the source of the materials used in his dissertation or some of the results, their author and name.  When using the ideas or developments of co-authors involved in the writing of a scientific work in the dissertation, the applicant must mention it in the dissertation and abstract.

 The results of co-authored scientific work can be fully included in the dissertation of only one author.

 If the material of another is used without indicating its author and source, the dissertation, regardless of the stage at which it is considered, is excluded from the discussion and deprived of the right to re-defend.





 21. Scientific works published by candidates for the degree of Doctor of Science should reflect the main results of the dissertation being defended.  The results of the dissertation must be discussed (approved) at international scientific conferences, seminars and round tables in the country.

 The main scientific results of the dissertation should be published in scientific journals, periodicals published in the HAC, published abroad and in the country.  The total number of published scientific works of the candidate for the dissertation should not be less than 15, and at least ten of them should be published in periodical scientific journals listed in the HAC.

 A monograph on the results of the dissertation in the field of social sciences and economics should be published.



 22. Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Science must have published at least two articles on the results of the dissertation in prestigious specialized scientific journals of highly developed foreign countries, as well as two articles in international scientific conferences, including one in foreign countries.


 23. In cases where the published articles of the applicant do not meet the requirements of the HAC, but the dissertation work is of high scientific or practical importance, the issue of defense of the dissertation is decided by the HAC Board as an exception.


 24. Documents of protection (ownership) of intellectual property, printed abstracts of scientific papers, scientific maps, scientific conferences, conferences, symposiums and seminars, technological parts of projects for construction, expansion, modernization and technical and technological re-equipment of enterprises, state  Information cards of new materials added to the database are also included in the published works, reflecting the scientific results of the dissertation.

 Documents of protection (ownership) of intellectual property are equated with articles published in prestigious specialized scientific journals of highly developed foreign countries in this field.

 A monograph published by a decision of the Academic Council (at least 6 plates) is equivalent to an article published in a prestigious specialized scientific journal.

 Textbooks, manuals, guidelines, teaching materials are not included in the list of published scientific works that reflect the results of the dissertation.


 25. The list of scientific works in the abstract of the dissertation consists of three sections in chronological order:

 The first section lists articles published in monographs and scientific journals;

 The second section lists the documents of protection (ownership) of intellectual property;

 The third section contains a list of articles, theses, preprints, abstracts, information and annotations published in scientific journals.


 26. All scientific works presented in the abstract must be in strict accordance with the topic of the dissertation.

 Information on the publication of abstracts and dissertations should be in full compliance with existing requirements (all authors should be written in full and the pages of the journal or collection in which the article is published should be clearly indicated).

 The defense of the dissertation can be conducted two months after the publication of the work reflecting the scientific results of the applicant.  Works that have been submitted for publication but have not yet been published may not be cited in the dissertation or dissertation abstract.



 27. If the applicant's articles are co-authored, he must objectively reflect the contribution of each co-author and obtain the written consent of the main co-authors for the partial or full use of his articles in his dissertation.  This written consent is attached to the attestation documents kept by the board.


 28. Copies of the main scientific works of the candidate for the degree of Doctor of Science are attached to the attestation documents sent to the HAC.






 29. For the initial consideration of the dissertation prepared by the applicant applies to the head of the organization where the work is done or attached.  The head of the organization submits the dissertation for discussion to the relevant department, department, laboratory or interdepartmental, inter laboratory joint scientific seminars or problem council of this organization or other organization (s) conducting research in the dissertation specialty.


 30. The conclusion must be submitted to the applicant no later than two months from the date of submission of the dissertation for the initial examination.

 The head of the organization determines the order of consideration of the submitted dissertation and controls the period of consideration.


 31. The organization that carried out the work provides a conclusion on the initial examination of the dissertation (in the form of an extended, detailed extract from the minutes of the scientific seminar).  The conclusion includes the author's clear personal involvement in obtaining the results described in the dissertation, the accuracy of the results of the research, their novelty and practical significance;  the specialization corresponding to the subject of the dissertation, the degree to which the dissertation materials are fully described in the scientific works published by the author.

 The head of the organization is responsible for the quality, objectivity and timeliness of the report.


 32. Candidates of scientific degrees can submit their dissertations independently from the initial examination by applying to scientific seminars.  If the head of the organization or the council is not satisfied with the results of the preliminary examination, the dissertation is sent for additional examination.



 33. If the applicant wants to defend a dissertation on the basis of research work performed in the Republic of Uzbekistan in another country, in the prescribed manner must obtain a permit and referral from the HAC.




 34. Upon successful completion of the preliminary examination and discussion of the dissertation, the head of the organization where the work was performed submits the dissertation to the relevant board for defense.

 The application must guarantee the financing of the costs associated with the activities of the council and the scientific seminar under the council.

 If the head of the organization is the chairman of the relevant council, he submits the dissertation to the scientific seminar under the council.

 If there is no council on the dissertation specialty, the organization that carried out the work shall apply to the council or the HAC corresponding to or close to the dissertation specialty, requesting the establishment of a one-time council.

 35. Rectors and vice-rectors of higher education institutions, heads of organizations and their deputies are not allowed to defend their dissertations at the councils of the organizations where they work, the heads of the governing bodies of the organizations subordinate to their departments.  HAC staff can defend the dissertation with the permission of the HAC Management.




 36. After the initial examination of the dissertation by the organization that performed the work, when the documents on the established list are complete, the council accepts the dissertation for preliminary consideration and sends the dissertation to the scientific seminar under the council for final preliminary examination.



 37. The period of initial consideration of the dissertation in the Council should not exceed two months from the date of submission of the application.



 38. Scientific seminar under the Council (hereinafter - the seminar) to give an objective opinion on the dissertation on the basis of the requirements of the Regulations of the HAC and the criteria for evaluating the dissertation and make reasonable recommendations to the Council on the defense of the dissertation.  is responsible for concluding that it is formalized in accordance with existing regulatory and technical requirements.  The workshop operates under the supervision of the Board and the HAC Expert Council.


 39. The composition of the seminar, consisting of at least 15 people, including the chairman, deputy chairman and scientific secretary, is approved by the chairman of the council for a period of up to one year, in agreement with the HAC.  It includes members of the board, members of the expert councils of the HAC, specialists-scientists working in this institution and other institutions.  The Chairman of the Council, in agreement with the HAC, may make changes in the composition of the seminar in the prescribed manner.



 40. The seminar administration receives the dissertation work from the scientific secretary of the council on the basis of the direction of the chairman (deputy) of the council, registers, appoints two reviewers from the seminar members or other specialists-scientists.

 Reviewers review the dissertation in accordance with the requirements of the Charter of the HAC and the relevant regulations, and within fifteen days submit their reasonable comments to the scientific secretary of the seminar.

 The scientific secretary of the seminar must acquaint the candidate with the reviews two days before the seminar meeting.


 41. The seminar is organized in the form of a meeting.  The agenda of the seminar meeting will be distributed to the members of the seminar at least five days before the meeting by the scientific secretary of the seminar and announced to the public.

 Experts who are not members of the seminar can also participate in the seminar.

 A seminar meeting is valid only if two-thirds of its members are present.

 The seminar is chaired by the chairman, and in his absence, chaired by the deputy chairman.

 In the absence of the scientific secretary of the seminar, his duties are assigned by the chairman of the seminar to one of the members of the seminar.

 A seminar meeting shall not be held without the chairman, deputy chairman and scientific secretary at the same time.



 42. At the opening of the meeting, the chair of the seminar, on the basis of the record sheet, informs the members of the seminar about the competence of the meeting, the name of the applicant and the name of the dissertation.

 The scientific secretary of the seminar will give brief information about the applicant.

 The floor is given to the applicant to explain the essence and main points of the dissertation.  At the end of the lecture, after questions and answers, the floor is given to the reviewers.  If one of the reviewers is unable to attend due to objective reasons, his / her review will be read out in full by the scientific secretary of the seminar at the seminar meeting.  A seminar meeting will not be held without both reviewers.

 After the reviewers, the floor is given to the applicant to respond to them.

 All participants of the meeting can take part in the discussion of the dissertation.

 The chairman of the seminar will open the proposals on the dissertation in turn.

 The decision of the seminar is considered adopted if at least two-thirds of the members of the seminar present at the meeting voted in favor.  Workshop decisions are made by open ballot.  Voting results must be indicated in the minutes of the seminar.

 The seminar must decide whether to accept or defend the dissertation.  The conclusion of the seminar on the admission of the dissertation to the board for defense should not be conditional.



 43. The minutes of the seminar meeting are signed by the chairman of the seminar meeting and the scientific secretary, and the signatures are sealed with the seal of the organization in which the council operates.  A copy of the record sheet of the members present at the meeting and the invited persons shall be attached to the minutes of the seminar.

 In the minutes of the seminar, the basis for the defense of the dissertation is its suitability for the specialty, the scientific level of the dissertation, its scientific and practical value, the validity of the results, the completeness of the dissertation, the implementation of scientific results, the requirements for candidates,  and a summary of the extent to which the rules for the abstract have been complied with, and a recommendation to the board to accept the dissertation for defense, appoint official opponents, and the lead organization.

 The minutes of the seminar are submitted to the candidate and the chairman of the board by the chairman of the seminar or the scientific secretary.

 The discussion of the dissertation at the seminar must be completed within a month.


 44. If the seminar is not conducted in accordance with the above procedure or the seminar does not give an objective assessment of the dissertation, the HAC proposes to the Board to suspend the seminar and reorganize it in the prescribed manner.

 At the end of the year, the chair of the seminar submits a report on the activities of the seminar to the chairman of the board.  The report should be written in a general form, with clear information on the work submitted to the seminar and considered.  The Council will discuss the seminar report at its meeting.  The Council, together with its annual report, submits a seminar report to the HAC.






 45. The dissertation is accepted for defense no later than one month from the date of submission to the Council of a positive conclusion of the seminar on the dissertation.



 46. ​​After the decision of the Council to accept the dissertation for defense, before the publication of its abstract in the prescribed manner submits to the HAC the relevant documents and the abstract signed by the applicant for publication on the website of the HAC.



 47. With the permission of the Chairman of the Council, the abstract of the dissertation in manuscript law is published in Uzbek, Russian and English in the amount of 4.5 printed sheets (one and a half printed sheets each in Uzbek, Russian and English) for international examination and promotion of scientific achievements.  In this case, the scientific adviser, the applicant, the organization and the council are responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the translation.

 The volume of dissertation abstracts in the humanities and social sciences can be increased by a maximum of 30%.

 The abstract should state the main idea and conclusions of the dissertation, the solution of the problem of a new scientific direction or branch of the economy, the author's contribution to the research, the novelty and practical significance of the research results.

 The abstract of the dissertation is printed in the printing house or on the copying equipment in the number of not less than 50 copies determined by the board.

 The abstract is sent at least one month before the defense of the dissertation.

 The list of organizations to which the abstract should be distributed is compiled by the HAC.

 An additional list of organizations and scholars to which the abstract should be submitted is determined by the board that accepted the dissertation for defense.  The list includes members of the council, research and coordination centers in the field of science, interested organizations, councils’ specializing in dissertations, as well as leading scientists and specialists.



 48. One copy of the dissertation and two copies of the abstract are submitted to the Information Resource Center of the organization established under the council, which received the dissertation for defense, at least one month before the defense, where it is always kept in the right of manuscript.



 49. The Council appoints official opponents of the dissertation from scientists familiar with the field of science.

 Three official opponents will be appointed from PhDs or professors in the field of science, two of whom may be members of the board on which the defense is taking place.

 Official opponents should be employees of various organizations.

 If necessary, official opponents can be appointed by the HAC.


 50. Members of the Presidium of the HAC, staff of the HAC staff, heads and members of the expert councils of the HAC, chairman of the council, deputy chairman and scientific secretary, scientific adviser of the candidate, co-authors of the dissertation on the published work.  - Rectors and vice-rectors of higher education institutions, heads of scientific organizations and their deputies, as well as employees of departments, laboratories, sectors, departments where the applicant works, can not be an official opponent.



 51. The official opponent reviews the dissertation and the published works on the topic of the dissertation and submits his opinion to the council.  It determines the relevance of the chosen topic, the scientific details of the dissertation, the main results, conclusions and practical and theoretical recommendations, their accuracy and novelty, and concludes on the compliance of the dissertation with the requirements of this Regulation.

 Official opponents must submit a copy of their review to the applicant at least ten days prior to the defense of the dissertation.

 The official opponent is responsible for the impartiality and quality of the review he / she has prepared and for submitting it within the time limit set by the board.

 The Council has the right to return for processing or to replace the official opponent if the official opponent's review does not meet the requirement.  In such cases, the protection is postponed to another day.


 52. The Council appoints the leading organizations (enterprises) known for their achievements in the relevant disciplines or sectors of the economy on the dissertation.

 The Council submits a list of leading organizations to the HAC for approval.

 Organizations where the dissertation work has been completed or where the applicant is the applicant, executor (co-executor), the institution where the applicant works, the institution where the official opponents, the main place of work of the scientific adviser can not be a leading organization.

 The review of the lead organization should reflect the importance of the results achieved by the author of the dissertation for science and production, as well as clear recommendations for the use of the results and conclusions of the dissertation.

 The review of the leading organization is written in the form of an extended detailed extract from the minutes of the scientific seminar, signed by the chairman and scientific secretary of the seminar and approved by the head or deputy head of the organization.  They are personally responsible for the quality and objectivity of the review.

 A copy of the review of the leading organization is submitted to the applicant at least ten days before the defense of the dissertation.

 If the review does not meet the requirement, the board has the right to return it to the lead organization or replace the lead organization with another.  In such cases, the protection is postponed to another day.


 53. If necessary, the Council may appoint relevant higher education, scientific and research institutions of foreign countries, well-known scientists and specialists as opponents of the leading organization, the defense of the dissertation.



 54. In case of negative reviews of the dissertation, the council may consider the issue of acceptance of the dissertation at the request of the applicant only if the negative reviews and conclusions obtained are found unfounded by the expert commission of the council.




 55. The defense of the dissertation in front of the scientific community should take the form of a scientific debate and take place in a state of high demand, rigor and adherence to scientific ethics, in which all scientific and practical conclusions and recommendations of the dissertation should be carefully analyzed.


 56. The defense of the dissertation is allowed only if one of the official opponents who gave a positive review of the dissertation could not participate due to a valid reason.  In such cases, the review of this opponent shall be read out in full at the board meeting.


 57. Upon completion of the defense of the dissertation, the Board decides on the award of a degree by secret ballot.

 Meetings of the Council for the Defense of Dissertations, including the order of secret ballot and the work of the Accounts Commission are determined by the "Regulations on the Academic Council for the award of the degree of Doctor of Science."




 58. The Council sends the first copy of the dissertation and the documents related to the attestation of the applicant to the HAC within one month after the defense.

 Also, electronic versions of the dissertation, abstract and relevant attestation documents are submitted to the HAC together with the attestation work of the applicant in the prescribed manner.



 59. The second copy of the documents related to the attestation of the applicant is stored in the archives of the organization for ten years.  Registration of the applicant's attestation documents is carried out in the manner prescribed by the HAC.




 60. In case of a negative decision of the Council on the results of the dissertation defense, a copy of the diploma of higher education, certificates of qualification examinations, objective reference, the conclusion of the organization where the dissertation was completed or attached, copies of scientific papers and dissertations are returned to the candidate.  In such cases, the dissertation is withdrawn from the fund of the Information Resource Center and sent to the archives of the organization, where it is stored for 10 years.

 Reviews of the dissertation, abstract, transcript of the meeting and the decision on the results of voting remain on the board and can be sent to the place of re-defense on the basis of an application.

 The Council shall notify the HAC of its negative decision within one month from the date of the defense.  At the same time, an abstract and a transcript of the board meeting will be sent to the HAC.



 61. In the event of a negative decision of the Board on the results of the defense, the dissertation may be re-submitted for re-defense at least one year after the decision.

 Even if a negative decision is made by the Board of the HAC, the dissertation can be submitted for re-defense under the same conditions.

 It is not necessary to have the HAC permit for re-protection.  In re-defense, former opponents, the leading organization, are completely replaced.


 62. At any stage of the dissertation review process, the candidate has the right to discuss the dissertation before a secret ballot, and in the HAC - before the decision to award the degree of Doctor of Science or a decision on the use of other materials without specifying their author and source.  except as determined.  Upon written application of the applicant, the dissertation may be re-submitted for defense on general grounds.

 Upon the written application of the applicant, the decision of the Board or the HAC to withdraw the dissertation from the discussion is final.



 63. If the applicant submits a written application to the Board not to discuss his dissertation, the Chairman of the Board instructs the applicant to return the documents submitted by him, his application and one copy of the abstract with the dissertation are left in the Board.  Documents prepared during the defense of the dissertation are left on the board and can be sent to the place of re-defense on request.

 64. At any stage of the dissertation process, if it is found that the applicant used other materials without specifying the author and source, it is decided to exclude from the discussion of the dissertation, which deprives him of the right to re-defend.




 65. Supervision of the scientific level of the dissertation, its scientific and practical value, the work of the councils is provided by the Scientific Expertise Department of the HAC together with the expert councils.  The Department of Scientific Expertise and the Council of Experts are responsible for the quality and objectivity of their conclusions on the attestation and dissertation work.

 The HAC Management ensures the implementation of uniform requirements for certification and preparation of recommendations to the HAC Board.



 66. If the council violates the requirements of the Charter of the HAC and the established procedure during the defense, the leadership of the HAC suspends the attestation process in accordance with the decision of the HAC Regulatory Commission and the council resumes the defense of the case.



 67. If the Board of the HAC does not find the decision of the expert council on attestation justified, it returns the matter to the expert council for reconsideration.

 The order of work of the Expert Council is determined by the "Regulations on the Expert Council".


 68. The period of consideration of the attestation case on awarding the degree of Doctor of Science in the HAC should not exceed three months.

 In exceptional cases where the examination of the attestation case requires a longer period, the issue of extension of this period is decided by the Board of the HAC.


 69. After the dissertation is accepted for defense, it is impossible to correct inaccuracies, errors identified in the dissertation.  Errors and omissions identified in the attestation case during the consideration of the attestation case in the HAC are not allowed.


 70. Abstracts of dissertations, dissertations and their electronic versions of the candidate for an academic degree are submitted to the Republican Library Fund in the prescribed manner and stored there permanently.



71. Documents on academic degrees issued by attestation bodies of foreign countries to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign citizens permanently residing and working in the Republic of Uzbekistan (Doctor of Science diploma)  nostrification (equated on the basis of re-certification) on the basis of the "Regulations on the procedure (registration of equivalence)".



 72. Documents on academic degrees (doctor's degree) are nostrified at the request of the organization where the applicant works or at the request of the applicant.  In this case, the documents listed by the HAC must be submitted.




 73. The decision of the Board of the HAC on awarding an academic degree comes into force from the date of its adoption.

 The diploma of the academic degree is issued on the basis of the decision of the Presidium of the HAC within one month from the date of the decision on awarding the academic degree.


 74. A duplicate with a new serial number is issued to a person who has lost the diploma of Doctor of Science or Candidate of Science in full accordance with the previously issued diploma.

 If the applicant's last name, first name and patronymic are changed, the diploma will not be replaced with a new one.



 75. The procedure for registration and issuance of a diploma, as well as a duplicate, is determined by the HAC.




 76. In cases where there are sufficient grounds, persons with an academic degree may be deprived of an academic degree by the Board of the HAC on the basis of the conclusion of the Board and the decision of the Board of Experts of the HAC.

 If the decision to award a degree was made ten years ago, the attestation authorities will not consider whether it is justified.


 77. The procedure for consideration of the issue of deprivation of an academic degree by the Council is determined by the "Regulations on the Academic Council awarding the degree of Doctor of Science".

 The conclusion of the Council on deprivation of a scientific degree is considered by the expert council of the HAC.

 The procedure for consideration of the issue of deprivation of an academic degree in the Expert Council is determined by the "Regulations on the Expert Council".

 The decision of the expert council on deprivation of a scientific degree is considered by the Board of the HAC and makes a final decision.

 The decision of the Presidium of the HAC on the issue of deprivation of the academic degree is final.




 78. An appeal may be filed only if it is considered that the normative procedures, the requirements of the HAC Charter have been violated.  Appeals on the merits of the dissertation, conclusions, decisions of the Board or the Board of the HAC are not accepted.


 79. Institutions, organizations, applicants and other persons may file an appeal (complaint) to the Council and the HAC, where the dissertation is defended, on the consideration of dissertations in the Council.

 Institutions for the issuance (deprivation) of academic degrees or the recognition and nostrification (registration of equivalence) of documents on academic degrees issued by citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign citizens permanently residing and working in the Republic of Uzbekistan by attestation bodies of foreign countries;  organizations, applicants and other individuals may file an appeal (complaint) to the HAC.

 An appeal shall be filed within two months from the date of the relevant decision.


 80. The period for consideration of the appeal shall not exceed two months from the date of filing the appeal.  When there are good reasons, as an exception, the period for consideration of the appeal may be extended by the HAC Management for one month.


 81. Appeals to the HAC on the issue of awarding (depriving) of academic degrees are considered by the HAC Normative (Procedural) Commission.


 82. The procedure for consideration of appeals in the Council is determined by the "Regulations on the Academic Council, which awards the degree of Doctor of Science."  The conclusion of the Council on appeals is considered by the Regulatory Commission of the HAC.


 83. The Chairman or the General Scientific Secretary of the HAC organizes and directs the work of the Normative Commission.

 The secretary of the normative commission is the responsible officer of the HAC.  The Secretary of the Normative Commission shall keep the minutes of the meeting, draw up the conclusions of the Commission and sign them by the Chairman and the Secretary of the Normative Commission.

 The personal and quantitative composition of the regulatory commission is approved by the order of the Chairman of the HAC.


 84. The regulatory commission has the following rights:

 to request in accordance with the established procedure the materials and information necessary for the consideration of the appeal from the persons who have appealed, as well as from the relevant organizations, institutions, the Academic Council and the Academic Councils awarding the degree of Doctor of Science;

 Use of materials of the meeting of the expert council, the Presidium of the HAC on the issue under consideration;

 Involve members of the Board and the Board of Experts of the HAC as consultants in the review and examination of the appeal.



 85. Meetings of the regulatory commission are convened as necessary.  A meeting of the normative commission shall be valid if at least two-thirds of the members of the commission participate in its work.



 86. The conclusion of the normative commission is accepted on the basis of open voting.  The conclusion of the commission shall be deemed adopted if at least two thirds of the members present at the meeting of the commission voted in favor.

 In order to ensure the independence and impartiality of the conclusion and to protect the experts and members of the Normative Commission, information on experts and members of the Normative Commission, as well as conclusions of experts and reviewers, decisions of the Expert Council and the Normative Commission shall not be disclosed.


 87. The Board of the HAC reviews the opinion of the Normative Commission and makes a final decision on the appeal.

 The decision of the Presidium of the HAC on the appeal is submitted to the appellant within ten days.

 88. The decision of the Presidium of the HAC on the appeal is final.

 Repeated appeals on the same issue are not allowed.



 89. In order to ensure openness and transparency in the attestation of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, issues related to the activities of attestation bodies are covered in the journal "Bulletin of the HAC".



 90. All explanations on this Regulation are provided in the manner prescribed by the Board of the HAC.



 Publication of the dissertation defense

 The following documents are submitted to the HAC for publication in the journal "Bulletin of the HAC" on the defense of the dissertation:

 In order to publish information on the defense of doctoral and master's dissertations in the journal "Bulletin of the HAC" after the dissertation is accepted for defense and approval of opponents and the leading organization, the following documents are sent to the HAC before the publication of the abstract:


  • Letter of recommendation signed by the Chairman of the Specialized Council.
  • Objective reference about the applicant.
  • Texts of announcements in Uzbek and Russian languages ​​(full name of the dissertation, the name of the dissertation, the subject of the dissertation, the code of the specialty, the organization where the specialized council operates (its postal code, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail)  ), (in what language the dissertation was written) information about the supervisor or scientific adviser, the organization where the dissertation was performed, official opponents and the leading organization, a brief annotation of the dissertation).
  • A copy of the applicant's master's (higher education) diploma.  (Copy of PhD for candidates for the degree of Doctor of Science).
  • Copy of the page of the dissertation published in the journal "HAC Bulletin".
  • Copies of candidacy exams and special exam certificates.
  • An extract from the decision of the specialized council on the acceptance of the dissertation for defense, approval of official opponents and the leading organization.
  • Developed by the dissertation and by a specialized board approved solutions, conclusions, recommendations and relevant documents on their implementation.
  • Copies of the minutes of the scientific seminar under the Specialized Council and the minutes of the meeting.
  • Manuscript of the dissertation abstract.


 Note: Electronic versions of the objective reference (Times New Roman font) and ad texts (Arial 14 font) must also be submitted.

 The editorial board of the magazine asks the specialized councils to carefully compile the text of the announcement on the above request.

 Announcements with grammatical errors and inaccuracies will not be published in the journal "HAC Bulletin", the submitted documents will not be returned to the specialized council.

 The results of the technical examination of the published documents will be posted on the website of the HAC within 10 days.

 HAC Website: (www.vak.uz)