Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic titles.
I. General Rules
II. Requirements for awarding academic titles
§ 2.1. General requirements
§ 2.2. The title of associate professor to specialists of higher education institutions filing requirements
§ 2.3. Senior Research Fellow to Research Institute Specialists requirements for awarding an academic degree
§ 2.4. Professor scientific to specialists of higher education institutions title requirements
§ 2.5. Prof. scientific to the specialists of the research institution title requirements
§ 2.6. Scientific to specialists working on a part-time basis title requirements
III. Procedure for awarding an academic title
IV. Consideration of the attestation case in the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan
V. Registration and issuance of certificates
VI. Deprivation of an academic title (restoration of an academic title)
VII. Consideration of the appeal
VIII. Procedure for re-submission to the academic title
IX. Final rules
This Regulation is based on the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" (Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1997, No. 9, Article 225) and "On the National Training Program" (Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1997, 11 -12, Article 295) and the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 20, 2011 No PP-1533 "On measures to strengthen the material and technical base of higher education institutions and radically improve the quality of training highly qualified specialists" and 24 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On further improvement of the system of training and certification of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel" (Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2012, No. 30, Article 346) In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 421 of September 9, 1992 (Collection of Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1992, No. 9, Article 28) defines the procedure and requirements for awarding academic degrees to a senior researcher.
1. The following basic concepts are applied in the Provision on the procedure for awarding of scientific titles:
Attestation - a complex legal-normative and scientific-organizational process of systematic determination of the qualifications of applicants for academic titles on the basis of the requirements of the relevant legal and regulatory documents;
Academic title - an official status awarded to specialists who have fulfilled the requirements of the relevant legal and regulatory documents;
Candidate for an academic title - a specialist engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities and applying for an academic title;
Attestation case - a set of documents drawn up and compiled by the applicant for an academic title on the basis of the relevant legal and regulatory documents and normative and technical requirements;
Scientific work experience - the period of the specialist's work as a researcher on the basis of an employment contract and the period of study at the institute of senior researcher;
Pedagogical work experience - the period of the specialist's work in pedagogical positions in educational institutions of higher education, advanced training and retraining on the basis of the employment contract (agreement);
Textbook - a source that provides the necessary set of knowledge, methods of learning and didactics (including foreign translations) on the basis of the relevant curriculum in the disciplines specified in the curriculum of a particular type of education (direction or specialty);
Professor - 1) a specialist who has fulfilled the qualification and certification requirements set by the relevant legal and regulatory documents, in the prescribed manner has the academic title of professor; 2) the name of the academic title;
Associate Professor - 1) a specialist who has fulfilled the qualification and certification requirements set by the relevant legal and regulatory documents, has the academic title of Associate Professor in the prescribed manner; 2) the name of the academic title;
Senior researcher - 1) a specialist who has fulfilled the qualification and certification requirements set by the relevant legal and regulatory documents, has the academic title of senior researcher in the prescribed manner; 2) the name of the academic title;
Certificate of professor, associate professor or senior researcher - a document of the state approved form, issued in the prescribed manner by the decision of the competent authority of the state to holders of the academic title of professor, associate professor or senior researcher;
Appeal - an appeal against the decision of the Scientific (Scientific and Technical) Council on the award of academic titles (refusal) or deprivation of the academic title or the Presidium of the HAC RK.
2. The Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the HAC RK) develops, approves and ensures the requirements and procedure for awarding relevant academic titles and ensures their uniformity.
3. Candidates are awarded the academic titles of associate professor and professor by department or specialty, as well as the academic title of senior researcher by specialty.
The academic titles of associate professors and professors of the department are awarded to highly qualified scientific and pedagogical specialists who carry out pedagogical activities in higher education or retraining, have deep professional knowledge and certain achievements in science and pedagogy.
The academic titles of professor, associate professor and senior researcher are awarded to highly qualified scientific and pedagogical specialists working in research or higher education institutions, who have in-depth professional knowledge in a particular field of science and certain achievements in science and pedagogy.
The academic title of a senior researcher is equivalent to the academic title of associate professor in the specialty.
4. The academic titles of professor, associate professor and senior researcher shall be determined by the relevant academic degree or, in appropriate cases, master's degree or higher education obtained before the introduction of bachelor's and master's degrees or higher military education diploma and compliance with relevant regulations. on the basis of the recommendation of the scientific (scientific and technical) councils of higher education or research institutions (hereinafter - the Academic Council) by the decision of the Presidium of the HAC RK.
The application is submitted from the applicant's main place of work.
5. The specific procedure for awarding academic titles to persons working on closed topics is determined by a special Regulation of the HAC RK.
6. Specialists with the academic titles of professor, associate professor and senior researcher shall be issued and issued state-approved certificates.
§ 2.1. General requirements
7. Candidates for academic titles in the field of social sciences and humanities must pass a special exam on the subject "Economic, socio-political, spiritual foundations and scientific foundations of the ideology of independence and building a democratic society."
8. Lecture courses, scientific and educational-methodical work of the candidate for a degree must correspond to the department or specialty in which the title is sought.
The textbook, textbooks published by the applicant must be recommended for use in pedagogical practice by the scientific-methodical council of the higher education institution and the relevant ministries or departments, and other educational literature by the scientific-methodical council of the higher education institution.
Applicants for the academic title of professor must have published scientific and teaching works after obtaining the title of associate professor.
9. Certificates of academic titles issued by attestation bodies of foreign states to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing and working in the Republic of Uzbekistan will not be nostrified.
Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who have received academic degrees in foreign countries, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing and working in the Republic of Uzbekistan, may obtain academic degrees in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation.
§ 2.2. To the specialists of the higher education institution requirements for awarding the title of associate professor
10. The academic title of associate professor is awarded to specialists of higher education or institutions of advanced training and retraining (hereinafter - the university) who meet the following requirements:
a) to have the degree of Doctor of Science (PhD, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) or other equivalent degrees awarded in foreign countries);
b) to have at least 5 (five) years of scientific and pedagogical experience, including three years of pedagogical experience in higher education;
c) for at least one academic year successfully working in the main staff of the university as a head of the department, professor, associate professor or senior lecturer, deputy head of the department, head of higher military education;
or in the position of rector (director, head), vice-rector (deputy director, deputy head), scientific secretary or head of the educational and organizational structure (faculty, department) of the institution, carrying out pedagogical activity with at least 0.25 workload for at least one academic year successfully operating;
g) published textbooks and other textbooks used in pedagogical practice, including after the defense of the dissertation, in accordance with the curriculum of the university;
d) to have published at least three scientific articles in scientific works, including scientific publications, after the defense of the dissertation;
e) mastering modern teaching methods, teaching lectures at a high scientific and educational-methodological level, using modern pedagogical and information and communication technologies, multimedia educational resources, conducting seminars;
j) supervised at least 2 (two) masters or 4 (four) bachelors (for applicants working in specialty departments) or prepared a state (famous) scholarship holder or winner of international, republican Olympiads or competitions or made a significant contribution to the educational process;
h) conducting research within the framework of state grants or other research projects or research projects on the basis of economic contracts;
i) participating in spiritual and educational activities (days of "Spirituality", conversations with students on topical issues, including with the use of materials from the information resource portal "ZiyoNet", etc.) and educational work with students;
k) highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel participating in the process of state attestation (as a reviewer, member of the scientific council awarding the degree of Doctor of Science, official opponent, etc.).
11. The academic title of associate professor can be awarded as an exception to persons without a scientific degree, subject to the requirements of subparagraphs "v", "e" - "i" of paragraph 10 of this Regulation, taking into account the following relevant requirements:
a) with relevant higher education, at least 10 years of scientific and pedagogical work, including 5 years of pedagogical experience in higher education, research work, in one of the types of education (general secondary education; secondary special, vocational education; higher education; from higher education institution; further education) to highly qualified specialists who have textbooks used in pedagogical practice, including individual authors of textbooks or at least 2 (two) textbooks;
b) or have a relevant higher education, at least 5 (five) years of scientific and pedagogical experience, including three years of teaching experience in higher education, research, creative work and educational literature used in pedagogical or creative practice, including the sole author of the textbook People's Artists of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Karakalpakstan, folk singers, folk artists, folk architects, folk teachers, folk writers, folk poets, scientists of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who prepared the winners or teams (teams) of regional (international) or republican contests or competitions in their field , Artists, honored artists, painters, architects, coaches, youth coaches and cultural workers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
c) or successfully working in specialized (creative, executive) departments of institutes of culture and art for at least two years, with relevant higher education, at least 10 (ten) years of scientific and pedagogical, including five years of teaching experience in higher education, research, creative highly qualified specialists (except for specialists in culture, art theory and history) who have works and educational literature, including the sole author of the textbook, as well as trained winners of regional (international) or national competitions in their field;
g) or at least two years of successful work in specialized departments of physical culture and sports, higher education, at least 10 (ten) years of scientific and pedagogical work, including five years of teaching experience in higher education, research and educational literature to highly qualified specialists, including the sole author of the textbook, as well as the winner (winners) or team (teams) of regional (international) or national competitions in their field.
§ 2.3. Senior Research Fellow to Research Institute Specialists requirements for awarding an academic degree
12. The academic title of the senior researcher is given to specialists of the research institution or the equivalent institution or research structure of higher education institution (further - ITM) who has fulfilled the following requirements:
a) to have the degree of Doctor of Science (PhD, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) or other equivalent degrees awarded in foreign countries);
b) to have at least 5 (five) years of scientific and pedagogical experience, including three years of research experience in ITM;
c) to have been successfully working for at least one year as a grant manager or head of a research organization or a senior (leading, senior) researcher;
or to have been successfully working and conducting research for at least one year as the head of ITM and his deputy, scientific secretary;
g) after the defense of the dissertation published at least three scientific articles in scientific works, including scientific journals, including one scientific article in a prestigious foreign or international scientific journal;
(d) Carrying out substantiated and effective research under government grants or other research projects or business contracts;
e) participating in spiritual and educational activities;
j) participating in the process of state certification of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel (as a reviewer, scientific seminar or member of the Academic Council awarding the degree of Doctor of Science, official opponent, etc.).
§ 2.4. To the specialists of the higher education institution requirements for awarding the academic title of professor
13. The academic title of professor is awarded to specialists of higher education institutions who have met the following requirements:
a) to have a doctorate;
b) to have the academic title of associate professor or senior researcher;
c) to have at least 10 (ten) years of scientific and pedagogical experience, including five years of pedagogical experience in higher education;
d) for at least one academic year successfully working in the main staff of the university as a head of the department, professor or deputy head of the department, head of higher military education;
or in the position of rector (director, head), vice-rector (deputy director, deputy head), scientific secretary or head of the educational and organizational structure (faculty, department) of the institution, carrying out pedagogical activity with at least 0.25 workload for at least one academic year successfully operating;
d) trained by a highly qualified specialist with an academic degree;
e) to have published textbooks or manuals and other textbooks used in pedagogical practice, including those that correspond to the curriculum of the university after the defense of the dissertation;
j) after the defense of the dissertation published scientific works, including at least five scientific articles in scientific journals, including two scientific articles in prestigious foreign or international scientific journals;
h) to have mastered modern teaching methods, lectures at a high scientific and educational level using modern pedagogical and information and communication technologies, multimedia educational resources;
i) carrying out substantiated and effective research within the framework of government grants or other research projects or economic projects based on economic contracts;
k) participating in spiritual and educational activities (conducting "Spirituality Days", conversations with students on topical issues, including with the use of materials from the information resource portal "ZiyoNet", etc.) and educational work with students;
l) highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel participating in the process of state certification (as a reviewer, a member of the scientific council awarding the degree of Doctor of Science, official opponent, etc.).
14. The academic title of professor meets the requirements of subparagraphs "b", "g", "j" - "l" of paragraph 13 of this Regulation, with the exception of the following relevant requirements: Ph.D. ) or other equivalent degrees may be awarded to:
a) A specialist with fifteen years of pedagogical experience in higher education, a textbook authored in practice in one of the types of education and at least 2 (two) textbooks, significant achievements in professional and pedagogical activities, as well as scientifically proven and at least 2 (two) masters or 4 (four) bachelors (for applicants working in specialty departments) or highly qualified specialists who have prepared a state (famous) scholarship holder or winner of international, republican Olympiads or competitions or made a significant contribution to the educational process ;
b) or working in the departments specializing in culture, art, architecture (creative, executive), to the relevant higher education, candidate of science in the field of the department, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) or other equivalent degree awarded in foreign countries, at least fifteen years of scientific and pedagogical work, including ten years of pedagogical experience in higher education, post-dissertation higher education, textbooks used in postgraduate education practice, including textbooks or manuals published in individual authorization corresponding to university curricula, as well as research and had creative work; to highly qualified specialists who have achieved significant success in their professional and pedagogical activities and trained the winners of international, regional or national competitions in their field.
The head or professor of the department specializing in the field of culture, art (creative, executive) must have trained creative staff, executive specialists in the field of the department under his direct supervision. Specialists in culture, art theory and history must have a doctorate;
c) or at the relevant higher education, candidate of sciences in the field of the department, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) or other equivalent degrees awarded in foreign countries, working in the departments specializing in physical education and sports and engineering graphics (descriptive geometry), at least ten has five years of scientific and pedagogical work, including ten years of pedagogical experience in higher education, after the defense of the dissertation in one of the types of education used in practice textbooks, including textbooks or manuals published in individual authorship and research work; to highly qualified specialists who have achieved significant success in their professional and pedagogical activities and trained winners or teams (teams) of international, regional or national competitions in their field.
15. The academic title of professor can be awarded to non-scientific specialists as an exception, subject to the requirements of subparagraphs "b", "g", "z" - "k" of paragraph 13 of this Regulation, taking into account the following relevant requirements:
a) with relevant higher education, at least 10 (ten) years of scientific and pedagogical experience, including five years of pedagogical experience in higher education, successfully working for two years, higher education, educational literature used in postgraduate education practice, including higher education has a textbook and at least 2 (two) textbooks, as well as research and creative work, published in accordance with the curriculum; People's Artists of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Karakalpakstan, folk singers, folk artists, folk architects, folk teachers, folk writers, folk poets, science of the Republic of Uzbekistan, winners of international, regional or national competitions (teams) officials, artists of the Republic of Uzbekistan, honored artists, painters, architects, trainers, youth coaches and cultural workers;
b) or at least two years of successful work in specialized (creative, executive) departments of the Institute of Architecture, Culture and Arts, relevant higher education, at least fifteen years of scientific and pedagogical work, including ten years of teaching experience in higher education, practical work in the department has a high level of professionalism, textbooks used in practice in one of the types of education, including a textbook authored in accordance with the curriculum of higher education and at least 2 (two) textbooks, research and creative work, as well as regional (international) ) or highly qualified specialists who prepared the winners of the republican competitions (except for specialists in culture, art theory and history).
§ 2.5. To the specialists of the research institution requirements for awarding the academic title of professor
16. The title of Professor of the specialty is awarded to ITM specialists who meet the following requirements:
a) to have a doctorate;
b) to have the title of senior researcher or associate professor;
c) to have at least 10 (ten) years of scientific and pedagogical experience, including 5 (five) years of scientific work experience in ITM;
d) to have been successfully working for at least one year as the head of the state grant or the head of the scientific and organizational structure or the chief researcher, the leading researcher;
or have been successfully working as the head, deputy head or scientific secretary of the ITM for at least one year;
d) to train by at least 2 (two) academic degrees or one academic degree and supervised at least 5 (five) masters or won a state (honorary) scholarship or winner of international, national Olympiads or competitions;
e) have achieved significant scientific and scientific-technical results (published monographs or pamphlets or inventions) and after the defense of the dissertation published at least ten scientific articles in scientific journals, including two scientific articles in prestigious foreign or international scientific journals ;
j) participating in the educational process;
h) conducting substantiated and effective research within the framework of research projects based on state grants or other research projects or economic contracts;
i) participating in spiritual and educational activities;
k) highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel participating in the process of state attestation (as a reviewer, member of the scientific council awarding the degree of Doctor of Science, official opponent, etc.).
17. The academic title of professor of the specialty meets the requirements of subparagraphs "b" - "g", "e" - "k" of paragraph 16 of this Regulation. has published a textbook and at least 2 (two) textbooks with degrees, published in a single author used in practice in one of the types of education; has made significant achievements in professional and scientific-pedagogical activities; can be given as an exception to ITM specialists trained by a scientifically proven specialist.
§ 2.6. To professionals working on a part-time basis requirements for awarding academic titles
18. Academic titles are awarded to highly qualified specialists of the economy (except for employees of universities and research institutes) appointed on a part-time basis (at least 0.25 rate) or working on an hourly basis (not less than 240 hours) to the relevant positions listed in paragraphs 10-17 of this Regulation. Issued in compliance with the requirements set out in paragraph 17.
In these cases, the application is submitted from the place of work of the candidate for the academic title.
19. The issue of awarding an academic title is considered by the Academic Council in the following terms:
to the academic title of associate professor - at least one year from the date of nostrification of the diploma of the doctor of sciences (candidate) of the specialty confirmed or awarded the academic degree;
to the academic title of senior researcher - at least one year after the date of confirmation of the degree of Doctor of Science (candidate) or nostrification of the degree;
to the academic title of professor - at least one year from the date of receipt of the academic title of associate professor or senior researcher.
20. The relevant structure of the institution where the specialist works submits the documents of the applicant for the academic title to the Academic Council for consideration.
The Academic Council considers the documents of the applicant and makes a decision in compliance with the requirements set out in paragraphs 7-17 of this Regulation.
21. The attestation case of the candidate for an academic title must be considered by the Academic Council within 2 (two) months from the date of receipt (these periods do not include July-August).
22. The decision of the Academic Council on the award of an academic title is made by secret ballot.
A meeting of the Academic Council shall be valid if at least two-thirds of its members are present at its work. The decision of the Academic Council on the award of an academic title is positive if at least two-thirds of the members of the Board present at the meeting vote in favor.
23. The attestation case is submitted to the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan within one month from the date of the decision of the Academic Council.
24. The procedure for registration of attestation works for awarding academic titles is determined by the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
25. In accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for awarding academic degrees or academic titles to the winners of the competition "The best textbook and author of textbooks of the year", approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 6, 2001 No 290 accordingly:
a) instructs the relevant academic council of the HAC RK with a letter of recommendation to consider the issue of awarding the winner of the competition with a relevant academic title (a copy of the decision of the Government Commission is attached to the letter);
b) the Academic Council shall consider the issue of awarding the winner of the competition an appropriate academic title and take the appropriate decision;
c) the attestation case is submitted to the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
26. The attestation work submitted by the Academic Council is registered in the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan and within 10 (ten) working days is subject to normative and technical examination and scientific examination within the period specified in paragraph 28 of this Regulation and the final decision is made.
Relevant departments and expert councils of the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan check the content of the certification documents and the compliance of relevant regulations with the requirements of existing regulations.
If during the normative and technical examination it is found that the requirements of existing legal and regulatory documents are not observed, the attestation case is suspended by the decision of the Regulatory Commission of the HAC RK and sent back to the Academic Council by official letter. In such cases, after the relevant error (mistakes) is corrected by the Academic Council or the relevant action (measures) are carried out in the prescribed manner, the relevant document or attestation case is re-issued and re-submitted by letter of recommendation.
27. Consideration of attestation cases in the expert council is carried out on the basis of the "Regulations on the Expert Council" of the HAC RK.
The final decision on the attestation case will be made by the Presidium of the HAC RK.
28. The attestation case of the candidate for an academic degree is considered in the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan within 3 (three) months (this period does not include July-August).
In exceptional cases, where the examination requires a longer period, the period of consideration of the attestation case may be extended by the decision of the Presidium of the HAC RK.
29. At any stage of the process of consideration of the attestation case for an academic title: in the Academic Council - by secret ballot; In the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan - the Presidium has the right to withdraw the case from discussion until the decision is made. The decision to withdraw the attestation case on the written application of the applicant for a degree is made by the Presidium of the HAC RK.
30. The decision of the Presidium of the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan on awarding an academic title comes into force from the date of its adoption.
Certificate of academic title is issued in the prescribed manner on the basis of a passport in accordance with the decision of the Presidium of the HAC RK within a month from the date of the decision to award an academic title.
31. A duplicate with a new serial number is issued to the specialist who lost the certificate in accordance with the previously issued certificate on the basis of the decision of the Presidium of the HAC RK.
If the last name, first name, patronymic is changed, the certificates will not be replaced with a new one.
32. The procedure for registration and issuance of certificates and their duplicates is determined by the HAC RK.
33. If it is established that the examination of the attestation case was conducted improperly, the person may be deprived of the relevant academic title by the decision of the Presidium of the HAC RK.
34. An application for deprivation of a person of an academic title may be submitted to the Presidium of the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the expert council of the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the relevant scientific council, as well as legal entities and individuals to the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan or the Academic Council.
35. Relevant materials on this issue (referral letter (application), relevant supporting documents) should be submitted to the HAC RK. The submitted materials will be discussed in the expert council of the HAC RC and recommendations will be made by the relevant scientific council, which will consider the issue.
36. On the instructions of the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academic Council considers the issue of deprivation of the academic title in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation. A working group consisting of 3 members of the Academic Council will be formed. The working group will thoroughly study the issue within a month and prepare a draft decision of the Academic Council. The issue will be considered at a meeting of the Academic Council.
A meeting of the Academic Council is valid if attended by at least two-thirds of its members. The conclusion of the Academic Council on the deprivation of the academic title shall be deemed adopted if at least two-thirds of the members of the Council present at the meeting vote in favor by secret ballot.
The Academic Council may invite to its meeting a person deprived of an academic title and other specialists. The Academic Council makes the relevant decision, as well as draws up the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council and the relevant documents and submits them to the HAC RK within 10 (ten) working days.
37. The submitted documents on deprivation of the academic title of the person are discussed in the expert council of HAC RK and the corresponding recommendation is accepted.
The procedure for consideration of the issue of deprivation of the academic title in the Expert Council is determined by the "Regulations on the Expert Council".
38. The decision of the Academic Council on deprivation of the academic title and the recommendation of the expert council of the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan are considered by the Presidium of the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the final decision is made.
39. If the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan on awarding an academic title was made 5 (five) years ago, this issue will not be considered.
40. On the basis of the petition of the Academic Council on deprivation of the academic title, the person deprived of the academic title may be reinstated in the relevant academic title by the decision of the Presidium of the HAC RK at the request of this council.
41. Within 2 (two) months from the date of the decision of the Presidium or the Academic Council of the HRC of the Republic of Uzbekistan to grant (reject) or deprive him of an academic title, the interested individual or legal entity or the Academic Council can do.
42. An appeal shall not be accepted in the following cases:
a) upon expiration of the period specified in paragraph 41 of this Regulation;
b) the conclusion and recommendation of the expert council of the HAC RK;
c) repeated appeal on the same issue (in such cases, if the appeal is filed, the appeal is registered in the prescribed manner, attached to the attestation case of the applicant for a degree with the instruction "for information" and a response letter is sent to the appellant).
43. The appeal against the decision of the Council is considered by the Regulatory Commission of the HAC.
If necessary, the HAC Regulatory Commission may submit this appeal to an expert council for consideration.
The procedure for consideration of appeals in the Expert Council is determined by the "Regulations on the Expert Council".
44. The appeal against the decision of the Presidium of the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan is considered by the Regulatory Commission of the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the presence of a member (members) of the Presidium of the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Chairman of the relevant expert council.
If the HAC Regulatory Commission decides that this appeal should be considered, then an Appeals Commission consisting of scholars who did not participate in all previous stages of consideration of this issue will be formed.
The procedure for consideration of the appeal in the Appeals Commission shall be determined by the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
If the Regulatory Commission of the HAC decides that this appeal should not be considered, then a draft decision of the Presidium of the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the rejection will be prepared and recommended to the Board of the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
45. The Presidium of the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan considers the conclusion of the Appeals Commission or the Regulatory Commission and makes a final decision on the appeal.
The decision of the Presidium of the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the appeal is final.
46. The Academic Council for the relevant attestation, previously considered by the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan, may re-submit them within the following periods:
a) at least one year from the date of rejection of the attestation case by the decision of the Presidium of the HAC RK;
b) at least 3 (three) years from the date of the decision to reject the appeal against the decision of the Presidium of the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
c) after elimination of the relevant shortcomings in the attestation case, which was suspended from consideration at the request of the applicant for the academic title.
47. In order for the Council to re-nominate for the academic title, the relevant requirements set out in paragraphs 7-17 of this Regulation must be met and the applicant must have published new educational, methodological and scientific works.
48. Monitoring of compliance with the Charter is carried out by the HAC of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In order to ensure openness and transparency in the state certification of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, the results of control are published in the journal "Bulletin of the HAC".
49. All explanations on this Regulation are provided by the Presidium of the HAC RK.
50. This Regulation is approved by the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, the Ministry of Public Education. , Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Culture and Sports, State Tax Committee, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Committee for Coordination of Science and Technology Development under the Cabinet of Ministers, State Committee for Communications, Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Ways ”company.