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Department of Physics

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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Kafedra mudiri


Kafedra mudiri_ (fan nomzodi yoki ilmiy unvonga ega)

Fizika kafedrasi



The Department of Physics


About the department
The  Department of Physics was founded in 1931. The department in different years prof. M.N. Rahmatov, prof. Q.B.Boybotayev, associate professor J.B.Murodov, prof. V.A.Muminov, prof.B.M. Ochilov, associate professor. O.X.Shodiyev, associate professor. T.D.Jorayev, prof. Sh.M.Mirzayev, associate professor. K.Q.Qurbonov, S.A.Boltayev, docent. E.S.Nazarov, docent. Under the leadership of B.E. Niyazkhanova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences M.I.Daminov, they made a worthy contribution to increasing its scientific and pedagogical potential and strengthening its material and technical base. Currently, the department of physics and mathematics Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor Fayziev Shahobiddin Shavkatovich. There is a branch of the department at the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Physics-Sun". The members of the department provide educational and methodological assistance to the Karakol Academic Lyceum and a number of professional colleges. In order to increase the effectiveness of scientific and educational work, cooperation agreements have been signed with the following scientific organizations and educational institutions: Institute of Materials Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Materials Science, NUUz, SamSU, QarSU, Karako Among them are the boarding school for gifted students of the district, secondary school No. 8 in Bukhara, No. 29 in Gijduvan district. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 19, 2021 №PQ-5032 "On measures to improve the quality of education in physics and the development of scientific research" in Bukhara region, Bukhara region The Department of Physics of the University established a basic school specializing in physics. In accordance with this decision, Bukhara city secondary school No. 29, Bukhara district secondary school No. 1, Kagan district secondary school No. 5, Romitan district secondary school No. 7, Karavulbozor district specialized school No. 8 , In 2021-2023, the department organizes classes with in-depth teaching of physics in secondary schools No 5 of Gijduvan district.
Areas of study, specialties and specialties prepared at the department:
60530900 - Bachelor's degree in Physics. There are currently 546 students enrolled in the program.
70530901 - Masters in "Physics (by field)" Currently, 29 masters are studying in this specialty.
70530905 - Master's degree in "Semiconductor Physics". Currently, 4 masters are studying in this specialty.
01.04.07- Condensed matter physics. There is a basic doctoral program in
13.00.02 - "Theory and methods of education (physics)".
Research activities of the department
The department conducts research in the field physics of magnetic phenomena and methods of teaching physics. Over the past 5 years, members of the department have published more than 300 scientific articles in international and national scientific journals. The devices created at the department "Mini solar dryer-greenhouse", "Portable solar water dehumidifier" were presented at the Republican fair "Innovative ideas, technologies and projects" and a number of agreements were signed. More than 50 talented students are involved in research work at the department. Over the last 3 years, more than 100 student research papers have been published in scientific collections.
Research interests of the department:
13.00.02-Theory and methods of education (physics)
01.04.07- Condensed matter physics
Department of Science:
60530900 - Compulsory subjects taught in the field of "Physics"
1. Mechanics
2. Fizpraktikum (Mechanics)
3. Electricity and magnetism
4. Fizpraktikum (Electric)
5. Molecular physics
6. Fizpraktikum (Molecular)
7. Optics
8. Fizpraktikum (optics)
9. Methods of mathematical physics
10. Methods of teaching physical education
11. Basics of radio electronic.
12. Electrodynamic
13. History of Physics
14. Physical electronics
15. Theoretical mechanics
16. Quantum mechanics
17. Thermodynamics and statistical physics
18. Physical electronics
19. Solid state physics
20. Physics of energy resources
60530900 - Elective subjects taught in the field of "Physics"
1. Laser physics
2. Condensed matter physics
3. Physics of polymers
4. Use of solar energy
5. Semiconductor physics
6. Applied optics
7. Astronomy and astrophysics
70530901 - Physics (by field)
1. Modern research methods of physics
2. Theory of nonlinear oscillations and waves
3. Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with environments
70530905 - Semiconductor Physics
1. Physics of semiconductors
2. Physics of semiconductor devices
3. Methods for determining the parameters of semiconductors
Subjects taught in specialty 2, part-time and special part-time education
1. Physical training (2nd specialty, "Physics")
2. Electrodynamics (specialty 2, "Physics")
3. Mathematical methods of physics (specialty 2, "Physics")
4. Atomic Physics (specialty 2, "Physics")
5. Mechanics (specialty 2, "Physics")
6. Electronics and signal processing (specialty 2, "Physics")
7. Quantum Mechanics (2nd specialty, "Physics")
8. Electricity and magnetism (specialty 2, "Physics")
9. Basics of radio electronics (specialty 2, "Physics")
10. Mechanics (specialty 2, "Mathematics")
11. General Physics (specialty 2, "Mathematics")
12. Theoretical Physics (2nd specialty, "Mathematics")
13. General Physics (2nd specialty, "Applied Mathematics and Informatics")
14. Physics (specialty 2, "Biology")
15. General Physics (correspondence, "Biology")
16. Physics (special part-time)