Labor activity: 23 year
Pedagogical activity: 23 year
In 1993-1998 he studied at Samarkand State University and received a bachelor’s degree. 1998-2001 years postgraduate student of Samarkand State University, 2001-2002 years junior researcher of the Samarkand branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2003-2006 years teacher of the Samarkand State University. 2006-2009 years Doctoral student of Samarkand State University, 2009-2011 years Senior lecturer of the Department of Algebra and analysis of the Bukhara State University, 2011-2015 years Associate professor of the Department of Algebra and analysis of the Bukhara State University, 2015-2019 years Associate professor of the Department of Mathematics of the Bukhara State University, 2019-2020 years Head of the Department of Mathematics of the Bukhara State University, 2020-2021 years Associate professor of the Department of Mathematical analysis of the Bukhara State University, since 2021 he has been working as a professor of the Department of Mathematical analysis of the Bukhara State University. He is the author of 2 textbooks, 20 teaching aids, 5 copyright certificates and more than 200 papers and abstracts. Under his leadership, 1 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and 3 Ulugbek state scholarship holders were trained.
1.T.H.Rasulov. The finiteness of the number of eigenvalues of an Hamiltonian in Fock space. Proceedings of IAM, 5:2 (2016), pp. 156-174. 19
2.T.H.Rasulov. On the finiteness of the discrete spectrum of a 3x3 operator matrix. Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, 22:1 (2016), pp. 48¬–61. 14
3.Т.Х.Расулов. О ветвях существенного спектра решетчатой модели спин-бозона с не более чем двумя фотонами. Теоретическая и математическая физика, 186:2 (2016), C. 293-310. 18
4.Т.Х.Расулов. Спектр и резольвента решетчатой модели светового излучения. Математический форум (Итоги науки, юг. России), 9 (2015), С. 162-172. 11
5.T.H.Rasulov. Number of eigenvalues of a three-particle lattice model Hamiltonian. Contemporary Analysis and Applied Mathematics. 2:2 (2014), 178-197. 20
6.Т.Х.Расулов, Э.Б.Дилмуродов. Бесконечность числа собственных значений операторных матриц. Асимптотика дискретного спектра//Теоретическая и математическая физика. 205:3 (2020), C. 368-390.
7.T.H.Rasulov, E.B.Dilmurodov. Eigenvalues and virtual levels of a family of operator matrices. Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology. 25:3 (2019), P. 273–281.
8.T.H.Rasulov, E.B.Dilmurodov. Analysis of the spectrum of a operator matrix. Discrete spectrum asymptotics. Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. 11:2 (2020), P. 138–144.
9.T.H.Rasulov, E.B.Dilmurodov. Threshold analysis for a family of operator matrices. Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. 10:6 (2019), P. 616–622.
10. Т.Х.Расулов, Э.Б.Дилмуродов. Исследование числовой области значений одной операторной матрицы. Вестн. Самарск. госуд. техн. ун-та. Сер. Физ.-мат. науки. 35:2 (2014), С. 50–63.