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  3. Department for Quality Assurance in Education
buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Head of Department

Prof. Nurov Ziyodulla Saimurodovich


Every day from 09.00 to 17.00


Bukhara city, M.iqbol street, 11



Department for Quality Assurance in Education


According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 18, 2017 No 515 "On the establishment of the State Inspectorate for Quality Control in Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan"  regional branches were established.  In addition, all higher education institutions have education quality control departments.
The main purpose of the department is to study and analyze the compliance of students' knowledge of Bukhara State University with state educational standards, to monitor the quality of training, to organize the internal certification of Bukhara State University and the negative impact on the quality of education.  identification of secret factors and taking measures to eliminate and prevent them.
The department performs the following functions in accordance with the tasks assigned to it:
-Carries out activities and measures to ensure the quality of education at Bukhara State University in accordance with the requirements of the STS and qualifications, the organization of systematic control in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational process;
-focuses its activities on determining the quality of education on the basis of established criteria, developing and implementing a mechanism for its implementation, and coordinating this process;
-studies the field of education and specialties provided with normative and legal documents;
-Analyzes the level of provision of students with textbooks and manuals (including electronic textbooks and manuals) and their compliance with modern requirements in the field of education and specialties and languages;
-Professors and teachers of Bukhara State University analyze the relevance of the basic information to the relevant subject (s) or study whether they have undergone appropriate retraining or have an academic degree in the relevant specialty, and submit their conclusions to the rector of the university.  'lum makes;
-Studies the use of advanced pedagogical and information and communication technologies in the educational process and makes appropriate suggestions for their improvement;
-Analyzes the level of modern logistics, teaching and laboratory equipment, computers of Bukhara State University and their effective use;
-studies the integration of education with production and science, the level of efficiency (ineffectiveness) of the use of production capacity of Bukhara State University in training and joint development of scientific and technological solutions;
-In order to implement the educational process in accordance with the development of advanced technologies in their field, the training of teachers in direct production (regular or irregular) and the development of the consumer market in the field of education.  analyzes (on the basis of marketing services);
-analyzes the involvement of qualified specialists from research institutes, industrial enterprises and organizations, as well as foreign countries in the educational process;
-examines the relevance, quality of the topics of graduate work and master's dissertations performed by students and the extent to which they are introduced into production;
-Analyzes the training of highly qualified personnel through the basic doctoral, doctoral and independent research institute of Bukhara State University;
-Analyzes the cooperation of Bukhara State University with secondary special, vocational education institutions;
-The plan, content and implementation of spiritual and educational work at Bukhara State University (on the basis of protocols), the involvement of teachers in educational work, the spiritual and social environment in the educational institution, the moral qualities of teachers (survey)  on the basis of) learns;
-Determines whether the fund of the Information Resource Center of Bukhara State University is provided with the necessary literature, the share of professors and students who use them;
-analyzes the admission of graduates to the next stage of education or employment;
-Makes proposals to determine the ranking of professors and teachers;
-Periodically monitors the effectiveness of independent study of students;
-Monitors the effectiveness of foreign language learning by the leadership of Bukhara State University, faculty, staff and students;
-studies the objectivity and transparency of rating scores and prepares proposals on the basis of a sample analysis of the results of control on the assessment of students' knowledge;
-analyzes the results of the final state certification in accordance with applicable regulations;
-Internal monitoring to determine the status of professional qualifications of teachers in the structural units of Bukhara State University (faculty, department, department, center, academic lyceum), as well as the level of quality in postgraduate education and training and retraining  conducts, prepares analytical data, submits them to the head of the State Inspectorate and the rector of Bukhara State University in the prescribed manner;
-Conducts regular social surveys among students, parents, teachers and consumers in order to improve the quality of training and the level of knowledge of students at Bukhara State University;
-Based on the comparison of the activities of Bukhara State University with the indicators for determining the quality of international education, develops measures with appropriate structures to take its rightful place in the world rankings;
-The establishment of international cooperation at Bukhara State University, the exchange of students, basic doctoral students, doctoral students, researchers on the basis of agreements with foreign countries, the organization of international scientific events in the field of science (seminars, conferences, symposiums, etc.).  -analyzes research, attracts foreign investment and makes recommendations for the development of the industry and provides practical assistance;
-In order to improve the professional skills of the staff of the department, studies the experience of the President's Fund "Talent" or prestigious educational and research centers of foreign countries, developed at the expense of international projects and Bukhara State University and their application in the educational process  reaches;
-Participates in the collection of information on the ranking and evaluation of higher education institutions, carried out by the State Inspectorate, as well as in the performance of other tasks and responsibilities;
-Constantly studies innovations in the field of quality control in education in the country and abroad and develops recommendations for their implementation in the educational process, etc.
The department is waiting for feedback and suggestions from the general public on how to ensure the quality of education at Bukhara State University in accordance with state educational standards and qualification requirements, what to do to increase the effectiveness of the educational process.  Your suggestions and opinions are important in improving the quality of education in our country.


Work plan