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  3. Information Resource Center
buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Head of Department

Qilichev Akram Abdusamadovich




Bukhara city, M.Iqbol street 11



Information Resource Center



Duties of  the director of Information Resource Centre:

  • To manage the whole activities and staff of the center
  • To enrich IRC funds by regularly consulting with Higher Education Institutions, The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education and central IRCs.
  • To monitor every bibliographic activities
  • Organization of subscriptions to newspapers and magazines for IRC;
  • To maintain collaboration with other HEI and IRC
  • To organize  book fairs in the Information Resource Center;
  • To develop future and current work plans
  • Organization of formation, arrangement and storage of the library (Information Resource Center) fund;
  • To provide the library (Information Resource Center) with the necessary equipment, as well as its computerization;
  • To provide the library (Information Resource Center) with qualified staff, to use the knowledge and experience of the staff, to take measures to increase the responsibility for the assigned work;
  • To participate in the process of hiring and assigning the staff, controlling labor and production disciplines;
  • Responsible for the work of the Processing and Collection Department: Participates in the development and review of publishing plans, collects literature in libraries and bookstores, liaises with network universities and bookstores to complete the library (information resource center), direct management of the deregistration of literature in the library (information resource center) and the receipt of other lost books , checking accounting documents.

    Information about the activities of IRC
    Bukhara State University Information Resource Center (IRC) was established in 2006 on the basis of the university's fundamental library, Bukhara city central library named after A. Firdavsi and network libraries in Chor-Bakr district of Bukhara region. It has 5 network libraries:
  1. The IRC branch named after A.Firdavsi
  2. The IRC branch at school 23 in Chor-Bakr district
  3. The IRC branch located in the faculty of Pedagogy
  4.  The IRC branch located in the faculty of Philology
  5. 5. IRC network in the building of the Faculty of Pre-Conscription Military Education.

IRC consists of 6 department :

  1.  Scientific-methodical department.
  2. Reception, staffing and cataloging department.
  3.  Marketing and Information Services Department.
  4.  Literature and Information Resources Department.
  5.   Department of Information Technology.
  6.   Fundraising Department