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Professional etiquette for university employees


1. General rules

1. This "Professional Etiquette for University Employees" (hereinafter referred to as "Professional Etiquette") of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 27, 2019 "On measures to further improve the system of combating corruption in the Republic of Uzbekistan" Decree No. PF-5729 and Order No. 1201 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of December 30, 2019, as well as in the "roadmap" for the implementation of the "Corruption-Free Sector" project in the higher education system was developed in relation to the performance of the specified tasks, and consists of a set of general principles of professional etiquette and basic rules of behavior in the service.

2. This Code of Professional Conduct applies to all employees of the university.

defines the principles of ethics in the mutual relations of the university employees, the rules of conduct that must be observed, and the obligations.

4. Every employee who is to be hired must familiarize himself with the Code of Professional Conduct and sign if he undertakes to comply with it .

5. University employees must follow the instructions stipulated in the Code of Professional Conduct in their interactions with the public, state, non-governmental organizations, educational and scientific institutions, business entities, mass media and parents of pupils and students. .

2. Goals and objectives

a healthy spiritual and social-psychological environment in the university , to preserve its prestige and reputation, to support the training of highly qualified and professional personnel who meet high moral and ethical requirements. , to further increase the prestige of the educational institution in the society and in the educational system.

7. The main tasks of professional etiquette:

high spiritual and moral qualities, who feel their responsibility towards society, state and family, who have initiative and have modern knowledge;

university employees, to prevent any behavior aimed at violation of morals and to protect against various other dangerous threats;

university employees, etc.

III. General rules of professional ethics of employees

8. In the university, harmony, mutual trust, respect, care for each other and harmony are important conditions in the relations of employees.

9. The main principle of interaction at the university is that the rights of one person should not override the rights of another person, including the employee's freedom of speech, slandering someone, insulting him, obscenity expressed in demonstrative disregard for generally accepted rules of conduct in interaction. the use of words is prohibited.

10. In order to preserve the spiritual heritage of our people, it is strictly forbidden for employees to disrespect each other, use obscene words, and address each other as "You" at the university.

must treat speakers with respect at various events (meetings, formal meetings, practical meetings, holidays, etc. ) and observe domestic peace.

12. When there is a traffic jam at the entrances to buildings, men should let women pass before them.

13. Control the entry and exit of every employee entering the building

must openly show his/her identity document to the appointed responsible person or duty officer .

14. Employees must walk on the right side of the road on the territory of the educational institution and must greet each other when they meet.

It is forbidden to post on the Internet or use it for various purposes, which are not specific to national and universal personnel or related to the internal problems of the educational institution.

16. Preparation, storage, distribution and distribution of information on computers that does not belong to the educational institution , as well as various movies, illegal religious information, obscene pictures, and any materials that promote national, racial, ethnic, religious enmity. promotion is strictly prohibited.

Behaviors that interfere with educational activities, work , and employees' peace of mind (unintended use of radio, television, tape recorder, and other sound amplification devices) are prohibited.

18. University employees must arrive and leave on time for classes and work according to the set agenda.

19. It is forbidden to commit any offense at the university, including defamation, insult, dissemination of information that may cause moral or material harm to an employee, causing physical injury, engaging in relationships related to means removed from civil circulation ( narcotics, psychotropic drugs, etc.), drinking, drunkenness, violation of domestic peace, fighting, gambling and playing other games based on risk are strictly prohibited.


IV. Behavior of employees in service

basic principles and rules

20. Employees should perform their professional activities based on the following principles :

- legality ;

- the priority of citizens' rights, freedoms and legal interests;

- devotion to patriotism and duty;

- loyalty to the interests of the state and society;

- fairness , honesty and impartiality;

- avoiding conflict of interest .

2l. Employees are obliged to:

- strict adherence to state principles and requirements in the performance of official duties;

- perform one's official duties conscientiously and at a high professional level;

- Timely and quality execution of the decisions (assignments) taken by the higher state bodies and officials within the scope of their powers;

- to carry out their activities within the limits of the powers of the position specified in the legal documents and internal local documents;

- not favoring or favoring any persons, spirits or organizations in the performance of their official duties, being independent from their influence, taking into account the rights, obligations and legal interests of citizens, not allowing situations of discrimination ;

- to stop actions related to the influence of any personal, property and other interests that prevent the performance of official duties ;

- to comply with the restrictions and prohibitions specified in regulatory legal documents and departmental documents, to perform one's official duties without deviation;

- to eliminate the possibility of influencing one's service activity;

Respecting the customs and traditions of the peoples of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other countries, taking into account the cultural and other characteristics of various ethnic, social groups and confessions, contributing to social stability and inter-ethnic harmony;

- to refrain from behavior that may raise doubts about the conscientious performance of their official duties, as well as avoid situations that could damage their reputation or the reputation of the university;

- not to use the official position to illegally influence the activities of university officials, as well as citizens.

22. Political, economic expediency, as well as personal reasons and other subjective reasons cannot be the basis for employees to violate the requirements of legal documents and rules of professional etiquette.

Unless otherwise provided for in the legislation , employees are prohibited from receiving any material wealth or benefiting from individuals or legal entities in connection with the performance of their official duties.

24. Employees must fight against corruption and actively support their prevention. Employees inform their supervisors or law enforcement agencies about all cases of appeals made by individuals with the aim of diverting them to commit crimes, as well as about crimes committed by other employees themselves. must report any circumstances.

The head of the university shall not allow persons to be fired or harassed in any other way due to the fact that they have appealed to the facts of violation of the law or for their criticism in the expressed opinion and appeal, as well as for their criticism in any other form. provides

known to them during their professional activities , they are responsible for their disclosure in accordance with the procedure established by law.

26. The head should be an example of high professionalism, purity and justice towards the subordinates, he should help the formation of moral and psychological environment in the university or its structural unit , should not require them to perform duties outside the scope of their official duties, and should not encourage them to commit illegal acts.

should not allow cases of selection and placement of personnel based on signs of kinship or personal loyalty . Groupism, localism, favoritism , as well as other negative factors in the course of performing one's duties must be strictly avoided.


take timely measures to prevent and regulate conflicts of interest ;

taking measures to prevent corruption ;

employees , treat the property and financial resources entrusted to him with care and economy.

The leader is responsible for not allowing behavior (inaction) of subordinate employees that violates the principles and rules of behavior in the service.

should strive to create an atmosphere of work, mutual goodwill and practical cooperation in the team in relation to their duties .

must be courteous, courteous, polite, considerate, patient in their interactions with citizens and colleagues, and respect them. Employees should not be rude to their subordinates , but also to their colleagues, leaders and citizens, not to humiliate their honor and dignity, not to allow situations of unreasonable psychological and physical influence on them. need

Depending on the working conditions and the form of service events, the appearance of the employees (observance of the dress code) during the performance of service duties should help the students to treat the university with respect, should be in accordance with the generally accepted work style, they should be distinguished from others by its formality, restraint and orderliness.

28. Employees should observe the generally accepted rules of etiquette during off-duty hours and should not engage in anti-social behavior.

V. Conflict of Interest

29. Employees should not engage in situations of personal interest that cause a conflict of interest in the performance of their official duties .

arise when the personal interests of employees influence or may influence them to perform their duties objectively and impartially.

includes having any benefits or advantages for themselves personally or for their close relatives, as well as for other persons with whom they have a close or business relationship.

Employees must immediately notify their supervisor in case of a conflict of interest.

A leader who receives information about the existence of a conflict of interest must take timely measures to put it in order.

should not carry out activities that could harm them or to perform their official duties at the required level .

Employees' visits to higher organizations for work purposes must be carried out after notifying the university rector. Employees may not, under any circumstances, take personal advantage that cannot be obtained from their position.

31. When employees are appointed to a position and perform their official duties, information about the existence or possibility of existence of their personal interest that affects or may affect the performance of their official duties at the necessary level must know.

32. The use of mobile communication devices during the lessons is prohibited for everyone.

VI. University dress code and culture

33. The appearance of male employees should be neat and clean, hair should be neat and shaved.

34. Employees may not wear outerwear (cloaks, coats, jackets, etc.) in service rooms.

35. Employees coming to the educational institution in religious worship clothes, sports clothes and shoes, wearing clothes that attract people's attention, in particular, revealing the body, revealing the shoulders, chest and stomach, above the knees, and too tight clothes, as well as headphones, metal chains and other jewelry, wearing piercings, growing a beard, wearing no socks or short socks that show the legs, coming to the educational institution with a headscarf tied around the jaw, and in this case in the educational institution cannot walk.

36. It is not recommended for female employees to wear bright, excessive make-up.

VII. Employee relations

should follow the principles of mutual respect and attention, friendship, solidarity, honesty and justice.

38. It is forbidden to disrespect human dignity, denigrate the personality, steal other people's intellectual property, use rudeness, obscene words, fight, cause moral, material or physical harm to others in employee relations. it is forbidden.

VIII. Obligations regarding professional etiquette of employees

39. Obligations of employees regarding professional etiquette are as follows:

and students in observing professional etiquette ;

- to refrain from actions contrary to the interests of the educational institution;

- immediately report to the administration if any unpleasant incident or event occurs;

- prevention of any situations that tarnish the honor and prestige of the educational institution;

- not to use information about the educational institution to harm its interests and reputation or for one's own interests;

- promoting our national traditions, customs and values related to their profession to pupils and students during the course of the lesson ;

- establishing a healthy lifestyle among young people , warning them against the evils of alcoholism and drug addiction, various other deadly threats, and religious and extremist influences alien to us, attacks of "mass culture";

- to assist in the development of effective forms and methods of spiritual and moral education of learners and educational work .

IX. Circumstances prohibited by professional etiquette

40. The following cases are prohibited by the Code of Professional Conduct:

- belittling the personality and dignity of employees , pupils and students, discussing other people's personal and family problems;

- organizing various provocations, gossips, slanders against employees , pupils and students;

- to discuss professional and personal shortcomings of their colleagues with pupils and students;

- expulsion of pupils and students from educational activities without grounds;

- conducting commercial advertising during training sessions;

- carrying out religious propaganda in training sessions;

- coming to training sessions drunk, unshaven and not following the dress code;

- it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke in the premises .

X. To the Code of Professional Conduct between the Administration and the Employees

relationship _

41. The relationship between management and employees is based on the principles of mutual respect, harmony, diligence, tolerance, humanity, care and justice.

42. In the cooperation of the administration and employees on issues related to work, it is not allowed for one party to put pressure on the other party or act on it, as well as to prepare decisions that are contrary to the principles of justice and the interests of the educational institution . .

It is recommended to solve problems between employees of equal positions by forming a working group . It is recommended that employees of equal positions solve various problems in the work process within their own authority, without involving the administration.

44. Appealing to the administration with any issue in the team is organized based on the established procedure.

45. Initiatives and ideas of the employee to further improve the moral and ethical environment in the educational institution are encouraged.

46. The administration creates a comfortable workplace for the professional and intellectual development of employees, free use of modern computers, the Internet, library fund and information resources, as well as all privileges for relaxation, recreation, and physical training.

XI. Liability for violation of professional etiquette

be the basis for holding him accountable in the manner established by law . In case of violation by the employees of the rules stipulated in this Code of Conduct, appropriate measures will be taken against them in accordance with the cases specified in the rules of the internal procedure.

48. In order to ensure public control over the employee's behavior, cases of non-compliance with these rules may be discussed in the university trade union committee , youth union, women's council, mentors' council or public council.

49. Observance of professional etiquette by employees is taken into account during selection, attestation, formation of personnel reserve for appointment to higher and other positions.

50. Employees have the right to receive information about the violation of the rule committed by them, the process of consideration of the violation of the rule, and to present evidence for self-defense, as well as to file a complaint regarding the decisions of the university in the prescribed manner.

XII. Final Rules

was developed taking into account the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the proposals of the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations. It is carried out on the basis of the order of the university.