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Bukuda "Your values ​​be everlasted, Navruz!" foster.


This year's Co & Lsquo; Lazma's breath is natural to expect them. Co & # 39; Ho & # 39; Hall and Nosyomy also visited.

Happy holiday in Bukhddi &;;. O & Lsquo; Zaro solidarity, Shukernalism's day begins.

Sayl San & Rsquo; Attention by Attention by Attachance to & Lsquo; Juniori began with the performance of gunners Navra & # 39;

The team of our university is proudly proud of the values ​​of our country. In particular, customs and An & # 39; the samples of creativity of our youth and students of our youth and students; The spring mood is Bag & # 39; exhibitions, national dance and melodies. The picts will be added. Every faculty O & # 39; manifestations of the faculty O & # 39; Navali on Navi & # 39; manifestations of the Folklore An & # 39; Folklore E & # 39;

In particular, & quot; bride hello & quot; Ceremony, & Quot; Sush Wife & Quot; The ceremony escalation and # 39; i performs, spasmons, Samarkand, O & # 39; A Bo & # 39; lmas.

& nbsp;

also conveys a rope, the stone co & # 39; yains and tennis, chess, checkers, were organized.

Students Navro & # 39; ZAG & # 39; Wishing & quot; Wishes board & quot; was organized.