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Bukhamja rector O.X.Hamidov is attending an international conference "AIEA 2025" in the United States.


USA Texas in Houston on March 1-8th in Houston & Quot; Building Bridges: Leading Internationalization in A ChangeFollow & Quot; The next international conference BO & # 39; is running O & # 39. A number of partner organizations and the world, Bukh & Nbsp; Prestigious higher TA & # 39; Representatives of Bukhuqa O.X.Hamidov also took an active part in this conference.

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At this conference, how the doctor may develop target international cooperation strategies, as a result of a wide range of professors and workers, as well as a wide range of effective Bo & # 39; Experienced practitioners were provided with the results of the research, the results of practical knowledge and cooperation, and models for plans, plans.