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Ubaydullo surman met with students of Bukhara State University.


& nbsp; Today, March 3, Activists of Bukhara State University (Quot; National Values ​​and their Nation Ma & # 39; O & # 39; Rni & Queot; Under the motto & quot; student movie days & quot; As part of the People's Artist of Uzbekistan, E & # 39; Ubaydullo Meeting Bo & # 39; lib O & # 39; tdi.

& nbsp;

& Nbsp; The match began with the National Anthem. Buy youth issues and MA & RSQUO; RIFA-MA & RSQUE; RIFI Dilshod Yavquetov opened a meeting with the introductory speech.

& nbsp; The creative meeting with a well-known film figure was impressed by the experienced ages, Zero, Ubaydulla Omon, useful to students for students & # 39; In the match, students received answers to their questions about the life and work of the actor. Also the match is So & # 39; Night & quot; Love Spring & Quot; The film was shown.