During the 2024/2025 academic year, 34 departments within 8 faculties will operate at Bukhara State University. 20,537 students are studying in 1,067 academic groups in 85 undergraduate programs. The master's degree covers 34 specialties.
In order to solve the problems of young people and further improve their living and educational processes, a meeting of the Rector and youth with all students is being organized on a set schedule.
On January 21, a meeting of the university's rector O.Kh. Khamidov and students and youth of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies was held in the large assembly hall of Bukhara State University. The meeting was attended by the university and faculty leadership, faculty teaching staff, tutors, and about 400 students and young people.
"The head of our state is paying increasing attention to the direction of exact sciences and technology, and the scope of promising reforms in this area is being expanded. At the same time, various projects and programs are being developed to ensure the development of the sector. Students and young people should effectively use these opportunities and become the necessary personnel in the necessary direction in today's rapidly developing era.
Study in Bukhara, which has produced outstanding scientists for the world's scientists, certainly opens the door to great opportunities. The conditions created at our university today in every field: art, sports, science are unparalleled. We hope that you, young people, will fulfill your duty to your parents and our homeland and justify our trust," says the rector of Bukhara State University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor O.Kh. Khamidov.
During the meeting, students' opinions and suggestions were listened to and questions were answered. In particular, Safarov Rustambek, a laureate of a number of international and republican competitions, asked for practical assistance in participating in future international Olympiads. The university rector supported this proposal and gave relevant instructions to the responsible persons.
Also, during the meeting, students who achieved high scores in the IELTS certificate also spoke. One of them, Erdonov Ahror, said that he would open an inexhaustible database of knowledge of the English language. Another, Nurmuhammad, although he is young, his achievements are enviable. In particular, he occupies an honorable place in the Republic in chess, and at the same time, he is also carrying out effective work in the field of artificial intelligence.