Today, November 4, the "Court and Youth Meeting" was held in the large assembly hall of Bukhara State University. The meeting was attended by the First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court Ikrom Tukhtamuratovich Muslimov, Chairman of the Bukhara Regional Court Uchkun Kholboyevich Roziyev, Head of the Personnel Department of the Supreme Court Muhitdinov Muzaffar Rakhmatullo oglu, Rector of Bukhara State University O.Kh. Khamidov, university leadership, and student youth.
The event was opened by the Rector of our university O.Kh. Khamidov with an introductory speech. During his speech, he spoke about the opportunities created at the university for students of the Jurisprudence department at Bukhara State University.
Also, during the meeting, the First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court, Ikrom Muslimov, spoke and specifically touched upon the opportunities provided to young people today. At the same time, he said that modern technologies and the study of foreign languages are the requirements of the day. Ikrom Muslimov gave future lawyers the necessary instructions for perfecting this profession. In particular, it was said that the owner of this profession should regularly familiarize himself with literary and scientific literature in order to have fluent speech and a rich vocabulary. It was also noted that the recently concluded memorandum of cooperation between the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Bukhara State University is the key to providing students with opportunities to study this field in depth and conduct internships.
During the meeting, students received answers to questions of interest to them. In particular, when a student of the Jurisprudence department, Kadyrov Nazarbek, was interested in the activities of the Investigative Judge, Ikram Muslimov gave a full explanation of this area.
At the end of the meeting, the First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court, Ikrom Tukhtamuratovich Muslimov, the Chairman of the Bukhara Regional Court, Uchkun Kholboyevich Roziyev, and the Head of the Personnel Department of the Supreme Court, Muhitdinov Muzaffar Rakhmatullo oglu, were thanked for their visits to the university, and it was agreed to further strengthen cooperation between Bukhara State University and the Court in the future.