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The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 9, 2021 No. 563 “On measures to increase student housing in the higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan” states to accelerate improvement of personal material resources of higher education institutions and to build student dormitories.

The Bukhara State University has initiated the project for construction of a 400-place dormitory for in the Bukhara region, Bukhara district, MFY Robitakalmak, for the Bukhara State University (0.3 ha) in accordance with subparagraph “a” of paragraph 1 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers.

In this project, student housing will be built at the expense of the entrepreneur’s own funds, and the public partner will pay the private partner for availability payments for the use of student housing under a public-private partnership agreement.In this regard, the public partner pays in the amount of 10 times the annual amount of the base calculation for each student from its own funds and 15 times the annual amount of the base calculation at the expense of a subsidy allocated from the State budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan by excluding the payment from the monthly allowances of students. All expenses related to the maintenance and operation of the student dormitory will be covered by the private partner.In addition, according to the Presidential Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 11, 2019 No PP-4391 “On measures to introduce new principles of management in higher and secondary special education”, no more than 20% of the buildings and structures (except for the part of land, buildings and structures occupied by public communication networks), is transferred to a local private partner on the basis of property rights to engage in business activities.Requests and proposals for interested parties to express interest in the implementation of this project must be submitted by 18:00 Tashkent time July 13, 2022.

Application form to express interest

Project concept

Information about the project

Requests and proposals for interest are accepted at the following addresses:

  1. Address of the Ministry of higher and secondary special education: 100095 Tashkent City, 2-Chimboy Street, 96 house, E-mail: devonxona@edu.uz, edu@exat.uz, website: edu.uz, phone number: +99871 246 04 27;
  2. Bukhara State University: at MFY Robitakalmak Bukhara region, Bukhara district, E-mail: buxdu_rektor@buxdu.uz, website: https://buxdu.uz, Phone number: (+998) 65 221-29-14; 8(365) 221-27-07,
  3. Address of the Public-Private Partnership Development Agency: Yunusabad district, Tashkent City, Sh.Rashidov King Street 16-House, E-mail: pppinfo@ppp.mf.uz, AbduvoxidX@ppp.mf.uz, Tel: 71-203-03-07 (701). (Note: The size of the file or files to send electronically should not exceed 10 MB. Therefore, please send no more than 10 MB, which is a compact file, or you can send on paper).

In accordance with Article 16 of the Law “on PPP”, in the event of a request for interest and tenders (proposals), the Ministry of Higher Education holds a tender to determine a private partner with the participation of applicants interested in the project.