Kafedra mudir_ (fan doktori va professor ilmiy unvonga ega)
Turizm va mehmonxona xo'jaligi kafedrasi
About the Department
History of the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management is related to the "Economic Education and Tourism" department, which began operating since 2011. The department was renamed as "Tourism" on May 1, 2015 and continued its activities under this name until 2019. According to the order of the rector of BukhSU dated May 14, 2019 No. 476-U, the "Tourism" department was divided into 2 "Service Sector Economy" and "Tourism and Hotel Management" departments. Currently, there are 35 members of the "Tourism and Hotel Management" department, 27 of whom work full-time. The scientific potential of the department is 28%, and it has one associate professor, 2 candidates of science, including one associate professor, one professor. The average age of the department is 33.
The department was managed by the following directors:
In 2011-2012, Ph.D., associate professor Tadjieva Sayerakhan Uralovna,
In 2012-2018, associate professor Khamroev Halim Rozikovich, Ph.D.
In 2018-2021, Ph.D., associate professor Tadzhiyeva Sayyora Uralovna,
In 2019-2020, i.f.n. Roziyev Sobirjon Samatovich,
In 2020-2022 i.f.f.d. Nurov Ziyodulla Saimurodovich
From 2022 to the present, Ibragimov Nutfillo Salimovich, Ph.D., DcS, has been the head of the department.
Graduating bachelor courses:
- 61010400 (5610300 until 2020) – Tourism (by activity directions)
- 61010100 (until 2020 5610200) - Organization and management of the hotel industry.
Master's specialties:
- 71010401 (until 2020 5A610301) – Tourism (by type of activity)
- 71010403 – Tourism (pilgrimage tourism)
Research activities of the department:
- The department does not have basic doctoral studies and doctoral studies in specialties.
Scientific directions of the department:
- regional tourism,
- digital tourism,
- transport services in tourism,
- international tourism,
- tourist free economic zones,
- competitiveness of the tourist area,
- cultural tourism,
- pilgrimage tourism.
Subjects taught at the department:
1. Digital tourism
2.Fundamentals of tourism and hospitality industry
3. Organization of hotel services
4. Management in tourism
5. Tourism geography
6. Hotel management
7. Innovation in the hotel industry
8. Fundamentals of restaurant business
9. Professional etiquette in the hotel
10. Transport services in tourism
11. Hotel marketing
12. Establishment of a hotel business
13. Economy of tourism and hotel industry
14. Analysis of activity in the hotel industry
15. Reservation systems in the hotel industry
16. Management of employees in the hotel industry
17. Research methods and skills in tourism
18. The global hospitality industry
19. History of hospitality and tourism
20. Organization of tour guide service
21. Organization and management of excursion services
22. International tourism
23. Continental tourism
24. Hotel branding
25. Organization of advertising activities in the hotel industry
26. Standardization and certification in the hotel industry
27. Standardization and quality management of hotel services
28. Tour operation
29. Hotel interior and design
30. Management of the quality of services in the hotel industry
31. Management of investment activities in tourism
. Organization of lesson processes in English:
T/r |
Name |
subjects |
Groups |
Number of students |
Languages |
Semester |
1 |
Ruziyeva Maxbuba Tulqinovna |
Service quality management in the hotel industry
3-1MX-20 |
17 |
English |
Autumn |
Analysis of activities in the hotel industry
3-4MX-21 |
23 |
Spring |
Hotel interior and landscape |
3-1MX-20 |
17 |
Spring |
2 |
Jafarova Hilola Xalimovna |
Mapping and development of tourist routes in tourism |
3-1TUR-21 |
21 |
English |
Autumn |
Innovation in the hotel industry |
3-1MX-20 |
17 |
Spring |
3 |
Toyirova Sarvinoz Atoyevna |
Event organization and management
English |
Autumn |
Organization of food and beverage services in tourism
3-1TUR-22 |
13 |
Tourism geography |
11-1,2GHTF-21 |
32 |
Spring |
4 |
Davronov Istamxo‘ja Olimovich
Organization of hotel business |
3-1MX-21 |
15 |
English |
Kuzgi |
Reservation systems in the hotel industry |
3-1MX-21 |
15 |
Spring |
5 |
Dushanova Yulduz Faxriddinovna
Project development and management in tourism
3-1TUR-22 |
13 |
English |
Kuzgi |
Interpretation methodology Methodological instruction
11-1,2 GHTF-23 |
32 |
Spring |
6 |
Omonova Nilufar Rahmon qizi |
Ecological tourism
3-1TUR-22 |
13 |
English |
Kuzgi |
Brending in tourism
3-1TUR-22 |
13 |
Spring |
Gastronomic tourism
3-1TUR-22 |
13 |
Spring |
Working with foreign delegations
11-1,2GHTF-21 |
32 |
Spring |
7 |
Djurayeva Nafisa Baxodirovna |
Hotel branding
3-1MX-21 |
18 |
English |
Kuzgi |
Tour operating |
3-1TUR-21 |
21 |
Spring |
8 |
Qilichov Muhriddin Xusniddin o‘g’li |
Regional tourism |
3-1TUR-21 |
21 |
English |
Kuzgi |
Sustainable tourism development |
3-1TUR-21 |
21 |
Spring |
9 |
Kuvandikov Aziz Ravshanovich |
Establishing Tourism Free Economical zones |
3-1TUR-22 |
13 |
English |
Spring |
10 |
Kurbonova Zebiniso Azimovna |
Touroperating |
3-1MX-20 |
17 |
English |
Autumn |
Planning in the hotel industry
3-1MX-20 |
17 |
Autumn |
Professional ethics
3-1MX-20 |
17 |
Spring |
Service performancing activities |
3-1MX-20 |
17 |
Spring |
11 |
Radjabov Odil Olimovich |
Planning in the hotel industry |
3-1MX-20 |
17 |
English |
Autumn |
12 |
Axmatova Mohigul Ergash qizi |
Introduction to hospitality and tourism |
11-1,2GHTF-23 |
39 |
English |
Autumn |
13 |
Haydarova Dilora Ixtiyorovna |
Economy of tourism and hotel industry |
3-1MX-21 |
18 |
English |
Spring |
2. Educational literature published in the department in 2021
t/r |
Name of the author |
Name of fields |
Textbook* |
Name |
Certificate number and date of the Coordinating Council under OUMTV |
1 |
Hamroev Halim Roziqovich |
71010401 Tourism |
Tourismology, textbook |
112- 23.03.2023 |
2 |
O.H.Hamidov, D.Sh. Yavmutov, N.S. Ibragimov, S.U.Tadjieva |
5610300 – Tourism |
Organization of excursion services, guideline |
112- 23.03.2023 |
3 |
Nilufar Omonova Rahmonovna |
5610300 – Tourism |
Opportunities for the development of medical tourism in the destination of Bukhara, monography |
2/11 - 03.05.2023 |
4 |
Ro’ziev Sobirjon Samatovich |
5610300 - Tourism , 5610200 – Hotel management |
Marketing of tour product, e-textbook |
№ DGU 17253, 28.05.2022 |
5 |
O’roqova Dilfuza Badriddinovna |
5610200 – Hotel management |
Organization of animation services, electronic textbook |
№ DGU 19799, 25.10.2022 |
6 |
Salimova Sarvinoz Sadriddin Qizi, Alimova Shaxnoza Oktyamovna |
5610300 – Tourism |
Organization of excursion services, base explanatory phrases |
№ DGU 20892, 12.12. 2022 |
7 |
Toyirova Sarvinoz Atoevna |
5610300 - Tourism , 5610200 – Hotel management |
Hotel services in tourism |
№ DGU 19606, 25.10.2022 |
8 |
Kadirova Shafoat |
5610300 – Tourism |
Ways to improve transport services for tourism in Uzbekistan |
2022 |
International cooperation of the department
Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Ph.D. A.T. Jo’raev and PhD docent Z.S.Nurov In the 2019-2021 Erasmus+ TALENT project, Nurov, under the guidance of universities in Belgium, Germany, Greece and Bulgaria of the European Union (EU), in cooperation with representatives of six universities in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, the Central Asian (MO) region social - have been actively participating in the development of a master's program in IRM, suitable for economic problems and specific characteristics.
Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Ph.D. A.T. Joraev and PhD docent Z.S. Nurov Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Tashkent State Agrarian University, Samarkand Branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Republic of Uzbekistan-are actively participating in the 2021-2024 international project on the establishment of the ERASMUS+ Bioeconomy master's specialty, which is being implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture.
Ziyodulla Nurov successfully defended his dissertation in a specialized council composed of leading economic scientists of Italy and was recognized as worthy of a PhD degree in economics. Z.S. Nurov was sent on a research trip to the University of Aquila in Italy (in the Times ranking group 501-600) as part of the Erasmus academic mobility program, and since his scientific research aroused the interest of Italian scientists, he was offered double supervision for his PhD thesis. Based on the signed agreement, professor Luigi Bidjiero from Aquila University and Abror Jo’rayev from Bukhara state university were appointed as scientific supervisors for the dissertation.
In addition, among our professors were Davronov.I.O, Toyirova.S.A in Alexandrau Ioan Cuza, Farmonov.E.O, Radjabov O.O in the city of Iasi in Romania, Dushanova.Y.F. studied at the leading university of Padua University in Padua, Italy.
The senior teacher of our department, Dzhafarova Nigina Alisherovna, became the recipient of a 4-year grant to study for a doctorate at Pusan National University of South Korea and is currently continuing her studies in Korea. Bozorova Sitora Kadirovna was admitted to Anatolia University in Turkey for the Ph.D stage based on the grant of "Turk Burslari" and is currently continuing her studies in Turkey. Radjabov Odil Olimovich is a 2nd stage doctoral student at the Valencia Polytechnic University of Spain, Toyirova Sarvinoz Atoyevna has been accepted to the PHD program of the Valencia Polytechnic University of Spain in the direction of "Business administration and management".
The teacher of the department, Muhriddin Qilichov, in addition to being a 3rd-level doctoral student at the University of Valencia, Spain, returned from August-November 2021 for a 4-month internship at the University of Alabama, USA. Also, under the leadership of Muhriddin Qilichov, the members of the department participated in the educational program "Collaborative Online International Learning" (COIL) of the US Embassy and became one of the 4 selected from a total of 235 applications from HEIs of Uzbekistan. .
The members of the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Ziyodulla Nurov at the University of Aquila, Italy, in the period 05.09.2019-25.12.2019, and Muhriddin Qilichov, at the University of Valencia, Italy, in the period 01.11.2019-27.12.2019, were qualified abroad by the "El-Yurt Umidi" foundation, taking part in the competition for promotion, internship and sending to study on the basis of master's and PhD programs and returned as an internship.
In December 2021, Associate Professor of the Department Abror Jo’rayev returned from a scientific and methodological internship at Kazan Federal University and Southern Federal University of the Russian Federation.
In addition, the teacher of the department, Dushanova Yulduz Fakhriddinovna, underwent an internship in Istanbul, Turkey, on March 28-30, 2022, as part of the "Professional Education and Vocational Training in Central Asia" (PECA) program of the German Cooperation Society (GIZ). .
During 2020-2022, in order to strengthen scientific-pedagogical relations with Bukhara state university and universities that are among the top 1000 in international rating indicators are being held lectures and practical classes on the subjects of the "Tourism and Hotel Management" department.
Relations with manufacturers
In cooperation with the State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, professors and students of our department conducted field marketing research on April 18-19, 2019 in order to form regional tourism statistics;
In 2019-2022, the department is conducting training-seminar courses to improve the qualifications of hotel administrators. A strong relationship has been established with leading hotels and restaurants in the city of Bukhara.
The professors and teachers of the department participated in the working group on the development of the "Bukhara-city" investment project based on the order of the Bukhara regional government.
Business entities operating in the field of tourism and hotels, including "MIRACLE TRAVEL" LLC, "MAROSIM TRAVEL" LLC, and "BUKHORA MALIKASI" JV LLC, conducted marketing research and improved service quality.
Plan of studies conducted on the basis of sector orders:
In cooperation with the General Directorate of Tourism and Sports of Bukhara region, it is planned to organize training courses for employees of hotels and guesthouses operating in the region in March-May 2022. Qualified professors and teachers of the department conduct their training there.
It is also planned to organize the following services at the Center for Tourism Education and
Research established under the department:
1. English language course for tourism, education and business representatives
2. Korean language course for tourism, education and business representatives
3. Formalization of activities planned by students within the framework of the Work and Travel program.
4. Serving local tourists.
5. Providing guide service.