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Department of Archeology and History of Bukhara


According to the proposal and instructions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoev during his visit to Bukhara on February 16-17, 2018, the Department of History of Bukhara was established on the basis of the Faculty of History and Cultural Heritage of Bukhara State University began its activities.  5121000-History.  It is the main department of Bukhara history.  The department teaches the history of Bukhara, archeology, ethnology, toponymy, numismatics, epigraphy, architectural monuments, literature, art, history of mysticism.  Doctor of Philosophy in History (PhD), Farrukh Temirov was appointed Acting Head of the Department of Bukhara History from June 19, 2019, and from October 9, 2020 Temirov Farrukh Umedovich was appointed Head of the Department of Bukhara History of Bukhara State University.
Bachelor's degree:
51210000-History. History of Bukhara and 60220400-Archeology
Preparatory master's specialties:
70220300-historiography, source studies and methods of historical research, 70230501-Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology and 70220401-Archeology
Research activity of the department:
From the head of the department Temirov Farrukh Umedovich. The department has 1 professor, 7 associate professors - 8, senior teachers - 5, assistants - 19, head of the office - 1.  The department of "History of Bukhara" pays special attention to the integration of the educational process with practice.  Activities in this direction Work with gifted students organized by the Bukhara State Ark Museum Reserve and Bukhara regional and district branches.
The department works with gifted students.  Every teacher works with gifted students.  In order to provide students with meaningful leisure time and the formation of creative abilities, effective teaching of the field and in-depth study of the basics of science, gifted students organized circles "History of Bukhara" and "Bukhara Archeology", developed plans and work according to plan.  led  A creative environment has been created for the club members and gifted students, who have participated in the traditional annual faculty and student conferences at the university with their presentations and have been awarded certificates of honor.
Scientific directions of the department:
Professors and teachers of the department work on the basis of the teacher-student system in the following relevant areas of pedagogy:
Bukhara archeology, ethnography, numismatics and toponymy;
Fundamentals of statehood, urban planning, material and spiritual culture in the Bukhara oasis;
Source studies and historiography of Bukhara history;
Bukhara School of Sufism;
The scientific, historical and literary heritage of the Bukharans, their contribution to world science and culture;
The study of "sacred sites, shrines, saints in Bukhara as an object of pilgrimage tourism" in the context of world cultural heritage;
History of Bukhara art (music, architecture, handicrafts, minnatura, goldsmithing, etc.) and culture;
To study the socio-political activities and scientific heritage of the Bukhara Jadids (enlighteners, progressives).
Study of the history of Bukhara in Uzbekistan and abroad during the years of independence
The Faculty of History and Cultural Heritage, at the initiative of the Department of "History of Bukhara" annually holds a traditional national scientific-practical conference on "Issues of Bukhara history, from ancient times to the present."  Along with many higher education institutions, research centers and research institutes in the country, scientists and specialists from foreign countries take part in it.  These include Britain, the United States, Turkey, Russia, China, Iran, the Netherlands, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and others.
The history and culture of Bukhara, which has a long history and has made an invaluable contribution to world civilization, has a special place in the system of historical research in our rapidly developing country in the field of science, education, culture and tourism, as well as Uzbek statehood.  In the past, Bukhara has a high position and place in the past as the center of a number of national state associations.  The study of the place and history of Bukhara in world culture on the basis of material and written sources is still important.  The scope of scientific tasks in this area is comprehensive and relevant.  From the development of scientifically based proposals and practical recommendations on the latest scientific results, problems, solutions and prospects, problems and prospects of the process of integrated and systematic study of the history of Bukhara, the perfect and comprehensive study of its unopened historical pages  consists of.
Subjects taught at the department:
Undergraduate Sciences
History of Uzbekistan
History of Bukhara
Ethnography of Bukhara
Bukhara written sources
Bukhara archeology
Bukhara museology
Bukhara archival studies
Bukhara toponymy
History of Bukhara architectural monuments
Bukhara school of mysticism
Scientific heritage of Bukhara thinkers
Bukhara local lore
The scientific heritage of Eastern scholars
Introduction to archeology
Human evolution and prehistory
World Archeology
Central Asian Archeology
World ethnology
The history of handicrafts in Central Asia
Modern devices in archeology
Methods of archeological field research and processing of findings
Ornament and fine arts of Central Asia
History of the statehood of Uzbekistan
Subjects taught at the department
Master's degree:
Written sources on the history of Central Asia
Issues of historical reconstruction
Paleoecology and the dynamics of civilization
Ancient, medieval and khanate historiography of Central Asia
Theoretical issues of the reform strategy in Uzbekistan
Current issues of Central Asian ethnology
Traditional material culture of Uzbeks
Toponymy (ethnotoponymy and ethnonymy)
History of ethnology of foreign countries
Current issues of archeology
Archeology of ancient Eastern civilizations