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  2. Department of Islamic History and Source Studies, Philosophy
buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

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Islom tarixi va manbashunoslik, falsafa kafedrasi



Department of Islamic History and Source Studies, Philosophy


History of the department.  
In 2009-2012, the department of "Philosophy" was headed by Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor R.O. Shokirov.  Since 2013, the department is headed by Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor BB Namozov.  In 1970, the Department of Political Science and in 1999 the Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies were separated from the Department of Philosophy.  In accordance with the Resolution No. PQ-2909 of April 20 "On measures to further develop the system of higher education" in the 2017-2018 academic year on the basis of the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of History and Cultural Heritage of Bukhara State University was established Department of Islamic History and Source Studies, Philosophy.
The department teaches 2 philosophical disciplines in all specialized faculties of the university: "Philosophy" in the bachelor's degree, "Methodology of scientific research" in the master's degree.
All professors and teachers of the department, in addition to conducting classes at the required level, work to educate young people at a high level of spirituality and enlightenment.
All professors and teachers of the department are actively involved in the promotion of presidential decrees, government decisions among the people.  Every academic year, the department holds national and international scientific conferences and conferences.  All teachers of the department are actively involved in it.  Abstracts of conferences are published in the form of collections.  All the work planned by the professors and teachers of the department on the educational, scientific-methodical, research, organizational-methodical, spiritual-educational and pedagogical work of the individual work plan is being fully implemented.
In their research work, the members of the department focus on current issues of democratic development, in particular, the current issues of philosophy, the characteristics of the development process of society, the further development of research on the history of philosophy, their role in the democratic transformation of society.  to justify its place and role.  The department actively participates in national and international scientific conferences, meetings and seminars.  Professors and teachers of the department are actively involved in conducting information hours, spiritual and educational hours at enterprises and institutions.
The results of research work carried out at the department are used in the classroom, in the conduct of spiritual and educational activities, in conducting educational hours at a high level in industrial enterprises and organizations in Bukhara.
The most important achievement in philosophy is that the school, founded by the late M.N. Boltaev, Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, is still continuing research on the history of philosophy.  The lives and works of great mystics are being studied and put into scientific circulation.
Bachelor's degree:
60220300-History (Islamic History and Source Studies)
Research activities of the department:
Headof the department Namozov Bobir Bahrievich, Doctor of Philosophy (DSc), Associate Professor
Narziev Zubaydillo Ibodilloevich, an independent researcher at the Department of Islamic History and Source Studies, PhD, successfully defended his dissertation on December 15, 2020 at the Academic Council PhD.03 / 27.02.2020.F.72.08.  According to the Protocol No. 291/1 of January 30, 2021 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the diploma of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) No. 01004049 was awarded.  On June 8, 2021, the head of the department Namozov Bahrievich successfully defended his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (DSc) at the Academic Council DSs.03 / 30.12.2019.F.02.02, awarding degrees at Samarkand State University.  According to the Protocol No. 302/1 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 30, 2021, the diploma of Doctor of Philosophy (DSc) No. 04№ 006551 was awarded.
Also, teachers of the department Raupova Rano Saibovna in July 2021 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) prepared a dissertation on "Socio-philosophical views of Khoja Ismat Bukhari" PhD.03 / 27.02.2020.F.72.08.  He successfully defended his dissertation on the Academic Council.  According to the Protocol No. 304/1 of August 25, 2021 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the diploma of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) No. 01№005018 was awarded.  Teacher of the department Norova Malika Fayzulloevna prepared her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on July 8, 2021 on the topic "The role of Sayfuddin Bokharzi in the history of mysticism" PhD.03 / 27.02.2020.  successfully defended.  According to the Protocol No. 304/1 of August 25, 2021 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the diploma of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) No.01005019 was awarded.  At the same time, Sharipov Abduhakimjon Ziyoitdinovich successfully defended his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (DSc) on December 15, 2020 at the Academic Council of Bukhara State University PhD.03 / 27.02.2020.F.72.08.  .
Activities of postgraduate education institutions at the department.  
The department has doctoral programs in 09.00.03-History of Philosophy and 09.00.04-Social Philosophy.  Currently, five Dehkanov Bekzod Bakhtiyorovich, Kadyrov Davron Hoshimovich, Khaitov Lazizbek Azamatovich, Khodjayeva Fotima Nabikhanovna are studying in the basic doctoral program in the specialty 09.00.03-philosophy of history, Koziev Nodir Abdusalimovich is studying in the specialty 09.00.04-social philosophy as a basic doctoral student.
Training of scientific and pedagogical staff on the basis of independent research:
Senior Lecturer of the Department Gulyamova Saodat Tolibovna on the basis of a grant from the "El-Yurt Umidi" Foundation in the doctoral program of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the National University of Malaysia (QS-141) from March 2022 to February 2025  He had the opportunity to study for up to a month.  Teacher of the department Juraev Shodmon Fayzullayevich is a Doctor of Philosophy (DSc), Associate Professor Sharipov Abduhakimjon Ziyoitdinovich.  Also, the dissertation of the basic doctoral student Rajabova Rohila Zakirovna (PhD) for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy is about to be discussed at the department.  Basic doctoral students Urazov Bobir Bakhtiyorovich's dissertation on "Philosophical and moral foundations of Jaloliddin Rumi's teachings on man" and Khaitov Lazizbek Azamatovich on "The problem of human perfection in the spiritual heritage of Hakim Termizi" in December 2021 at Bukhara State University.  .2020.F.72.08 was discussed at the Scientific Seminar of the Academic Council and recommended for defense.
Working with gifted students. 
Thedepartment works with gifted students.  Every teacher works with gifted students.  In order to provide students with meaningful leisure and creative abilities, effective teaching of the field and deep knowledge of the basics of science, the department organized "Philosophical Thinking" and "Young Philosopher" circles for gifted students, developed plans and planned work.  led  A creative environment has been created for the club members and gifted students, who have participated in the traditional annual faculty and student conferences held at the university with their presentations and have been awarded certificates of honor.
Scientific directions of the department:
Professors and teachers of the department work on the basis of the teacher-student system in the following topical areas of Islamic history and philosophy:

  1. In the process of liberalization and modernization of society, the study of the idea of ​​national independence, national and spiritual values, scientific and philosophical, literary heritage and history of the Uzbek people and statehood, as well as the proper upbringing of the younger generation on the basis of historical, national and universal values.  lim - development of the educational system
  2. Issues of philosophical theory and history
  3. Current Problems of Oriental Philosophy
  4. Philosophical issues of Islam and mysticism
  5. "Formation of a system of social, legal, economic innovative ideas of an informed society and a democratic state and ways to implement them"

Subjects taught at the department:
Bachelor's degree:

Introduction to Source Studies
The scientific heritage of Eastern scholars
History of Islam
Fundamentals of the formation of immunity against threats in the guise of religion
Religious studies
The word
History of calligraphy schools
Fundamentals of the Naqshbandi sect
Islamic Studies
Islamic Source Studies
History of Central Asian mystical sects
Fundamentals of Islamic culture
Oriental philosophy and culture
Qur'anology and Hadithology
Globalization and religious processes
A comparative study of world religions
Research methodology