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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

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San'atshunoslik va pedagogika fakulteti



buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti



Dekan (fan doktori yoki professor ilmiy unvoniga ega bo`lgan)

San'atshunoslik va pedagogika fakulteti



Faculty of Arts and Pedagogy


Faculty of art
Turning the pages of the history of the faculty, you will undoubtedly experience a sense of pride. Many students who entered this faculty with hope have grown up to be mature teachers today. We can consider ourselves entitled to call them not only accomplished specialists, but also patrons of spirituality and propagandists of enlightenment. After all, all educational activities carried out to this day are aimed at developing a sense of beauty in students, forming a high aesthetic taste in them, developing their spiritual interests, and making them comprehensively mature.
The activities of the faculty staff are based on Decree No. PF-4947 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 "On the Action Strategy for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan", Decree dated April 20, 2017 "Decree of Higher Education No. PQ-2909 on measures for further development of the education system of July 27, 2017 "On measures to further expand the participation of industries and sectors of the economy in improving the quality of training of highly educated specialists" Resolution of June 5, 2018 No. PQ-3151 "Additional measures to improve the quality of education in higher education institutions and ensure their active participation in the comprehensive reforms being implemented in the country” Decree No. PQ-3775 and Decree No. PF-No. 5847 dated October 8, 2019 “On Approval of the Concept for the Development of the Higher Education System of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030” and other subsequent legal documents are being implemented .
In 1971, a department of painting and drawing was opened at the Faculty of Primary Education of the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, and the first set of students was accepted in the same year.
In 1974, by order of the rector of the Institute, Professor Zh. Namozov (30.09.74), it was transformed into the Faculty of Graphic Art. Zh. Yodgorov was appointed dean of the faculty.
In 1974-2000, the faculty was called "Art Graphics". In 2000-2005, the name of the faculty was changed to "Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics". After joining the Department of Music Education in 2005-2010, it was renamed the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music. This faculty of Bukhara State University in 2019 was named the Faculty of Art History. Currently, the faculty has 2 departments - Fine and Applied Arts and the Department of Musical Performance and Culture, which employ 63 professors and 5 teachers. Currently, 901 students study at the faculty. Professors and lecturers organized 27 circles of different directions, talented students were attracted.
Cooperation in the field of research and education:
 Scientific relations of the faculty have been established not only with higher educational institutions of the republic, but also with foreign countries. Including
1) Belgorod State University of Russia in 2018,
2) Gzhel State University (contract No. 5 "/18 dated 03/26/2018)
3) University of Islamic Sciences Malaysia
3) cooperation plans and agreements with SSTU of Ukraine were drawn up.
 Seminars and classes were organized for professors, teachers and students of the department by specialists of this higher educational institution, associate professor Popova Olga Viktorovna, associate professor Korshunova Irina Viktorovna, dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering Elina Husaini.
International cooperation in the field of scientific research:
1)Kazan University (Russia);
2)Chelyabinsk State University (Russia);
3)Rostov State University (Russia);
4)State University
5)Tashkent State Institute of Culture and Art
Achievements at the facult:
The faculty pays special attention to the preparation of educational literature, monographs, teaching aids and developments, as well as educational and methodological complexes in the subjects taught. The created electronic collections are placed in the information resource center of the Bukhara State University, the Uniwork program, the Hemis program, the ZiyoNet network, the faculty website. Over the past 3 years, professors-teachers have published 5 textbooks, 4 monographs, 8 study guides, 6 study guides, more than 100 articles and theses. In particular, in the 2021-2022 academic year, professors and teachers published 10 scientific articles in foreign journals with an impact factor that contributed to the university's ranking. During these years, 4 international and 3 republican scientific and practical conferences were organized at the faculty. The faculty has established the involvement of talented students in research work.
On purposeful preparation of students for republican and international competitions:
1.Ismatov Ikrom, student of the group, winner of the republican contest "Best Poster" among students in the nomination "December 9 - International Anti-Corruption Day" 1st place,
2.Nematov Javakhir, winner of the gold medal of the International Festival of Fine and Applied Arts of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, student of group 12-1AC (BK) -21,
3.Khakimov Kamoliddin, student of group 12-1PT-19, winner of a gold medal,
4.silver medalist 12-1AC(BK)-21 Toboeva Nodirabegim,
5.On the presentation of talented students to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and well-known state scholarships - the republican competition "Voice of Youth" among students of higher educational institutions at the regional stage of the festival "Bozatov" Ruzimbaev Javakhir 12-1vakal-20 group student,
6.Kazakov Azamat, a student of 12-2vakal-20 groups, took 1st place.
7.Sukhanov Zhasur, a student of the group 12-2mus-20, took 1st place in the regional stage in pop direction.
8.Samieva Mekhriniso, teacher of the department of "Musical performance and culture" of the Bukhara State University and nominees of the "Jensky Golos" and "Mujskoy Golos" Republican contests of the "BUKHARA SHAShMAKOMI", held on October 28-31, 2022. Azimovna and Khaidarov Asadbeklar, student 4th grade, friendly Grand Prix, absolute winner of the competition.