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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

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Yoshlar bilan ishlash buyicha dekan o`rinbosari (ilmiy darajaga yoki ilmiy unvonga ega bo`lmagan)

Iqtisodiyot va turizm fakulteti



buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti



Dekan (fan doktori yoki professor ilmiy unvoniga ega bo`lgan)

Iqtisodiyot va turizm fakulteti



Faculty of Economics and Tourism


About the faculty
Based on the decision No. 531-U of the rector of Bukhara State University dated December 31, 2016, the socio-economic faculty (established as a faculty of economics in 1996) was re-created as a faculty of Economics and Tourism.
Until 2014, the dean of the Faculty of Economics was one of the founders of the faculty, prof. B. N. Navruzzoda, further d.ph.m.s., prof. D.K. Durdiev, c.e.s. Kh.O. Rakhmanov, d.e.s. dos. M.A. Oripov, c.e.s. dos. A.T. Juraev.
In pursuance of the decision of the rector of the Bukhara State University dated August 25, 2014 No. 256-U, the socio-economic (established in 1996 as an economic) and the Historical (established in 1930 as part of the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute) faculties were merged as the Socio-Economic Faculty.
After it was established as the Faculty of Economics and Tourism, the Faculty was headed by c.e.s. dos. Abror Turobovich Juraev.
Currently, the Faculty of Economics and Tourism acts as one of the leading teams of Bukhara State University, and since August 2019, c.e.s. dos. Dilshod Shoyimardonkulovich Yavmutov.
The activity of the faculty is aimed at training highly qualified specialists necessary for higher education, vocational education, general secondary and secondary specialized education, and the social sphere.
Currently, the faculty has 5 departments. In particular, the Department of Economics, the Department of Marketing and Management, Tourism and Hospitality, the Department of Agribusiness and Logistics, the Department of Accounting and Statistics. Full-time, part-time and evening forms of education are used in 13 educational areas and 6 specialties of these departments. In total, 69 professors work at the faculty. 17 working professors (24.6%) have academic degrees. 52 teachers (75.4%) do not have academic degrees.
In particular, based on the needs of the sectors of the economy provided for by the Concept for the Development of the Higher Education System of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030, improving the quality of education, training competitive personnel, scientific and effective organization of innovation, development of international cooperation, medium- and long-term stages have been determined, programs and comprehensive Events.
In particular, the dean of the faculty D. Yavmutov is a participant in grants for the modernization of educational processes in Uzbekistan within the framework of the TEMPUS, ERASMUS + and PASCH programs of the European Union. Currently, the Erasmus + program of the European Union is a member of the BioEcUz project "Sustainable development of the bioeconomy in Uzbekistan".
Within the framework of state scientific and technical programs, he participated in 2018-2020 in the scientific and practical project OT-A-QX-2018-22 "Improving the economic efficiency of livestock production through the development of livestock feed base (on the example of Bukhara region)", implemented in Bukhara State University.
He also, as a coordinator, contributed to the passage at a high level of the III-International Congress of Social Sciences INCSOS-2018, held in 2018, and international scientific congresses - SOCIETY OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE 2020, 2021 (III-ISC-2020, IV-ISC-2021) held in 2020 and 2021.
Relations with foreign universities and research institutes
International relations at the faculty are exemplary. Cooperation has been established with many leading institutions of higher education, such as the University of Santiago de Compostela, the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), the Free University of Brussels (Belgium), the University of Rovaniemi (Finland), and the Technological University of Thessaloniki (Greece). teacher qualifications. Within the framework of the TEMPUS and ERASMUS MUNDUS programs of the European Commission during 2011-2021, about 38 students returned from their studies at these universities, more than 17 researchers, 12 professors-teachers conducted scientific research. 6 talented students regularly participate in competitions organized by the UN Office in Uzbekistan and are among the winners. Constant cooperation with the Tashkent State University of Economics and the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service for retraining and advanced training of specialists. Ziyodulla Nurov successfully defended his dissertation in a specialized council composed of leading Italian economists and received a PhD in economics. Ziyodulla Nurov was sent on a research trip to the University of L'Aquila in Italy (in the Times ranking group 501-600) as part of the Erasmus + academic mobility program, and since his scientific research aroused the interest of Italian scientists, he was offered double supervision for his PhD thesis. On the basis of the signed agreement, Professor Luigi Bigiero from the University of L'Aquila and Abror Zhuraev from the Bukhara State University were appointed supervisors of the dissertation. At the academic council of the Bukhara State University, the rector of the university O. Khamidov presented Ziyodulla Nurov with a Ph.D. diploma and wished him success in his future scientific activities.
On the basis of a cooperation agreement, relations have been established with more than 10 prestigious universities and research institutes in Europe and Asia. Advanced training is carried out in higher educational institutions of European countries. In particular, the University of Distance Education in Madrid, the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland and the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
The faculty prepares bachelors in the following areas:
60310100 - Economics (by branches and sectors)
60310500 - Digital economics (by branches and sectors)
60411300 – Business management (by branches and sectors)
60411700 - Logistics (by directions)
60412400 - Agribusiness and investment activities
60410100 - Accounting and auditing (by branches and sectors)
60410800 - Statistics (by branches and sectors)
60410500 - Banking and auditing (by branches and sectors)
60412500 - Marketing (by branches and sectors)
60411200 – Management (by branches and sectors)
60411400 - Human resource management
61010400 (5610300 until 2020 ) - Tourism (by directions of business)
61010100 (5610200 until 2020 ) - Organization and management of the hotel industry
Faculty address: Bukhara, st. M. Iqbala, 11, block 2, 3rd floor.