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Jismoniy tarbiya va sport fakulteti


buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti



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Jismoniy tarbiya va sport fakulteti


Faculty of physical education and sports


Faculty history.
Consistent implementation of reforms in the field of physical culture and sports, socio-economic, spiritual and educational, the implementation of the Law "On Education", the "National Training Program", 2017  Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 20, 2017 No. PP 2909 "On measures for further development of the higher education system", June 3, 2017 "On measures for further development of physical culture and mass sports"  Resolution No. PQ-3031 of October 30, 2020 PF-6099 "On measures for the widespread introduction of a healthy lifestyle and further development of mass sports", November 3, 2020, PQ  Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 4, 2020 No 122 "On measures to improve the system of training and increase scientific capacity in the field of physical culture and sports"  recruit athletes into teams  Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further improve the recruitment system", No. 468 of August 7, 2020  Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 19, 2020 No. 735 "On additional measures to support a healthy lifestyle and increase physical activity"  The Faculty of Physical Culture of Bukhara State University also makes a worthy contribution to the development of physical culture and sports in the system of higher education, educating young people in the spirit of national independence and national values.
The Faculty of Physical Culture was established in 1964 as a department of physical culture at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute and accepted a group of students.  In 1964-1967, the department was headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor KH Khairullayev.
Since 1967, the Faculty of Physical Culture has been operating as a separate faculty.  The first to enter the faculty were the master of sports 1967-1972 associate professor HNRajabov, 1972-1980 doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor AQAtoev, 1980-1984 candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor HABotirov, 1984-1992 candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor IIBurnashev, 1992  -1993 candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor ABBoltaev, 1993-1994 senior teacher GSSalomov, 1994-1995 senior teacher Sh.R.Bafoev.In August 1995, the faculties were merged and a pedagogical center was established.The Faculty of Physical Culture has joined the pedagogical center.  The pedagogical center was headed by Doctor of Philosophy and Pedagogical Sciences, Professor MH Mahmudov.In 2011, as a result of optimization of the university structure, the Faculty of Physical Culture was again transformed into a separate faculty.  From August to December 2011 the candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor M.Ya. Ergashov was the dean of the faculty, from December 2011 to the present time the faculty is headed by the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor BB Mamurov.
Looking at the history of the faculty, at the time of its establishment, only one department of "Fundamentals of the theory of physical education and gymnastics" was opened.  Leading representatives of physical education and upbringing at the department were teachers A. Atoev, G.Krivoshlikov, G. Zverov, A. Alexandrovsky, G. Shapavalova, I. Yusupov, R. Khokhlova, H. Rajabov.  Later, the department's potential was filled with talented teachers and coaches.
In particular, S.Kurbanov, F.Khalikov, I.Turobov, K.Toshev in sambo, G.Shamanayev, V.Kurkina, Sh.Vafoev, L.Shuliko, I.Ashurov, B.Bozorov in cycling  He and his students participated in the championships of Uzbekistan, Asia, Europe and the World, won gold, silver and bronze medals, and spread the fame of the faculty.
Today, the faculty has two departments.  These are: "Theory and methods of physical culture" and "Interfaculty physical culture and sports."  In the past, the departments were headed by the following professors.  The department of "Theory and methods of physical culture" is headed by II Burnashev, AK Atoev, GM Salimov, KP Arslanov and now Professor RS Shukurov.  The department of "Interfaculty Physical Culture and Sports" was headed by V. Malomet, H.A.  Botirov, I. Yusupov, G. Bafoyev, B.G`.  Giyosov, K.R.  Toshev, I.I.  Burnashev, R.S.Baymuradov, J.A.  Abdullayev, B.B.  Mamurov, A.K.  Ibragimov was in charge.  Currently, the department is headed by Associate Professor AE Sattorov.
Faculty scientific activity.
Currently, 68 faculty members teach young people at the faculty.  3 professors, 8 associate professors, 10 senior lecturers and teachers.  Eight teachers (PhDs) are conducting independent research on their doctoral dissertations.
Over the past three years, faculty members have published 35 articles in journals under the auspices of the HAC in 2019, 56 articles in 2020, 24 articles in 2021, scientific articles in international journals in 2019 - 54 articles, 2020 -  100 articles, 2021 -25 articles, textbooks 2019 -7 textbooks, 2020 - 9 textbooks, 2021 -5 textbooks, monograph 2019 -3, 2020 -8, textbook  2019 -13, 2020 -11, 2021 -10, copyright certificate 2019 -15, 2020 -7, 2021 -1, academic degree 2019 -2, 2020 -3, scientific  title 2019 -2, 2020 -1, 2021 -2.
Extensive work is underway to conclude, sign and implement cooperation agreements with foreign universities.  In particular, cooperation has been established with the branches of South Uralsk Pedagogical University, Lomonosov Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow State Pedagogical University and several other foreign universities.
Faculty students have been the basis of the regional team at the Universiade, which has been held among students of higher education institutions since 2000.
Areas of study at the faculty:

60112200 - Physical Culture,
61010300 - Sports activities: boxing
61010300 - Sports activities: wrestling
60310900 - Psychology (Sports)
61010300 - Sports activities: freestyle wrestling
61010300 - Sports activities: volleyball
61010300 - Sports activities: football
60112200 - Physical culture (including women's sports)  
70112401-Theory and methods of physical education and sports
Address of the faculty: Bukhara, K. Murtazaev street, 16.