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buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti



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Filologiya fakulteti



buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

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Filologiya fakulteti



Faculty of Philology


Faculty of Philology
In 1930 the Faculty of Philology, in 1962 the Faculty of Foreign Languages were formed. In 1949-1970 History and philology, in 1970–1972 Uzbek philology and foreign languages, Uzbek philology and foreign languages   in 1972-1978 history, Uzbek philology and foreign languages   in 1973-1993, under the name of the faculty of Uzbek, Tajik philology and foreign languages   in 1989-1999 continued his work. In 1995-1996, the Philological Training Centeradded. Uzbek from May 2, 1996 to the academic year 1998-1999,was re-formed under the name of the Faculty of Tajik Philology. from 2009since 2010, it has been run under the name of the Faculty of Philology. At the faculty during the next 30 years, M. Abdurahmonov, T. Karayev, E. Qilichev, S. Saidov,M. Bozorov, Z. Toshev, B. Ahmedov, R. Vahidov, S. Azimov, Q. Tokhsanov,R. Bobokalonov, A. Haydarov worked as deans.Currently, the faculty is taught by Doctor of Philological Sciences, D.Z.Rajabov is managing.
M. Mirzayev in raising the faculty's scientific and spiritual potential, S.Aliyev, A.Abdullayev, V.Egamberdiyev, O.Safarov, H.Nematov, A.Gulomov,O. Rasulova, H. Zikriyeva, M. Kasimova, Z. Husainova, N. Shukrullayev, Teachers such as L. Mavrina, M. Alimova, M. Kasimov, Z. Hasanova, Yu. Khan professors and teachers and their students have a worthy contribution.
Currently, the faculty teaches philology and languages   (Uzbek language), Philology and language teaching (Russian language), mother tongue and literature (foreign language in groups), Philology and language teaching (Tajik language), Journalism:with print media journalism, Information Service and the publicin communications, Literary source studies and textual studiesbachelor's and Linguistics (Uzbek language), Literary Studies (Uzbek literature), Linguistics (Russian language), Literature (Russian literature), Literature master's degrees in source studies and textual studiesis prepared.The faculty has 4 departments, i.e. Uzbek language and literature (the head of the department is Doctor of Philological Sciences, H.Eshonkulov),Uzbek linguistics (head of the department - candidate of philological sciences, associate professor A. Akhmedov), Russian linguistics (head of the department -O. Nosirov) departments of Russian literary (L.Nigmatova) studies are operating. There are 86 professors and teachers in these departments
including 20 doctors of science, professors, 16 candidates of science, associate professors and 40 highly qualified teachersthey give knowledge to students.In the next five years, D. Orayeva from the department of Uzbek language and literature
(2018), Sh. Akhmedova (2018), D. Quvvatova (2021), Uzbek linguistics M.Q. Abuzalova (2020), Yo.S. Saidov (2021). received the academic title of professor.
 In 2012-2016, F-1-06 "Western and Fundamental state grant project "Synthesis of Eastern Literary Traditions". practical works were carried out within the framework (Project leader D.Orayeva). in 2020 By the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the announced Women Scientist Grant, Medical Terminology Electronic a practical project on the topic of "creating a platform" was created, 2021-2023 on this project numbered A-OT-2021-2 for years research is being conducted (Project leader M. Abuzalova).
10.00.01-Uzbek language, 10.00.02-Uzbek at the faculty from 2020 Scientific DSc. on literature specialties It is not wrong to say that the establishment of the council is a good thing. At the same time, a number of researchers defended their scientific works.