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  2. Teaching Aids Department
buxdu.uz-Buxoro Davlat Universiteti

Departament boshlig'i


Departament boshlig'i

O'quv-uslubiy departament



Teaching Aids Department


Duties of the educational-methodical department: 
-Organize work on the calculation of orders and orders for the construction, details, items, materials and equipment required by the university;
 -Submitting and substantiating orders to higher organizations;
 -Participate in the preparation of records of components, structures, products, materials and equipment of departments and the order of their delivery to the departments and chairs of the university;
 -Introduction of funds and limits for materials and equipment;
 -Organize the accounting and storage of material resources of the university and monitor their condition, take measures for their economical use;
 -Identification of excess and excess stocks of equipment and parts in the departments of the university, their redistribution among these departments, as well as the sale of surplus and accumulated material assets in the prescribed manner;
 -Control the quality of incoming materials, structures and products, file complaints against suppliers and take appropriate action;
 -Maintaining operational reports on the movement of material assets, timely preparation of accounting reports;
 -Carrying out activities related to the preparation of claims against suppliers in case of violation of contractual obligations, agreeing with suppliers to amend the terms of contracts.